
Tailed - Young Justice (DROPPED)

Having died saving a young girl I was given a chance to live again. Watch my rise to god as a saiyan in DC.

Count_Daath · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Another 5 years

It's been five years since I killed those Falcone thugs in that alleyway and things have been better, I may even say going well. Things have changed for me both in mentality and especially physically. I was currently ten years old and I was pretty tall for my age at an even four-seven with zero body fat from the constant running and yes, I still run through the streets scavenging for food, but it has gotten way easier now. The most startling thing that has happened to me was that after the day I killed the thugs I started to grow a black tail that matched both my long black hair and black eyes. After two months it was fully grown, I started to get stronger and faster and it wasn't because I was getting older, because I know a regular 6-year-old can't pick up a fully-grown man and throw him like a football like its nothing. So, when I say things are getting better, they actually are.

Another difference was that I didn't scavenge in Gotham over a course of these five years I have moved away from Gotham and have moved closer and closer to Washington D.C, because I've been having a feeling that I will become stronger there and that's all I need to know as long as I get stronger.

I was currently walking down the street to pass the time when I noticed some firetrucks zooming down the streets when I suddenly get this feeling to follow, so I do. I turn on the balls of my feet and follow where the firetrucks are heading and when they finally stop, we had arrived at a burning building. Isn't that the new research facility? What was it again Cadain, Cabert, oh, now I remember it was called Cadmus. Now sooner had I finished my inner dialogue then when I saw three teenagers dressed in spandex. One looked like a younger flash that had ginger hair and a reversed color scheme suit, the next one was now that I was paying attention was Batman's sidekick robin, and another one was a dark-skinned teenager with a white hair, a red top, and black pants.

The moment I blinked robin and the flash look a-like was gone and when I found them again they were helping some of the scientist to escape through the win and then the black teen started to control the water and used it as a platform for the scientist to get down from.

Once all the scientist had escaped the building the three teens went back inside the building again. I thought over if I should follow them and after a little debating if I should or shouldn't. I picked should. I went around the firefighters and after a little bit of time I finally got inside the building. I dropped down onto the floor and then I spotted them going down the elevator. I waited once they were done in the elevator and then I pressed the down the same button as them. I slowly went down the levels until the elevator opened to me meeting three surprised faces. "Why is there a child down here?" The dark teen said in confusion. "The better question is why he has a tail?" The flash look a-like asked. "Yes, that is a good question." The dark teen said agreeing. "Wait what you guys are asking that. This kid shouldn't even be here." Robin said in confusion wondering why he was the one asking this seriously.

I step passed them checking out the place I was currently in. The place looked like any other research facility, but with extra next-gen equipment. A blur appeared in front of me stopping me from further observation. "Hey kid we can't just have you walking around without an adult." I look up to see the flash look a-like giving me a grin. I push him out of the way which resulted him with crashing against the wall. "Sorry I can't control my strength to well sometimes, but don't treat me like a child." I said continuing my observations leaving three teenagers shock one of which was still in a wall. "Sorry if our friend bothered you, but could you tell us why you are here?" The dark teen asked me while walking forward. "I just followed you guys since it seemed you guys were going to do something interesting." I explained continuing to walk forward down the hall coming to a door that I pushed open to find a lot of pods filled with a multitude of creatures of various sizes and shapes filling them. "Cool" I said child-like excitement walking down the stairs so I can get a close look while robin goes to a computer and hocks up a wire from his arm to the computer and hacks it to show all the information on the various creatures. Everyone including me go up to see what he was doing. "This place isn't a research facility its a cloning facility and look here their making creatures with psychic abilities, super strength, super speed, some of them have all of these abilities." Robin said looking through the database. "Is that bad?" I said in confusion slowly starting to regret my choice of following this group. "No this is bad what they're doing is making a army." Robin turning around to answer my question. "So, bad." I said affirming my statement Robin answered again with a nod.

"Hey what are you kids doing?" We turn around to see a man in a blue combat suit and golden helmet with a small grey creature with horns on his shoulder. "Guardian why are you here?" Robin asked in suspicion "I'm the security for Cadmus." Guardian answered. "You do know there making an army, right?" Robin said asking another question "Wait what that can't-" Guardian was cut off when the grey creature's horns started to glow red "Get them now!" Guardian ordered and then multiple Large grey creatures resembling guerrillas on steroids came out of the hallway coming towards us.

I regret following now.