
Tailed - Young Justice (DROPPED)

Having died saving a young girl I was given a chance to live again. Watch my rise to god as a saiyan in DC.

Count_Daath · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

A Beginning

"So, this is what I get huh, the one time I actually decide to do something nice I get killed." I sighed in exasperation while finding myself floating in an inky black abyss. I try to remember how I got here. It was a sunny day with mild weather when I decided to meet up with some friends to go to the movies and hang out afterwards, but on the way to get to the meet up with my friends I saw a little girl pull away from her mother when her doll dropped when they both crossed the crosswalk. As the girl ran to her doll, I saw a truck speeding towards the girl and before I could even think I ran and pushed her out of the way. The last thing I remembered was a bright flash of white.

'Sigh' there was no use remembering my death when I'm already dead. I float around lazily thinking when I could leave this God-forsaken place. I would probably either leave to Heaven or Hell. I personally would rather go to heaven, now I wasn't the greatest person, but I felt I was better than decent. "Well happy to tell you that you aren't going to hell, but you're not going to heaven either, instead of that you have a special opportunity to go somewhere entirely different." I turn around quickly to find an old man sitting on the ground behind me "How the hell did you get behind me!" I yelled in surprise. "Ah, ah, ah language young man. You shouldn't use that tone of voice with God, it's not very nice." The old man or now known as God said playfully. I shake my head in disbelief, I thought God would be, you know more serious. "So, for where you're going that's up to you. It could be a world of fantasy or a already pre-existing world, but since I'm so nice I'll let you make a wish also." God said with grandeur. I blink in confusion this was going so fast, but I try to finish this as fast as possible. I think of all the possibilities of every choice I make and go over the pros and cons of each until I finally I came to what I felt like was the best decision.

"I want to go to a DC world based around Young Justice, but has strong ties in all the branches of DC comics and for my wish I want to be a legendary super saiyan." I said excited for the adventure that awaited me. "Ah good decision, now everything afterwards is up to you. I won't be hand holding, but I hope you have fun. Oh, before I forget you won't remember anything about your past life except a little bit of your past personality." The old man finishing the last part to fast for me to understand what he said. "Wait what?" I said before a white light flashed and I knew no more.


5 years later


I hate my life. Every day is a struggle for me. From having to run in the streets stealing from street vendors, running from the occasional pedophile, sleeping in alleys, and the worst part was that I lived in Gotham City the most crime ridden city in the world. Some of the worst super villains come this place including The Joker, Poison Ivy, Penguin, and the entire Falcone Family. Every day was filled with the chance of any of these major players leaving Arkham Asylum or Blackgate Penitentiary and starting up where they left of, from Poison Ivy's eco- terroristic schemes to the Falcones trying to further increase their influence in Gotham and outward. The streets of Gotham weren't meant for children even ones like me.

I run through the downtrodden streets of Gotham looking around trying to find an opportunity to snatch some food without being seen. The last time that I got caught stealing some food I got the snot beaten out of me. The only benefit from that beating was that I learned to be more patient and to move silently.

I slow down to a speed walk looking around the area looking for people not paying attention to their wares. I slowly walk up to a vendor that was selling some bread and some fruit and snatched it up without anyone knowing and began to walk away when "Hey grab that kid!" I immediately began to run away not wanting to get caught.

I turn a corner into alleyway hoping to lose the small mob of people, but sadly I make the wrong decision of going down this particular alleyway. "You thought you could get my stuff huh, well I don't take kindly to little ingrates who don't know how to keep their filthy hands of my food." A man in the front of the mob said getting closer to me "B-b-but all I took was food!?" I said nervously backing away. "Oh, I don't care about the food, you see inside each of those pieces of food you have has a package of cocaine. Falcone wants his product spread fast, so I'm giving him fast and I can't have a kid taking any of his product and since you now know I can't let you leave this alley alive." The man steps even closer pulling out a gun quickly and points the gun at me. I back up slowly until my back was up against the wall. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I don't wa- BANG! The man pulled the trigger and everything slowed down it was if everything was in slow motion, I moved my eyes back and forth and then something happened. I started to feel immeasurable anger, why must I suffer when I can be stronger than anyone, so I will become strong, so strong in fact no one will go against me again.

I rushed towards the man faster than they could see and I punched the man who had pulled the trigger on me in the face and instead of pushing his head back my fist went through his head, but I didn't even stop I went to the next one and the next one until all that was left of the mob was guts and pieces of limbs strewn across the alley and at the center of it all stood a child with glowing green eyes covered in blood. I looked around myself finally realizing what I had done and began to run away people who saw me got out of the way while also confused, because even in Gotham people rarely saw children in blood.

I would remember this day as the day I learned to be strong.