
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The fight

The moment he had finished gathering the rock around him, he sank into the ground, got into a running position, and took off as if he was skating in the ground.

Jet was able to release a little bit of water on the ground before Elroy reached them and started throwing punches out at a high speed.

Trying to help out, Ruby shot out a bit of lava from the ground where Elroy was at, although in the process she unknowingly dried up some of Jet's water.

Drying up some of the water caused a stream to form. During this time, Jet jumped back a little and started to fill the floor with water.

As the water started to fill the floor, Jet started to feel more confident, but that quickly started to fade. When the water collided with the lava, the water started to immediately evaporate. 'This won't be easy fighting alongside a magma user.'

Once Salem was hit away from helping Jet, he noticed that Jaylen started to walk over to Salem with boulders swirling around him.

"I'm not gonna let you interfere with their fight. Although I wish that girl wouldn't've gone and helped him at least I am able to stop you before I go help him out." Jaylen stated with a smirk.

Jaylen then started shooting boulders over at Salem. As the boulders approached him, he started to use his Claw attack to try to break them up. When he struck each boulder, he was surprised that he was able to break them which created a dust cloud around him.

While in the cloud, Salem had decided to equip his great sword. Salem was trying to get used to using his sword while in battle.

Thinking the fight was over, Jaylen started to walk over to where Jet and Elroy were fighting, when he heard the sound of something hitting the ground.

Turning back to see what it was, Jaylen looked completely shocked as he saw Salem still standing and now with a great sword in hand.

Not only did Salem look fine to him, but now Celina was also by him as well. 'How is he not hurt by my attack, and where did she come from?' Jaylen thought to himself as he turned around. 'Well, this seems like it's gonna be fun.'

"Where did you come from?" Salem asked Celina. "Where did you get that sword? You didn't have to that when we first entered here."

Salem looked over at Celina for a brief moment before looking back at Jaylen. "I'll explain everything later just help me fight him."

<New quest defeat Jaylen.> 

'I see, this should be fun.' Salem thought with an eerie smirk as he got into his fighting stance.

'What is going on with him, he has been giving me a strange feeling ever since I came over here.' Celina thought as she readied herself.

Seeing this, Jaylen brought up more rocks and started to spin them around until finally he stopped one of the boulders in front of him, he raised his arms and made a fist. The boulder started to break down into smaller rocks then shot them at the two.

Salem raised his sword in order to block the attack when a tornado of fire arose from the ground right in front of him.

Once the rocks connected with the tornado, they began to shoot off in multiple different directions. Celina took this opportunity to run at Jaylen with arms trailing, shooting fire to propel herself so she could move faster.

Once she got close to him, she thrust her arms forward and shot out a huge blast of fire.

'I Always forget that she is this powerful.' Salem thought to himself but as he looked, he noticed that some rocks were moving around behind her.

"Celina!" Salem called out but she was unable to hear him. Salem started to run towards her, but it was too late as the rock quickly surrounded her in a ball-like shape, and the fire had stopped.

As Salem reached Jaylen, he swung his sword but stopped as he saw the ball that Celina was trapped in slam back down in the ground.

"No!" Salem screamed. Salem could see that Celina was lying on the ground not moving.

Jet was able to control the amount of water he laid on the floor, but it was still evaporating every time Ruby would use her magma.

"Hey Ruby let me take care of him." Jet said.

"Are you sure? He seems pretty tough." Ruby asked.

"Yeah, you're making it hard for me to fight." Jet answered.

Before they could do anything, Elroy shot off towards them and threw a straight right at Ruby causing her to pull up a wall of lava.

Elroy stopped before he hit the wall of lava and closed the hole that the lava was coming out of.

As the lava fell, Elroy couldn't be seen until Jet was hit in the stomach causing him to topple, seconds after before Ruby could react Elroy swept at her feet causing her to trip.

Elroy had moved underneath the ground so as not to be seen by them to perform a sneak attack.

Once Ruby was on the floor, Elroy hit Jet twice in the stomach and once across the face sending him flying off.

Ruby had gotten up and threw a punch that was covered with lava right through Elroy's chest. "That was close." Elroy said as he walked around the now crumbling suit of armour.

"Yknow love, I'm not the bad guy here." Elroy started walking towards Ruby. "See these two attacked us a while ago. They are the first ones to start this fight, they not only hurt my brother, but they also hurt one of his friends. So, see I'm just trying to pay them back there is no need for you to get involved." Elroy said then leaned in, getting closer to her.

Once he got close enough to her that they were almost kissing she kicked him in the stomach as a water whip rope wrapped around his waist.

Jet had recovered slightly from the assault he received earlier and processed enough water to make his whip.

He had used his whip to grapple Elroy right after Ruby kicked him and he swung him around to slam him back into the ground.

Using the water that he made to make a large vortex making it hard for anyone out or in, to leave or enter.

"This is what ya wanted right." Jet shouted at Elroy "Well I'll give it to ya, a fight between me and you."

"Hahaha. Y'know, you had a better chance of beating me with her help." Elroy said while laugh "but I'll take you on."

Elroy got into his fighting stance. 'Creating this much water should be taxing on his body.' Elroy thought as he looked around.

'Judging by the vortex he might be able to attack from the vortex itself. Although I doubt, he has that type of control yet.'

As soon as Elroy finished his thought, he started to gather the ground around him creating the suit of armour again although when Jet saw him creating the armour he started to create his water whip and a couple walls of water next to him.

Doing this decreased the size of the vortex but it was Jet's trump card.

Jet started to swing his whips vigorously, seeing the whips coming at him, Elroy brought his hands together and removed the armour off his body and formed a shield at his arms with his old body armour.

'This is that move that he used against Jaylen. But what are those walls of water there? I see so the walls of water and the whip reduces the vortex surrounding us.' Elroy thought.

While in the middle of his thought Jet had reduced the vortex even more, filling the floor with water as well.

'This is all I can do for now.' Jet thought as he stopped striking with the whips.

Jet then started to swim up to his walls, once at the top he reached out his open hand then quickly made a fist.

"Clutch." Jet shouted, and the water on the floor stopped flowing. Seconds later Jet was holding his chest in pain and started to cough up blood.

'Damn this hurts, but I gotta win this.' Jet thought to himself. Controlling multiple large amounts of water puts a strain on his body, the longer he keeps it up the more pain his body goes through.

Jet had stopped the water at Elroy's feet causing him not to move for a moment. Fighting through the pain Jet made his discus with the water wall and started to throw them at Elroy.

As the discus came closer to him a large grin appeared on his face. Jet continued to throw discs until both walls were depleted.

Once depleted, Jet fell onto the floor breathing heavily as he didn't have any strength left to move.

Ruby saw the vortex of water fall and ran over to Jet to check to see if he was still alive.

'Did he, do it? Did he win?' Ruby thought as she looked around, but that's when she had a chilling feeling run up her spin.

"My, my that was a powerful attack is I didn't have my soul weapon I would have been done for." A voice said from behind her.

When she looked behind her, she saw that Elroy was standing behind her. He was slightly wounded and bleeding with an angered look on his face.

"I never thought that a first year could do something like that to me." Elroy said while panting.