
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

The truth

Both Salem and Elroy were in their fighting stances for a few seconds before Elroy made the first move and he took off towards and threw a punch right at Salem's head.

Seeing this, Salem was able to barely dodge before Elroy threw another punch, but again Salem was just barely able to block it before Elroy threw out a kick.

Salem was finding it hard to keep up with Elroy as he continued to throw out punches and kicks.

As Salem continued to block, he noticed that there was a moment in which he was able to counterattack.

Although he found a break in Elroy's attack patterns, Salem wasn't entirely sure if he would be able to capitalize on that brief moment.

Before he could do anything, Celina had gotten up and decided that she was prepared to help however she can.

Celina had gathered up a fireball and decided to make it as big as she possibly could. 'I'm sorry Salem.' Celina thought as she made the fireball bigger.

'This is the best way for me to help, once this is over, I'll take you to medical to get healed. So please forgive me.'

Once it was as big as she could make it, it looked like a mini sun, and it shined brightly causing Elroy to stop attacking and turn to look at it.

"What is that?" Elroy said with a look of fear in his eyes. Elroy's soul weapon allows him to switch places with a rock golem that he has created, but each time he does it takes a toll on his body making it harder for him to control rocks. At a limit of 3 times before his soul weapon has runs out.

"You just couldn't leave well enough alone could you babe?" Elroy said with confidence.

Although he spoke with confidence, his actions said otherwise as he took a couple steps back.

Salem had noticed a golem being form behind Celina. upon seeing that Salem started to run to get behind her. 

"Enough. You kids. Should be ashamed. Of yourself." Mary Jo had walked into the room stopping all of them.

"You two." She said while looking at Salem and Celina.

"Take your. Friends here too. The infirmary. To get treated. And you." Mary Jo Said speaking to Elroy.

"Take your brother. To the Second year's. Infirmary."

Neither party disobeyed Mary jo's order, as everyone could feel an intense pressure coming from her. the three students went and picked up their fall friends.

Elroy went and got his brother and carried him out of the room while Salem and Celina went over to Jet and Ruby.

Once they got over to them, Salem received a message from his system. 

<Quest, 12 defeat Elroy failed. All stats have been halved for hours>

'Damn that really sucks, so this is what happens when I fail a quest huh?' Salem thought as he got closer to them.

Jet and Ruby looked a lot worse up close than when they were looking at them from a distance.

Salem could hear both their heartbeats now that he was more focused.

Jet was lying flat with cuts and bruises up and down his body, torn clothes and lying in a pool of water.

While Ruby wasn't injured that badly except for some minor scrapes and cuts. It looked to Salem like she was just knocked unconscious.

"He really did have a soft spot for women, doesn't he?" Celina said, but not really seeking an answer from anyone.

She picked up Ruby who was to carry her out. "It was about to be his downfall." Salem said as he when to pick up Jet who, to Salem's surprise, was very light.

'I guess I have gotten stronger.' Salem thought as they both walked out. Walking back to the dorms heading for the infirmary, Ruby started to wake up.

"What's going on." Ruby said quietly.

"I see your awake." Celina said.

"Welcome to the land of the living. I'm your host. Oof!" Salem said and was cut off because Celina had punched him in his side.

"Now's not the time Salem. How are you feeling?" Celina asked Ruby who was looking around and that's when she noticed that she was not only out of the training grounds being carried but she also noticed Jet.

She quickly lifted her head to get a better look.

"What happened to him?" Ruby just about shouted. "And how did you two come out alright."

Salem looked towards the ground and hung his head in shame.

"To be honest." Celina said. "The only reason we aren't still fighting is because the deaf swordsmen came in and ended the fight, and Salem and I defeated Jaylen."

"I see, by the way Salem are you gonna tell us what's going on with you?"

Salem looked at both of them while he was still carrying Jet. "I guess it's about time I told you what's really going on."

While they walked to the infirmary Salem explained everything from the game like system to it telling him that it has changed him into a clear dragon.

"I don't believe you." Celina said hesitantly. "I mean I seems so farfetched."

"Does it though?" Salem asked. "I mean that who do you think the opposing fire was while we were fighting against Jaylen was?"

Celina was in shock when she really started thinking about it.

Once they got to the infirmary, Jet was quickly taken back to a bed where they started to treat him.

Ruby wasn't too injured and was bandaged up and given a wrist brace and was sent on her way with the other two.

Upon leaving the infirmary, Salem was walking with both Ruby and Celina.

"So are you telling me." Ruby said while they were heading to the canteen to grab something to eat.

"That that flash of red light I saw while you were fighting against Kayden was you using a fireball?"

"Well yeah." Salem stated as if she had just creaked a code.

"Although it wasn't a fireball so much as it was me just breathing fire."

Ruby looked puzzled but didn't ask any more questions.

'I guess Jet was right when he said that Salem was special.' Ruby thought to herself and gave a soft smile.

The kid made it to the canteen and ate some food and started walking around the base.

"So." Celina started to say embarrassingly. "What is your current mastery of your new element. Because it seemed like you can produce a lot of fire all at once?"

Salem looked a bit puzzled as the thought never crossed his mind as he had been busy since he unlocked his fire breath.

"I'm not sure I haven't tested it out. It wasn't really that important to me."

Celina looked stunned as she was expecting a different answer. And at that moment both Salem and Celina could hear Ruby laughing.

"What's so funny?" Celina asked.

"You are." Ruby replied "All you ever seem to think about is power. Y'know one day that gonna bite you in the ass?"

Celina's face went bright red as she didn't know how to respond and just went quiet.

After a while of them talking everyone went back to their rooms and ended the night.