
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Your a what?

Jet stood frozen for a second completely puzzled by the fire that was coming towards him.

Once the tunnel of fire came within a meter in front of him, he reacted by raising his hand, leaning back, and did a backwards cartwheel while raising a wall of water.

The second the fire tunnel hit the wall of water, they canceled each other out with a shroud of steam.

After the steam settled, both boys had a huge grin on their faces. Checking the system, Salem was curious about what he would get for completing the random quest he got.

<-10 20 40 50 200 magics. out of magic. You have completed your quest you gained exp.>

After closing the system, Salem noticed that Jet was walking over with a grin on his face. "I thought ya said you didn't have an ability?" Jet questioned Salem.

"Can you keep a secret? I mean it, no one can know about this." Salem said with a stoic expression.

Jet held out his pinky finger and Salem did the same. "I swear. I'll keep your secret." 

With that Salem started to tell Jet about everything that had happened to him up to this time. He even told him a little bit about having a game like system although he didn't go into great detail about that.

"So, what you're telling me is that… you're a dragon." Jet proclaimed loudly but quickly covered his mouth.

"Sorry I forgot. So that's why you wanted to know about clear dragons." Jet asked but realized that it was a rather dumb question.

"So, you wanted to practice using your breath weapon then huh?" Jet spoke too quickly for Salem to answer the first thing he said.

"Yes, I think I can produce that attack four more times before I'm can't anymore."

For the next hour, Salem and Jet practiced fighting while also trying to use his new breath weapon. Once Salem's magic ran out and both boys were tired, they went back to their room.

Once the boys got there, they did their nightly routines and went to sleep. 

A couple of days had passed since the events that happened to Darrel.  Darrel woke up in the hospital late in the evening.

He felt sore as his body hadn't fully recovered yet. Looking around, Darrel noticed the nurse standing over him checking his vitals.

That's when she noticed that Darrel was now awake. "Good morning sleepy head, how are you feeling?" The nurse asked.

"I'm still hurting. But how did I get here?" He replied to the nurse who was still doing her checks on him.

"I don't blame you for not remembering, you were badly injured. A couple of boys brought you in and they were worried about you." The nurse answered while she continued her work.

Once she got done with her work, she left the room as she always did. Moments later two people walked into the room, and they were none other than Salem and Jet.

"Yo, Darrel how ya feelin?" Jet spoke first as he normally does.

"You're looking much better than when we found you." Salem said as he took a seat in a chair across the room.

It was a small room to be in a hospital. Jet remained standing and seemed a bit on edge.

"So, tell us what happened? Why was Jaylen and his crew attacking you." Salem sounded a bit angered with his words.

Darrel looked around the room to see if he could see if anyone else was in there. Although no one else was in the room, but those three, Darrel did notice a camera in the room.

"Well, I don't think now is a good time to talk about it. So, what have I missed in class?" Clenching his fists together, Jet just smiled and nodded and stood next to Salem.

"Well, first we got those guys that were harassing you. I'm sorry that we weren't sooner w-." "No, you don't have to apologize I didn't mean for you to get dragged into this." Darrel interrupted Salem in the middle of his sentence.

"Please don't worry about me. I'll explain what happened once we leave but I don't want you to-" But Darrel got cut off when Jet put his hands on his shoulder and gave a light squeeze.

"Dude we are friends, we'll help you however we can. Ain't that right Salem!?" "Yeah!" Salem spoke with confidence. With a smile on his face, Darrel started to cry. 

With a smile Salem then explain what happened in class and the assignments that was given in each class.

After a few hours, Darrel was discharged from the hospital, and all three of them walked to the canteen to get some food.

Once they got their food Darrel noticed what all Salem had on his plate. "You must really like under cooked meat, huh Salem?"

Salem had a couple pieces of almost raw beef with a pork chop. Salem's face got a little red as he started eating his food.

He was eating as if he hadn't eaten in days. "Yeah, I've always like my meat a little rare." As Salem got done speaking, he noticed he got a notification from his system.

<You have consumed cooked pork, you gained one additional strength stat point.> 

'So, pork gives me more strength and beef gave me agility. I wonder what will increase other stats.

'Although when I at the beef this time it didn't increase any. I might have to eat more.' Salem thought to himself

"Hey Salem, are you okay? You've been just staring blankly for a while." Darrel said while waving at Salem.

"Sorry I was thinking about something else uhm, what were you talking about." Scratching the back of his head and smiling. Salem's face turned a slight reddish colour.

"Well, nothing really Darrel was about to explain what had happened." Jet said and turned to look at Darrel along with Salem.

With a big huff of air and dropping his head, Darrel began to explain what had happened. As he explained, he wasn't able to look at them.

"So, they were extorting you or making you their errands boy. Well, I'd like to show them just who their messing with." Jet said while thrusting his fist into his palm.

"No, I'll just do as they say it'll fine, I don't want anyone else to get hurt." Darrel got up and started to walk away.

Jet started to get up to go after him, but Salem stepped in before he could. "Let em go Jet."

"But he needs-" Jet started to say.

"Don't worry we will help him, but for now just let him be."

Jet sat back down and crossed his arms, he looked like he was pouting.

"Try and imagine being weak for once and how embarrassing it would to be so weak, that you can't solve your problems by yourself." Salem explained.

Jet put a finger on his lip and started to try and imagine what it would be like to be weak.

After a minute of pondering Jet finally spoke. "So, what did you have in mind then?" Jet questioned as he leaned in closer to Salem.

"Well, first we need to see why Jaylen and his crew are doing this to him and the other kids. Then we need to find a way to stop what's happening by any means. And we need to help Darrel train so he feels more confident in is ability so he can handle situations like this."

With his eyes closed, Jet was nodding along with the plan. "So how do we find out who's behind this?"

Salem began to stand up and Jet followed suit. As they started to leave the canteen, Salem got a notification on his system. 

<New quest received. Investigate who is behind the bullying of Darrel Linwood>

'So, I'm getting an investigation quest as well. How many different quest types am I gonna get?' Salem thought to himself.

As they left the canteen and Jet noticed that no one else was around, Jet put his hand on Salem's shoulder.

"Yo, Salem you spaced out again. Are your dragon senses tingling?" Jet said with the most serious look on his face.

Salem looked at Jet as if he was stupid. "My... Dragon senses?" Salem responded.

"Yeah. Since y'know your part dragon and all I didn't know if you had like special dragon senses when you're in danger or something." Jet spoke with sincerity in his voice.

Salem looked disgusted by what he was hearing.

"N-no I don't. Just heightened senses." Salem spoke slowly inwardly questioning the intelligence of his friend.

Jet pursed his lips and put his hands on the back of his head.

"Sorry I thought that you had had dragon senses that could tingle." Jet whispered under his breath.

"Why would I have a sense that would tingle!" Salem yelled towards Jet.

Stopping in his tracks Jet turned and looked at Salem in confusion.

"Did you forget that I have heightened senses." Salem responded to his look of confusion

"Yeah I did." Jet said as he laughed, and then shortly after, Salem started to laugh as well as the started walking again, back to the training arena.