
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The fight part 2

Salem glanced over at Celina who was still lying on the ground. Salem had forgotten that he could still hear her breathing because of his super hearing.

Once he remembered this, he started to relax a bit and got back into his fighting stance.

"Hehe what do you plan on doing? She was your best bet and I've already taken her out. Give up now and just accept the beating coming your way." Jaylen while laughing but his smile dissipated as he saw the smile that was on Salem's face.

"So, just because you 'think' you took her out that you have automatically won. Get real." Salem said, "I could have taken you out without her." 

<New 100 Quest; Defeat Jaylen. Reward exp>

Salem started to walk forwards towards Jaylen, seeing that Salem wasn't backing down Jaylen started pulling more boulders up to him.

Salem gripped the hilt a bit tighter in preparation for an attack.

'Let's see just how much better I've gotten after my last level up.' Salem thought to himself.

Salem noticed that Jaylen wasn't moving. 'What's he doing?' Salem thought and, in that moment, Salem closed his eyes, and he was about to sense it.

It was the same attack that Jaylen used against Celina.

Feeling this, Salem quickly moved out of the way as the sphere wrapped around thin air.

Salem started to run towards Jaylen preparing to slash his great sword when Jaylen raised his hands and clenched them to start shooting smaller rocks.

Salem instinctively slashed his sword cutting some of the rock coming straight for him. Although he didn't stop all of them, he was able to stop all the one heading towards his vital areas. 

<Hp 35 40 out of>

Before Salem could react, Jaylen started to collect more boulders around himself and started to crush them into small rocks.

Once he had enough small rocks, Jaylen began shooting them off at Salem. Seeing the rocks coming his way, Salem decided he had had enough.

'I was gonna tell them anyways.' Salem thought as he opened his system. 'So, if any of them are watching them now would be a good time to show them.'

Salem selected his fire breath and as he did some of the rocks had made it to him and started to hit.

Salem then used his fire breath which started to push the rocks back and blow them in all different directions.

Jaylen was shocked to see a wall of fire barreling towards him.

'I thought I knocked her out.' Jaylen thought and decided to cover up using some of the boulders he hadn't used.

As Jaylen was forming the barrier to cover himself, Salem took the opportunity to stop his attack and charge at Jaylen.

As Salem ran towards him, he noticed the boulder wall that he had put up.

'I see so that's what he did. Well, I'm sure he's expecting me to keep blasting him from the front. So, how about this.' Salem thought as he ran around the wall.

Jaylen did not feel any pressure in the wall anymore. Jaylen decided to remove the wall when he saw Celina starting to stand up.

'Where did he go?' Jaylen thought as he started to look around trying to find Salem.

Salem had gone behind him and now was running towards him when he noticed that Celina was starting to stand up.

Jaylen raised his hands again to try and capture her again, but before he could Salem had dropped his sword and slammed it into his back.

After the first hit Salem continued to lay into his back with a flurry of punches. 'His not dead!' Celina couldn't help but think as she watched Salem relentlessly attack Jaylen.

Celina decided that she was going to help as she started to form a fireball in her hand. "Salem!" Celina Screamed. "Move!"

Hearing this, Salem looked past Jaylen and saw Celina had a fire ball in her hand. Salem had figured out what she was trying to do so Salem had jumped back a little, it was further than he was expecting to jump at he was at a good distance to use his fire breath as well. 

Once Celina saw Salem jump back, she decided to start throwing fireballs at him. As Celina was throwing fireballs, Salem used his fire breath.

Celina had stopped throwing her fireballs when she noticed an opposing fire from the other side.

'Who is that?' Celina thought in confusion. 'Did another fire pure blood show up to help. But that doesn't make sense unless.'

Celina now had a worried look on her face.

Once the flames died down both Celina and Salem saw a burn Jaylen standing in the epicenter.

"He's still able to fight?" Salem said as he picked up his sword and put it in his inventory. 

<Quest 200 500 complete. out of exp> 

That's when Salem realized that the fight was over and he started to walk over to Jaylen, but as he did, Salem saw that Celina was walking over as well.

Before they made it over to him Jaylen's body buckled, and he fell to the floor.

"My, my I see that he wasn't strong enough to take both of you on."

Both Celina and Salem turned around to see who was speaking.

When they turned, they saw that it was none other than Elroy, but he had been badly injured himself.

Salem glanced past Elroy and saw that both Jet and Ruby were lying on the ground unmoving. Salem briefly closed his eyes to better hear.

He was able to hear both of their heartbeats, but it was faint. Enraged, Salem pulled out his great sword and started to swing.

Although Elroy was prepared for this and a rock version of himself rose from the ground a meter away.

When Salem slashed at Elroy, he crumbed into a pile of rubble. Salem took a step back once he saw the pile.

"While I have my soul weapon active." Elroy said as he appears right in front of Salem.

Surprised and stunned Salem wasn't able to react before Elroy gave a right hook into Salem gut. 


The hit folded him over, within a few seconds Elroy interlocked his hands together and hammer struck Salem in the back.

<21 40 out of hp> 

'I'm in trouble if this fight continues like this.' Salem thought as he was lying on the ground.

Celina ran over with a fireball in each hand and combined them together to make them bigger and shot it at Elroy.

Once the fire ball exploded Celina went to stomp her foot to create a pillar of fire when, Wham! Elroy had slammed his fist into her stomach.

"I'm trying not to injure that pretty face of yours. Please stay out of this." Elroy Said as he walked back over to Salem.

Panting, Elroy went over to Salem and grabbed him by his hair and pulled him up.

"The both of you have been a major pain in my neck I never thought that I'd be forced to use my soul weapon." Before Elroy could finish speaking, Salem kicked Elroy in the stomach with both feet causing Elroy to drop Salem.

Once Salem landed, he quickly jumped back in order to give himself some space from Elroy.

'I see so he can either create clones of himself and switch places with that clone or he can create a clone and only switch places with it when his life is in danger.' Salem thought to himself as he got into a fighting position.

"So, you wanna hash things out. Well, your friend over there thought the same thing and still couldn't win. What makes you think you have a fighting chance." Elroy said with a smirk as he got himself ready.

<New quest; Defeat Elroy. Reward instant level up.> 

'I can do this; I can do this.' Salem kept thinking to himself. 'I'll just have to use everything I have at my disposal.'