
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

The simulation part 2

Both Kayden and Salem stood opposite of each other in the ring. Kayden pulled out a pair of daggers, the blades were a light blue with a white hilt and an orange trim. Curious about what type of weapon he had Salem used his examine skill on it. 

<Examine. Shock Compy daggers. Basic tier beast weapon. No active skills. Allows lightning to pass through it extending the range of user electricity by five feet.>

'I see, those daggers look like they will be annoying. This seems like it's gonna be annoying to deal with.' Salem thought as he prepared himself.

'Let's see what examine shows me about you.' Salem thought as he turned his gaze towards Kayden.

<Examine < p>

Name: Kayden Lindon 

Race: Human 

Element: Lightning 

Hp: 20 out of 20 

Mastery: 6.0 

Most valuable possession: Shock compy daggers. Worth 100 Ducats>

Salem got into his lower stance to block any incoming attack.

'Hopefully after I display my strength, Ruby will go out with me. Well now that I think about it, I never actually asked her out.' Kayden thought as he looked towards Ruby.

Ruby wasn't paying any attention to him and instead was looking at Salem.

By no means was Kayden a bad looking man he was quite handsome, as he had light blue eyes and golden blonde hair that was gelled back.

His looks made him quite a hit with girls, although his eyes were set on one, and that was none other than Ruby.

Kayden turned his attention back to Salem and readied his daggers. Both boys heard a gong signalling them to start.

Kayden charged one of the daggers with lighting and threw it straight at Salem's head.

Seeing the attack coming, Salem started to lift his sword to dodge it like he had been practicing over the last few days, but he decided to dodge it instead as he remembered what he read about the daggers.

Seeing Salem dodge the dagger, Kayden ran up to Salem and with his other dagger in hand threw out a punch.

Raising his sword to try to defend against the incoming attack, Salem saw Kayden engulf himself with lightning.

What looked almost instantaneous, Kayden sped up and hit Salem square in the face, sending him back a couple feet.

With his enhanced speed, Kayden grabbed his other dagger and sped back to Salem and started to send out a flurry of strikes. Salem was able to raise his blade in time to block them, but with each strike Salem was being pushed back.

Trying to hold his ground, Salem wasn't sure what to do as he wasn't trying to show off his fire breath attack yet. Trying to think of what he could do, Salem thought of something he hadn't tried before. With a swift push back with his sword timed to Kayden's attack, it took a second to see the pattern, but Salem was able to see it.

Once Kayden was off balance, Salem opened his system and selected the Dragon claw ability. He could feel energy building up in his hand and forcing it into a C shape with his finger bent. With a swing of his arm Salem slashed upwards.

Kayden noticed his hand swinging at him and went to strike at it. 'What is he doing trying to claw at me with his bare hand, well I'll cut it clean off!' Kayden inwardly screamed, but when the two collided there was a clear winner, and Kayden was pushed away as Salem claw strike pushed him away.

Salem Re-grabbed his sword and switched to the high stance ready to try and end the fight. Kayden noticed the stance change and started to reinforce his body with his lightning.

'Doing this takes quite the toll on my body, but I'm sure I'll be able to beat him after this.' Kayden thought, as lightning was starting to stream off his body.

Salem stepped hard on the ground and started to swing down diagonally. That's when Kayden noticed Salem's eyes, they looked just like cat eyes but was a reddish clear hue to them.

With a swift slash, Salem sent Kayden flying back a few feet but not without Kayden throwing one of his daggers at Salem. The dagger pierced Salem in his shoulder and Kayden was no longer covered in lightning anymore. 

<15 25 out of health points> 

Salem was holding his shoulder, hoping that the attack was enough to end the fight and Kayden was still standing. 'Boy if I didn't increase the lightning around my body this match would have already been over.'

Kayden started thinking to himself, trying not to show that he was wounded. He smiled and started to point his dagger towards Salem.

"I bet you can't do that again, so I've won. Why don't you just give up now and save yourself from the humiliation?"

"I still have a few tricks up my sleeve." Salem said while holding his shoulder still.

'That's a bluff but hopefully he won't try and continue. Just how strong of an attack was that, it dropped my hp down by 10 points, I'm in trouble if this fight continues. Although I still have my fire breath, I don't really want to use it.'

"That was a bluff wasn't it, I'm gonna make you regret saying that." Kayden charged at Salem although at his normal speed.

'Looks like I'm gonna have to use it. I've got one shot at this I have to time it just right.' Salem thought with his system opened.

Salem waited until Kayden was in striking distance and selected his fire breath. With Kayden only a few feet in front of Salem, all that could be seen was a flash of red, then the simulation was over.

<Congratulations, you have received an instant level up. gained one stat point>

Although Salem leveled up he didn't have time to check what all changes had happened, as he noticed that the fight was over.

A roar of cheers was heard as they saw that Salem was declared the winner. A smile appeared across both Ruby's and Mary Jo's face.

'He really won I wanna see just how strong he will get.' thought Mary Jo, as she started walking over to announce the last two for the day.

'I wonder what would have happened if I fought him now.' Ruby thought, as she walked over to congratulate Salem.

Darrel let out a sigh of relief once he saw that Salem had won.

'Looks like there might be some worthy advisories at this school after all.' Agaue thought while holding the hilt of his katana.

Friends of Kayden walked over to him shocked and confused. "How did you lose? Your supposed to be strong." A boy said with his arms crossed.

'I am strong, but what was that last attack of his it looked and felt like fire.' Kayden thought to himself while looking at Salem.

'Looks like he really did have something up his sleeve.' "I need to find out what that was." Kayden finally said aloud to the group.

"Find out what, what was?" One of the girls said.

Both Ruby and Darrel had made it up to Salem who was still rather exhausted. "You are amazing how did you do that?" Darrel spoke first but before he says anything else he was interrupted

"I can't believe you did it, do you have a crush on me?" Without acknowledging her Salem turned to Darrel.

"I've been training with Jet, you should come with us. We'll be training after class."

"Hey, are you even listening to me." Ruby said flailing her arms around.

Darrel nodded his head but then quickly decided against it. "I can't. I'll be hanging out with some friends." Darrel said then he turned and walked back to the boy he was standing next to before.

Salem saw the boy place his hand on Darrel's shoulder. Starring in their direction Salem didn't hear who was next.

When Salem looked back at Ruby to see what she was saying before, he noticed that she had an energetic look on her face.

"Why do you look so happy?" Salem asked.

"Didn't you hear I'm fighting next!" Ruby started to walk up and climbed into the ring.

With Ruby gone, Salem turned to look back at Darrel, and that's when he noticed that the boy who had been around him had left. Seeing this Salem walked over to Darrel.

"Where did your friend go?" Salem asked. Darrel pointed up to the stage.

"He's the one fighting your friend." Salem turned his head to look up at the stage.

Ruby pulled out the short sword. And the boy pulled out a sickle, it was his personal weapon. Curious about what was so special about him he decided to examine both of them. 

<Examine < p>

Name: Helios Hudson 

Race: Human 

Element: Ash 

Hp: 20 out of 20 

Mastery: 3.3 

Most valuable possession: Crumble cutter. Worth 1000 Ducats> 

'That is impressive. But what is the crumble cutter.' Salem thought as he when to the sickle to examine it. 

<Examine. Crumble cutter. Intermediate tier.>