
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

A promise for a spar

After an hour of training, the boys took a small break to catch their breath. Salem could hear a sound coming from the front of the arena.

They could see a couple of familiar faces walking in, and Salem couldn't believe who it was. "What are you doing here Celina?" Salem said. "I'm here to train, why are you here?"

"Are you still trying to unlock an ability Salem?" Celina said arrogantly.

"Yo I'm here too y'know." Jet said as he threw his arms in the air.

"Enough of that why are you with Ruby?" Salem asked them. Celina and Ruby both started walking to where the boys were standing.

Upon reaching the boys were Celina started staring at Jet. 'How can someone like him be stronger than me?'

Ruby noticed that Celina was staring at Jet and a devilish grin appeared on her face as she started thinking about why she was staring at him. She walked behind Celina and slapped her on the butt.

The unexpected slap caused Celina to jump as she wasn't expecting that to happen. When she turned around to see who had done it, Ruby was standing there with her hand over her mouth trying to hide the grin on her face.

"Hehe. You got a crush on him, don't you?" Instantly Celina's face went bright red, and her mouth dropped.

She went to grab at Ruby, she was going to try and strangle her for saying something that Celina thought was ludicrous, but with every attempt Ruby would just get out of the way.

Finally, she gave up after a few attempts and just got in her face. "Are you kidding me, what, me like someone as weak as him. I'll have you know we don't have the same element plus he's stupid looking, I have a better tase in men then that. You must be out of your mind thinking I would be attracted to a loser who hangs out with an even bigger weakling."

Celina screamed at the top of her lungs. Ruby couldn't help but laugh as Celina was screaming at her.

Both Salem and Jet stood there puzzled by what had just happened all the boys could do was to stare at one another. Once Ruby was done teasing Celina about potentially liking Jet, she started to remember what she had said in her little rant.

"What did you mean when you said that Salem was weak?" Ruby questioned.

"I mean look at him." Celina said while pointing her finger at him. "He's not that strong, nor has he unlocked an ability. So, compared to us four he isn't that strong." Celina started to say, but before she could finish her thoughts, Ruby interrupted.

"But he beat Kayden, and he's the guy with the strongest elemental mastery out of all the first years."

With a look of shock, Jet quickly turned to look at Salem. "You did what?" Jet screamed.

A bit embarrassed, Salem scratched the back of his head as he nodded. "The teacher also gave him the great sword. I think he's seeing her after class and giving her some of that."

"That's not true Ruby and you know it." Salem interrupted her in the middle of her speaking.

He rushed over to where she was at to try and shut her up. Trying to gauge his speed she attempted to move out of the way, but Salem made it over to her faster than she thought, and he caught her.

'What happened.' Ruby thought. 'I could have sworn I knew how fast he was. I thought I'd moved in time.' Celina at that moment made a devilish grin as she was watching those two.

"Ooh, I see someone got a. Boyfriend." She made sure to say the last word slowly with a bit of emphasis on the last word. A bit embarrassed, Salem quickly let go of her and walks back.

"Hey, let me ask y'all something?" Jet said, but he continued to speak without giving them time to respond. "Why did y'all come here? What do you need.?"

"Awe are you feeling left out?" Ruby replied, but not to the actual question. "Well, if you must know I wanted to know which one of us is the prettiest?"

Salem couldn't help but furrow his brows and look at Ruby as if she was crazy. Celina's face had turned red again as she couldn't believe what Ruby had said.

While Jet just laughed as he watched Ruby try and copy poses she had seen on an ad once. Celina started to quickly wave her hand.

"No, it's not that, we spar for a bit, but then we saw you two here." Celina started to say but Ruby was still trying to make sexy poses.

"Will you knock that off!" Celina screamed at Ruby, and she abruptly stopped then put her hands on her hips.

"Fine, no need to get so embarrassed girl, I'm just trying to have a little fun." Ruby said

Celina started to look back at both the boys who were now standing in front of her. Although before Celina was able to finish what she was saying, Salem started to speak. "So, I've been meaning to ask."

"Oh, come on." Celina said, but Salem just continued speaking as if she didn't say anything.

"How do you two know each other?" Celina looked slightly confused when she heard this question but didn't say anything on the matter.

"Oh, we're roommates" Ruby said. "And she's been bitching about how I have a higher mastery rank then her so we decided to come here so I could prove just how much stronger than her I really am."

Celina quickly turned her head towards Ruby. With her mouth gapping open, her face got red. "I, I wasn't bitching!" Celina Screamed then she turned towards Salem of all people.

Her face was still red, and she did this instinctively as this was something that she used to do when the two were little.

"Tell her Salem, tell her you know me you know I wasn't bitching about anything. You know how I am." At that moment all that could be heard was laughter coming from a particular person who had been annoying Celina.

"Was I wrong about who you had a crush on?" Ruby said throughout her laughter. Normally Salem or Celina would have jumped on Ruby for making such comments but this time a reply came from someone no one was expecting.

"From what I remember they've been friends since they were kids. So, you might be right." Both Salem and Celina were at a loss for words as they never thought that Jet would have chimed in with her antics.

In response, Celina just crossed her arms and turned her head away from everyone. Needless to say, Celina was embarrassed and when she next spoke it was lower and quieter than she would have.

"Can we just go I don't feel like sparring anymore." It was soft but sounded adorable to both the boys, but Ruby didn't think so as she stared blankly at Celina.

"We can leave sure, but we will still spar, wanna come back tomorrow?"

"Yeah, we can." Celina replied.

"But I thought we were supposed to meet outside the canteen tomorrow." Jet chimed in trying to remind the girls. "

Yeah, I remember Sergeant Barnes saying that we needed to be in the canteen by noon." Salem commented as well. 

"What could be so important that we have to deal with the teachers on a Saturday?" Ruby started questioning things.

But no one there was able to answer the question. Although no one was able to answer the question, Ruby had asked there was another question on Celina's mind that she just had to ask.

"So, Salem, what did you do with the great sword the Sergeant gave you?"

"Oh, I put it in my inv-." But he stopped himself as he realized what he was about to say. No one in the room besides Jet knew of him having a game like system and even he didn't know the full extent of what all it could do.

"I mean I put it in my room until I go buy a case for it. It didn't come with a case." Salem lied, although it wasn't a full lie as Salem did want to put it in a case whenever it wasn't in his inventory.

"That makes sense, come on Celina let's go. Oh. Do you guys wanna come and train with us tomorrow?" Ruby asked halfheartedly.

"Sure, I'd like a challenge. Plus, Salem can show you how much better he's gotten in the past week." Jet said grinning

All Celina could do was scoff as she heard what he had said.

"Sure, I'd like to see his strength firsthand." Ruby said. "Plus, I wanna know what that move was he used at the end of the fight with Kayden."

After the girls were off, Jet turned to look at Salem. "Did you use your fire breath in that fight?" Jet questioned Salem.

"Well, I did at the end but from what I heard it was just a flash of red light before simulation ended."

Jet just smiled as Salem was talking. "Well, you can just use that tomorrow in our spar." Jet said.