
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Learning the great sword

The two students stood opposite each other, and the teacher in between them. Salem, with cuts up his arms and the girl tired and panting.

'He is strong to be wielding a weapon that large with ease. If the fight had continued, he would have eventually won that fight.' The girl thought to herself as she was trying to catch her breath.

"Your pretty good boy what's your name." The girl asked Salem. Seeing that the two students had stopped fighting, the sergeant smiled and walked away.

'He's going to become a powerhouse that boy.' Mary jo thought, as she had to leave in order to help another student having trouble with their weapon.

"I'm Salem, how about yourself. What's is your name?" Still in a bit of a daze looking in the system, he noticed that there was another tab labeled 'Tutorial.' He started to pay attention again right as she was about to give her name.

"My name is Ruby. I still don't really know what you're talking about with Darrel though." Salem couldn't help but give a dumbfounded look as she responded to him.

Although before he could say anything else, she started to walk away. Noticing that he had some spare time he was able to look at the systems new tabs.

Looking at the first tab that was labeled Dragons, and upon opening it Salem noticed something strange. 

<Dragon class equipped: Fire dragon breath  < p>

Dragon classes available: Fire dragon> 

'What happened to the other two options that I had before. I guess it was a onetime option but I'm glad I chose fire.' Looking at the tab there wasn't anything else noticeable in it, so he changed to the tutorial tab.

In the tab, he saw that there were several grayed-out videos but there was one video called 'Stances' that was available to watch. "I guess now is as good time as any so let me watch the video.'

Playing the video, Salem could see a rather tall man with long silvery hair wearing a traditional Gi and a black belt. He was standing in the middle of a dojo with a large sword by his side.

"Hello, my name is Raizel and today I will teach you some basic stances while holding a great sword." Grabbing ahold of the great sword next to him he picked it up and started to get into a fighting stance.

"So now what you need to do is put your left foot forward and bent. And from here, you can hold the sword itself in one of 3 different positions. The first one is the middle."

Holding the sword, the hilt of the sword was at his waist while the blade itself was pointed outwards.

"With this position you are versatile with your motions." Raizel moved the great sword slightly to show some of its versatility.

"The next one is high." And Raizel held the hilt of the sword up and out in front of himself while the blade was behind him.

"With this position you can focus on powerful strikes." Raizel swung the sword downward slashing the air.

"And finally is low." This time the sword was pointed down towards the ground while the hilt of the sword was pointed towards his side.

"With this position you can focus on quicker strikes and defense." He started to move his swords pretending to block incoming strikes.

"Now practice this getting into these stances and once you feel comfortable with each stance then we work on swings." With that the video had ended

"Well, that was very informative." Salem said while trying to getting into the middle stance. 'So, this was the stance I was in just I wasn't doing it right.'

Putting his left foot forward and bringing the sword up to the position that he remembered and stayed there for a moment before moving to each position and pausing.

He was about to break, from him shifting from each position, when he was greeted by none other than the Sergeant.

"I can see. That you are practicing. Your fundamental for that. Great sword." She walks up closer to him. "Get into a. Stance." She said while standing in front of him.

"Alright?" Salem said a little confused but does as he is asked.

As he gets into the middle stance, she corrects his posture moving the sword hilt in a bit more and angling the sword out a bit. Doing so hurt a bit but quickly he got used to the feeling.

After a little bit he went to change positions. Although she wasn't too familiar with this stance as she hadn't seen it much, she adjusted his arms.

And she did the same thing for his last stance. As he got into the last stance properly a ding went off in his head 

<You have properly entered each stance, a new great sword tutorial has been unlocked> 

"That'll be all. For today. Class. Please put the weapons away. And head upstairs." With the announcement the students started to put away their weapons and headed upstairs.

Getting out of his lower stance, Salem's arms felt sore as they weren't yet used to getting into those stances.

When he got to the weapon wall, he saw the girl who he had faced not too long ago, although they didn't interact with each other she gave him a quick smile and walked away.

As he put his great sword away, he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck tingle. All the boys' eyes were glaring at him with intensity as they saw the smile that Ruby gave Salem. "Ooh what's going on with them?" One of the girls said across the room said to another.

"I mean he doesn't look too bad, but she is way out of his league." The other girl replied with a snicker in her voice. Ignoring their words, Salem left to finish his classes for the day. 

For the most part, Salem kept his head down, in order not to draw attention to himself. Although he went to the canteen, they were having chicken strips with mash potatoes and carrots.

"Let see if this chicken will improve one of my stats." He said as he got the food, although upon eating it he got no notification.

'So, I guess beef is the only thing that does anything for me." Salem thought as he finished his food.

"Are you okay? You've been staring at your potatoes for a while now."

"Yeah, I'm sorry I'm fine, will you still be able to help me after classes?" Salem said replying to Jets question.

"Well of course! Are we still meeting in the training hall?"


With that, the boys finished their food and the banter between them and went off to their classes. At the end of the day, when the last class let out, Salem made his way back to the arena where Jet was waiting for him.

In one of the training areas, Jet was standing with his hands on his head while he walked in circles. The moment he noticed Salem he waved him over and Salem walked over to him. "So, what did you wanna meet here for?"

"I wanna know if you would like to train with him and I'll tell you what's going later." Salem said casually.

"Sure, but your powerless so it doesn't seem fair for me to use my water." Jet said while getting into his normal fighting position and accidentally created a pool of water just like he always does.

"I'm sorry I'm just used to doing this." Jet said with an embarrassed tone.

"It's okay I'd rather fight you using your ability." Replied Salem as he opened his system.

He was trying to see if he would get a quest to fight Jet, but he didn't get one. 'Maybe it's because we are sparring and not actually fighting. But that can't be right cause when I fought that other guy, I got a quest.'

Readying himself, Jet rushed towards Salem aiming for his face. Seeing the punch coming, Salem narrowly parried the punch but wasn't able to stop the left hook to his side. 

<22 25 out of hp>

Groaning in pain, Salem tried to retaliate with a punch of his own but it hit nothing but air as jet leaned back avoiding the attack. Seeing this Salem took a step back to gather himself.

<New quest received.>

'Finally, I got a quest I wonder what the reward will be.'

<Use your draconic breath in the fight with Jet Bore>

'So, I need to use the fire breath in order to complete this quest. I mean I wanted to use it anyways so why not.' Salem thought to himself.

Salem got into a crouching stance with his arms bent at his side and activated the skill. Once activated, it forced him to inhale a large breath of air while bending his head back.

Jet decided to run in to get an attack while Salem was doing what he was doing. But that was when Salem had finished inhaling. "Roar!" screamed Salem as a stream of fire came out of his mouth.