
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

On sight

The following day everyone met outside the canteen and started to discuss what the plan was. "So, how do you plan on doing this?" Ruby asked.

Salem started to walk over towards the 2nd years boys' dorm. "Hey wait Salem." Ruby said chasing behind him.

"I doubt it's a good idea to just walk over to their dorms demanding things without proper evidence."

At that point, both Jet and Celina started to follow Salem as he walked over. "And I don't plan to." Salem replied confidently. "I thought about it last night, the best thing to do is be over there. Once we see where it is they are actually going, we can see how to actively take them out."

Ruby was stunned and momentarily silenced. 'Now thinking about it he does seem awful confident especially for someone who's supposed to not have an element.' Ruby couldn't help but think as they continued to walk. 

Before they made it to the dorms, they noticed there were a lot of students walking around, more than Salem was expecting to be.

The group had stopped and watched the students walk around and mingle.

"So." Celina remarked. "What is your plan now I doubt they'll just let us snoop to see who's stealing money from the 1st years now do you?"

Salem turned back to Celina with a smile. "True." He turned back to the crowd of students.

"We have two options." Salem said. "First, we can cause a distraction and once most of the students have left, we can sneak in and try and find them."

"Well, that sounds stupid. What plan B?" Celina asked.

"We go back to the training ground and spar like you wanted. and wait until there are less students around." Salem replied.

"I like that option." Celina said. Both Celina and Salem could hear laughter coming from behind them. When they turned around, they could see that both Jet and Ruby were laughing.

"What so funny?" Celina questioned and Ruby stopped for a moment.

"It's just like you, always wanting to train against someone else." Ruby said.

"Yeah, so what's wrong with that? But that doesn't explain why you were laughing." Celina said.

"Jet was saying that we'd make a perfect couple." Salem remarked. "Y'know we are just friends we have been since we were kids."

Both Celina and Ruby looked shocked when Salem said that. Salem had spoken without thinking.

With his super hearing he had heard everything they were talking about, but he had forgotten that the girls didn't know about his changed body.

However, the girls didn't know Jet did and Salem was staring at him with an intense look. Jet had momentarily forgot about Salem's super hearing.

"Sorry Salem I forgot." Jet said without thinking of who he was around.

"How did you know what we were talking about." Ruby asked with a confused look. "What are you sorry about? What did you forget about? What do you know that we don't?" Ruby was continuing to ask questions that Salem didn't really have the answers for, or at least didn't want to answer at the moment.

All Salem could do was let out a sigh as he looked down annoyed. "I'll tell you later though I doubt you'd believe me but come on let's go back to the training grounds."

Salem spoke with a bit of disdain for the situation he was in. As they were leaving, a particular someone saw the group and recognized them.

"Hey Elroy, isn't that the guy you were gonna fight the other day?" Jaylen Said to his brother. "I think you're right. What are they doing over on this side?"

Elroy Said with his hand on his chin in a thinking man pose. "Maybe he is looking for a fight?" Jaylen remarked. "I think you might be right, let's go." Elroy said as he slammed one fist into his palm. 

Once Salem and his group made it back to the training ground Ruby ran out into the middle of one of the unoccupied arenas.

"So how do you wanna do this?" Ruby asked openly but was more directed towards Celina, since she knew that this was Celina's idea. Celina walked forward up to Ruby and turned around.

"How about we do teams, boys verses girls. And then we can do an individual battles if y'all want."

Both Salem and Jet looked at one another and then looked back at her.

"Alright and afterwards, I'll tell you wants going on, but again I doubt the either of you will believe me." Salem begrudgingly said.

Both the girls agreed with the terms. But before they could start Jet had a different idea.

"Yo, how about we do this in the VR game that way we ain't overly exhausting ourselves. Then the winner of the fight can choose who they wanna go up against next."

Everyone stared at Jet for a moment All roughly thinking the same thing. 'That actually is a good idea.'

Collectively the other three agreed to this and began to leave the training grounds. The moment Jet had turned to leave, BAM!!!

A large rocky fist hits Jet square in the face sending him flying backwards. "What was that." Salem immediately said as he turned back towards Jet.

While looking back, Salem could sense and outline of a someone emerging from the ground coming right at him.

Acting quickly, Salem dropped to the floor trying to dodge out of the way. 'What is going on.' Salem thought as he turned around in order to better survey the area.

That's when he noticed that there was a particular person that he hoped he would see for a while. Both Elroy and Jaylen were there standing between the boys and the girls.

By this time Jet had gotten up from where he lay. 'Damn that was a hard hit.' Jet thought as he looked at who had done it.

Now that both Elroy and Jaylen were out of the ground both Celina and Ruby turn to look at who had just attacked their group.

Recognizing that they were a threat, both Celina and Ruby got into a fighting stance.

"Our beef isn't with you fine girls." Elroy started to say. "Although, when we're finished here with these two weaklings how about we take you out and we can paint the town red." Elroy said seductively.

Without waiting for a response Elroy started to gather the ground around his feet and shot off towards Jet.

Although Jet was able to see him coming, he didn't have time to set up his water as he normally did.

By the time Elroy was a few inches away from hitting Jet, Salem had performed his Claw attack.

Though his Claw attack collided with Elroy's the power difference was immediately clear as Elroy has continued to go through hitting Jet in the face with both his own fist but with Salem's as well.

'Damn I thought I had stopped that attack.' Salem thought to himself. With his free hand Salem tried to use another claw strike until his was blown away with a huge boulder.

With Salem no longer around Elroy started throwing a flurry of strikes at Jet.

He did his best to block as much as he could, but Elroy was striking too fast, that was until a wall of lava shot up from the ground getting in between the two.

Ruby had run over to Jet trying to give him some support. "Who are these guys?" Ruby asked as Jet got his bearings.

"Well." Jet said through his panting. "The one over there fighting Salem and Celina is Jaylen. And this asshole who snuck me is his older brother Elroy."

When the wall of lava fell down Elroy was standing there with rocks starting to gather around him like a suit of armour.

"I told you." Elroy said with the last few pieces of his armour started to gather around his head. "It was on sight."