
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

The simulation part 3

Salem could quite believe what he was reading, an intermediate tier weapon wasn't something that most students had, as most of the time one would have to find and kill the beast itself. Once they've received the beast soul then it's forged into a weapon, armour, or an accessory.

Looking at the weapon Salem decided to examine the weapon again to read more on it.

<Crumble cutters. Intermediate tier beast weapon. Active skill: has the ability to crumble into pieces and assemble itself. If user as ash element, then can control weapon while in crumbled form holding its handle.>

'That can be really powerful if used by the right hands. Though I don't think he is strong enough to use it properly.' Salem thought to himself. When Salem opened his system to check to see what all he got when he leveled up. He was surprised by what he saw. 

<Name: Salem Hilston < p>

Hp: 15 out of 40 

Strength: 15 

Stamina: 13 

Magic: 40 out of 100 

Agility: 13 

Race: Clear dragon wyrmling 

Current scale colour: Red 

Level: 3 

Exp: 90 out of 500. 

You have 1 stat points available. 

2 New passive skill unlocked > 

Looking at how much he improved was amazing as he hadn't noticed his improvements. He started to think about what to put his stat point into.

'Maybe I should choose agility so I can move a little faster. But then again, I could use the stamina so I don't feel as winded while I fight although that hasn't been a problem for me yet, but it might be later. Although if I chose strength, I could just overpower everyone. Also, what is this passive skill it's talking about?'

Salem started thinking to himself as their fight was starting. Ruby, by pulling out her twin short swords as her body, started to ooze molten lava from her body.

As the lava dripped onto the ground, she got into a crouching stance with her blade off to the sides, Helios took a step back as he wasn't sure on how proceed.

'She's a magma user? This fights not in my favour at all.' Helios thought, but he gripped the hilt of his sickle and started to run forward. Trying to act fast, he flicked the sickle to make the blade turn into ash.

With the ash floating in the air, Helios turned the crumbled pieces of his sickle into tiny needles and sent them flying towards her.

Without her doing anything, a wall of lava shot up from the ground stopping the needles from reaching her.

Seeing this, Helios stopped his advance. "Come on you're not even making me try. I thought I would at least break a sweat." Ruby said as she stomped her foot and lava started to erupt from the ground underneath where Helios was standing.

Not reacting fast enough, Helios got hit with the lava shooting out the ground ending the fight.

"Well, that was. A good use of. Your element but you. Didn't use your. Weapon so you'll have to. Fight again tomorrow." Mary Jo said as she approached Ruby.

"Next time. Use your weapon more. Instead of your ability." Mary Jo turned to the class. "Class is over."

With her dismal of the class, everyone started to put their weapons back on the wall. As Salem was going to put his weapon away, he turned back to Darrel.

"The offer still stands. I would like for you to come train with us after school." A sad look could be seen on his face for looked like a second and then he forced a smile.

"I'll try to come by after School." Darrel said as he walked away.

When Salem picked up the great sword, he did it with such ease that he almost threw it. Salem had to catch himself as he was thrown slightly off balance.

"Be careful with that thing. You could really hurt someone." Ruby said as avoided the upwards swing.

"Sorry I thought that it was heavier." Salem said sarcastically.

Then Salem remembered what the system said about the great sword needing a certain amount of strength to properly use.

When Salem opened the system this time, he noticed that he didn't get the message he normally got when wielding the sword.

A huge grin appeared on Salem's face. "You look creepy, why the grin?" Ruby said when she saw his face. Realizing what she said Salem stopped smiling and looked at her.

"Sorry I just was just thinking about something." Salem said nervously. Before Salem got to the wall, he heard someone approaching them.

"Salem, I would like to. Give you that. Great sword. No one else uses. It, so consider it a gift." Salem looked at the sergeant in awe.

"Are you sure? I didn't earn it myself." But before he could continue, Mary Jo placed her hand on his shoulder, smiled and nodded.

"All I ask is that. You continue to grow. And improve your. Swordsmanship." After saying that, Mary Jo walked off holding the hilt of her katana.

"Lucky! What did you do bang the teacher before class?" Ruby about screamed. "No, it's nothing like that idk why she gave it to me." Salem tried saying, but Ruby wasn't listening, as the two bickered back and forth. 

Once the day had ended, Salem headed off to the training hall to meet up with Jet as he had been. On his way there, Salem looked at what the two new passive skills were.

<Passive 10 skill unlocked: blind sight. Blindsight allows you to perceive your surroundings without relying on eyes within a limited radius. Radius feet. < p>

Passive skill unlocked: Darkvision. Darkvision allows you to see in the dark within a specific radius. You can see in dim light within the radius as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. Radius 60 feet.>

'I guess now is a good time to add the stat point to something.' Salem thought while walking.

<You 14 have gained one point into agility. Agility> 

He had arrived a little earlier than usual and saw that Jet had just arrived as well. "Hey Jet, I've got some news for you."

"Same here, but I'll let you go first." Jet replied but not in his usual chipper voice. He almost sounded upset or worried.

"Actually, why don't you go first." Salem suggested hearing the concern. Jet was looking down at the ground clenching his fists.

"I found out what Elroy and Jaylen are up to. And I figured out why they want Darrel."

"Really, well tell me, what are they up to?" Salem as with a bit of hesitation.

"They wanna get rich, and they are taking the money that the military is giving us to make themselves riches. Or at least that's as far as I was about to find out. What about you? You said you had some news as well?"

Salem hesitated for a moment as he was taking all the information that he had just heard in. "Yeah, I overheard Darrel talking to someone in class today about paying them as well, and they are supposed to be meeting behind the second-year dorms."

Jet clinched his fists tighter and slammed his fist into his palm. "Well, let's go and take them out!" Jet screamed aloud but Salem shook his head.

"I don't think that is a good idea." Salem said while holding his chin.

"What why not?" Jet questioned Salem.

"Think about it if we go and storm the second year and started trying to fight them, we wouldn't stand much of a chance. Plus, if we showed up as we were, both Jaylen and his brother would recognize us, and it would cause more problems for Darrel than actually helping him."

"Then how do you propose we handle this?" Jet asked Salem.

"Don't worry I've got a plan." Salem answered with a devilish smile.