
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

The Emblems

The teacher looked a little disappointed but without a second thought she typed something on her tablet. Once she was done, she looked up from the tablet, she walked away and signaled to the group to follow her.

"Come on students follow me." While the students followed Wendy, Salem saw that Celina was visibly upset with the results. He wanted to go over there and comfort her but what could he say that would cheer her up.

She didn't do bad in the test Salem thought. So why is she so upset? Walking towards a large double door, they could see that more people were in this testing area than he thought. Upon entering the double doors was a large hallway that was half painted gray and half painted white.

Wendy walked fast making turn after turn until they finally made it to an auditorium. They saw a man sitting at a table typing away on a computer. As the students approached the table, Wendy started to speak.

"Here is where we will give you an emblem that will display the current mastery of your element. You must always keep the emblem on you." Wendy said as she pulled out her own emblem out of her pocket.

It was a nonagon with a star in the middle that displayed a number inside the star. The number on display was the number 6.5. The nonagon itself was semi-clear with a grayish undertone.

"The number shows what your current mastery is and the colour of the nonagon will change to become clearer the higher your mastery is." Wendy said. "Now please, come up and get your emblems starting with Jet, since you score the highest in our group."

"Sweet, I'm going first!" Jet spoke excitedly and he broke away from the group and ran up to where Wendy was standing. Celina crossed her arms and turned her head off to the trying not to blow up.

Jet went up to the table and Wendy handed him one of the emblems that had 5.8. When he grabbed the emblem, something changed, instead of it being the normal black colour it changed to a light blue. It looked almost like a gemstone.

Smiling Jet put it in his pocket and walked back to the group. Next was Celina and her emblem changed to a bit of a darker red color, and she huffed while she put it into her pocket. The next two girls went up as their names were called as they each received their emblems and the changed colours as well. Hayley's changed into a really dark green, and Savannah's changed into a murky gray. When it came to Salem's turn he received a blank emblem with no number on it.

< Would you like to put the emblem into your inventory. Yes? No?>

With a shocked look on his face, he chose not to add it to his inventory. He put it in his pocket and walked back to the to the group. Standing next to Jet, Salem still had a slightly confused look on his face and felt a slight nudge. "Are you okay dude? I mean it makes sense you got a blank emblem." "Yeah, I'm fine." Salem said, replying to Jet.

"The emblem you have will also serve as a way for us to communicate with you and for you to communicate with one another. And for some of you." Wendy said while staring over at Celina. "If you're unhappy with your current level of mastery then you can retake the test again. Although we will retest you after a few months, but your free to take it anytime you like. The emblem will also act like a money card. It will be used to buy things that the school doesn't already provide for you. Now I will take you to the canteen and then assign you to your living quarters."

Wendy said as she started to walk towards the double door, they originally came in from. As the group walked back through the hallway trying to follow Wendy, eventually they made it outside the testing area.

Outside the testing area on the other side was a pathway that goes all the way up to a set of buildings arranged in a semicircle with a large fountain in the middle of the semicircle. Each of the buildings is about five stories high, but the one in the middle was much smaller, only sitting at about three stories. Although the building was smaller than the others it was much wider.

"The two buildings on each end of the semicircle are your dorm rooms. The one on the left-hand side is the boys' dorms and the ones to the right are the girls' dorms. The building in the middle is the canteen. The buildings in between the dorms and the arena we just came from are your classrooms." Wendy said as she approached the fountain.

Once everyone reached the fountain Wendy turned around and started to speak again. "The set of buildings on the other side of the arena we just left from is the second-year students' area. The first years and second years don't normally mingle but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen at times. But for now, we will go to the canteen and let you eat. The school will provide you with your meals, but anything extra will cost you."

Entering the canteen, they saw rows and rows of empty tables but only five students who stood in line to get food. "They look like they just got here." Jet whispered to Salem, though he didn't reply.

He was still curious about what the system said but he wanted to be alone when he started to mess with the system. So, it has an inventory in it feels like I'm playing one of those old school JRPGs that I've watched before.

As the kids stepped in the short line, another group walked in and soon the entire canteen was filled with students all talking and chatting with one another. Although it didn't take long for all the pure bloods to break away from everyone and start forming their own little groups.

There weren't many of them but still they treated everyone else differently. Salem, sitting off on his own like he normally did when he was at his old school, was greeted with an unusual surprise.

"Move." Someone said to Salem while putting his hand on his shoulder. Looking back to see who it was Salem saw that it was a blonde boy with dark brown eyes, he gave a serious look on his face. "Me and my "Friends" need this table so get out of here." The boy said without really looking at Salem.

Salem could see the 'Friends' that were behind the blonde boy, they looked to be a bit frightened as if they didn't wanna be there. With a bit of hesitation Salem started to get up though before he could a voice could be heard. "Nah I think we'll stay here, why don't cha find somewhere else to talk with your "friends."

Turning around to see who was speaking, Salem saw a familiar face. Jet was walking over with the same smile he always gave and his hand on the back of his head. The two boys looked at each other, the tension could be felt in the air.

"We can always go somewhere Jaylen." One of the boys spoke skittishly trying to deescalate the situation. "I said MOVE!" Jaylen said shoving Salem out of the seat. Quickly Jet ran over and helped Salem off the floor.

"Well like I said before." Jet said standing up with Salem. "We are staying." He raised his hand, water started to form around it, then he quickly shot a large water ball hitting the boy in the chest sending Jaylen flying off.

Blasting through a couple of tables Jaylen was able to stop himself. Filled with rage, Jaylen starts to break off pieces of the ground beneath the floor and it started to gather around him.

Without moving his hands large chunks of the earth started to rocket towards Jet fast but it was not impossible to dodge. "The pure bloods are fighting get out of their way." a girl shouted as the crowd cleared the area so not to get hit by their attacks.

Large rocks were thrown fast though Jet was steadily dodging them and started to create a pool of water. Jaylen then stomps into the water landing on the ground and a sink hole causing the water to drain into it. Stomping his foot on the ground again the he sealed the sinkhole.

He clapped his hands together and swiftly raised his which started to form a spike underneath. It shot up what seemed instantly almost piercing Jet in the stomach, swiftly Jet was able to move out of the way. Falling towards his right, he coated his right arm in water ready to shoot it.

Though he couldn't regain his balance and more earth spikes started to shoot up from the ground forcing Jet to keep dodging. Suddenly the room was filled with smoke, and no one was able to see two inches in front of them.


Jet was then hit in the stomach so hard that he toppled over falling to the floor.


Jaylen was hit as in the back of the head hard enough to that he fell to the floor, as the smoke started dissipating, Jet could see a woman was walking their way. "So is one of you gonna explain just what is going on here?" The woman said with her hands on her hips as she looked at the boys lying on the ground.

"He *cough, cough* started it." Jet said while holding his stomach.

"How dare you hit me, I AM a pure blood. Just who do you think you are?" Jaylen spoke without looking up at the person who hit him in the head.

"Name's Candace, I'm one of the teachers here and I won't allow fights from reckless teens who think it's a good idea to fight in the middle of the canteen. If you want to fight, do it outside or in the area so no one can get hurt." She said as she turned around to walk away. "Oh, and I wouldn't think trying to pick a fight with me. Now get up and follow me. It's time to see the general of the of the first years, General Bagley." Candace said while leaving the canteen with jet right behind her looking like nothing happened.