
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

The simulation part 1

Out back behind the 2nd year dorms, Elroy, Jaylen, and a few others were discussing what to do next.

"Well, from the looks of it, everything is in place for the next part of the plan." Elroy, the oldest of the group, spoke.

"The next thing to do is to start the collection. Make sure you only go after the first years who are low leveled or weak second years." Elroy looked over the small group in front of him.

With a wave of his hand the group dispersed. Everyone except for Jaylen who stayed by his brother's side.

Jaylen, with slight whip welts on his body looked at his brother. "So, what is the plan on dealing with that punk the other day."

Patting Jaylen on the head, Elroy looked forward as he walked slowly past him. "All in due time, little brother.

There are some things I still need to work out, but we'll move once it's finished. Now you need to get back to your dorms." Elroy walked away leaving Jaylen by himself. Shortly after, Jaylen left as well. 

The following day Salem woke up with the same system message he always got.

It had gotten easier to drink the 64 ounces of water which Salem tried to do every morning before leaving for his first class.

"In class today I will see if Darrel wants to train with us." Salem said and Jet nodded as they both headed off to class.

Once Salem got to the beast weapons class, he searched the room for Darrel.

As he found him, Salem noticed that Darrel was talking to someone that he didn't quite recognize.

As Salem approached, Darrel and the other boy walked away once they noticed Salem coming near.

Salem noticed that they were walking away from him, so he stopped approaching. 'Do they not want me hearing what they're talking about.' Salem thought. 'Well, thankfully I don't need be close to hear you.'

Salem started to focus on just their conversation, although he had never done it before, he would try too now.

"Yeah, I'll give you the ducats, where am I supposed to meet you again." Darrel said with his head hung low forlorn. "Out behind the second-year dorms building." The shady looking boy said with a smirk.

"You made the right decision. I don't want to see you get hurt." The boy put his hand on Darrel's shoulder.

"If I was you, I would keep this a secret from your friends. If you involve the wrong people, they could get seriously hurt if you catch my drift." He said as he turned back and looked towards where Salem was.

Darrel looked back at Salem and then quickly turned away when he saw that Darrel was looking in their direction.

Darrel nodded his head, and the shady looking boy patted his shoulder a couple times before he walked away towards the center of the weapons hall.

Normally Mary Jo stands in the middle of the training hall, although today she was standing on top of a tile platform almost like an MMA ring but much larger.

"Once you all get. Your weapons. Come back to the. Ring so I can assess. Your growth. You will not. Be able to. Use your abilities."

Salem walked over to the great sword as he normally had in the past. As he picked it up, he heard someone else start coming up behind him and it was none other than Darrel.

"Hey, Salem, what's up." Darrel was slightly shaking as he went to the wall.

He looked for the weapon that he had on the first day but didn't see it up there anymore.

All that was left was a wooden staff, nun-chucks and 2 daggers. Looking disappointed, Darrel grabbed the pair of daggers that were there.

"Darrel, are you okay?" Salem questioned Darrel as he noticed how Darrel was acting. But he didn't say much, just smiled, and started to walk away.

'Whatever they did to him it must have been bad. We have got to get to the bottom of this.' Salem thought as he walked over to the stadium.

Salem stood next to Darrel who stood blankly at the teacher. Ruby then walked up to Salem and stood next to him.

'He looks like he's mad about something, I wonder what's on his mind?' She shrugged her shoulders and started to pay attention to the Sargent.

"During these battles. You don't need to. Worry about harming. Each other. You will be fighting in a. Simulation. The first two. Combatants will be. Beat hen. And Oval muck."

Two boys started to approach the stadium. Beat was a plain looking boy with black hair that was swept to the side.

While Oval had a slivery blonde hair that was short almost like a buzzed cut. He was really slender.

Beats weapon of choice was an odd one as he carried a beast compound bow. The bow was a light blue with light blue feathers on the top of it. On the curve of the bow, it had spikes on the top and bottom of where he held the bow.

While Oval was wearing gauntlets that were black in colour with red stripes that came from bottom up to the top with spikes on each knuckle.

Both students stood on the opposite side of the platform when Mary Jo rang the gong. Oval thrusted a straight right and a line of acid came out of his fist.

Beat quickly pulled out an arrow and took a shot along with a cloud of smoke.

Oval tried to dodge the incoming arrow. He narrowly avoided it when another few clouds streamed arrows came flying towards him.

Oval was able to coat his fists and punched the arrow, breaking it. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to dodge them all.

He was able to break the ones aimed at his vitals areas. Soon though, Oval realized that he couldn't see anything, as more and more smoke filled the room.

Oval started throwing out punches at random, hoping he could clear out some of the smoke that was in the room. In the end, it wasn't enough as an arrow hit Oval in the head causing the simulation to end.

The smoke soon cleared and both boys stepped out of the arena and back into the crowd. Mary Jo walked back onto the stage with the next participant.

"Willow David and Agaue wash." The two students walked up to the arena for their battle.

Although there was a fight going on, Salem noticed that Darrel wasn't standing next to him anymore. Salem tried to tune his ears to try and listen for Darrel.

Upon Hearing Darrel's voice, Salem relaxed a little and tried to focus on the match when he realized that it was over already.

And he saw that Agaue had won the fight. That's when Ruby saw that Salem had a confused look on his face.

"What's that look for?" Ruby whispered to Salem.

"What happened? I turned away for a second and the fight was over." Salem replied. With a smile she looked over at Salem.

"I can tell you if you wanna know?" Nodding to her question she began to explain what happened.

"It was really swift, and he was masterful." she said trying not to seem overly excited.

"He got into this weird stance while grabbing his katana and swiftly pulled it out and almost immediately but it away again and that caused a huge line of air that was unavoidable causing that girl to randomly be sucked in towards him in which he then pulled his weapon out again slashing at her stomach and then."

Ruby tried to speak all at once but ran out of breath before she could actually finish her sentence. She then buckled over and started to gasp for air.

Seeing this, Salem started to rub her back as it was the first thing that came to mind for him.

As she started to stand back up and Salem stopped rubbing her back, they both noticed that a boy was standing in front of them blocking the platform.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, touching Ruby like that, huh?" The boy almost yelled.

"Wait it's not what you think." Salem replied. "I was just trying to help h-"

But before he could finish his sentence Ruby cut him off. "Who do you think you are? Barging into our conversation like that."

The boy's face got blood red. "I challenge you to a dual pipsqueak, dual me for her." The boy stated with a bass in his voice.

"What!!" Both Salem and Ruby said simultaneously.

"That is fine by me." Someone else said before Salem could speak and it was none other than Sergeant Mary Jo.

With her declaration, Salem was confused as to how he got into this mess, but soon accepted it as he got an odd notification from his system, which made him happy.

<Defeat Kayden to receive an instant level up.>

With a smile Salem jumped onto the platform with his great sword in hand ready to fight.