
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Taking the test

When Salem opened his eyes the first thing he saw was a hand reached out to help him up. He was a tall looking boy with short black curly hair, blue eyes and a boyish face.

"Here, let me help you up." The boy said with a smile on his face. Salem took his hand and helped himself up. Now that Salem looked around, he could see that they were in what looked like a large field with kids that were still waking up and kids who were already walking around and mingling with other.

"Thanks." Salem said, returning the smile back to the boy who helped him up. "My names Jet, Jet Bore. What's your name?" Jet said.

"I'm Salem Hilston. So, do you happen to know where we are?" Salem asked while looking at the huge buildings and structures that were towering behind them. "We are at a military base, but I can't tell you much more than that. They said they would have an announcement once everyone wakes up."

<Ding, 10 15 100 you have slept at least eight hours. exp has been awarded. out of exp.>

'Just how long was I out for.' Salem thought. While he looked around, he noticed that more and more kids started to wake up.

With the last few kids finally getting up, someone with a light gray military uniform walked up onto the stage that had seemed to appear out of nowhere. He was an older gentleman with short brown hair that was graying on the sides. He had the badges that he received during the war with the Drygar.

Once he reached the center of the stage, he took the microphone and started to speak into it. "Attention students, please get into single filed lines and we can get started." The older man said. The kids did as they were told and started to line up in columns. Once the kids finished getting in line the man started to speak again.

"I am one of the head generals of the military. My name is August Monroe, but you will only refer to me as head general Monroe. Right now, you are at one of the schools that is run by the military. You will be spending the next couple of years here."

The head general said while looking at the crowd of students. He looked off to his side and another man in a similar suit as appeared the head general walk up on to the stage and took a seat. Once the man reached the podium he looked down and picked up a small stack of paper.

"Can we get a round of applause for head general Monroe." said the man as he stepped aside while clapping. "I am General Simons and now I will assign you to groups of five so you can take your mastery test. Once I call your names, please head over to an instructor who will explain the finer details of the test. Sanford Thompson, Abraham Quick, Hubert Windsor, Pluto Barlow, and Jazmyn Kay please head over to begin your assessment."

The group walked over to the first instructor and headed off to an area. "The next group will be Jet Bore, Savanna Thorpe, Celina Grace, Hayley Jewel, and Salem Hilston. Please head over to the next instructor."

The students got out of their columns and started to walk over to the instructor. Salem got nudges on his shoulder as he looked to his right to see who nudged, it was Jet.

"Looks like we'll be taking the test together, I'm excited to see what you can do." Jet said with a grin on his face.

"I wouldn't get too excited, he's too weak to do anything. He hasn't even unlocked his element so he's powerless." A female voice said as she approached the boys. Salem turned and saw that it was Celina who had just put him to shame.

"Is that true? Are you truly powerless?" Said Savannah with a concerned look on her face. She was a short girl no taller than five feet. She wore a dress that was striped purple and white. Her hair was a silvery blonde and it was braided pigtails.

"What a shame" Hayley said not really paying attention to their actual conversation. She was a short girl with dark green eyes and hair.

"Well, I don't care if he's a powerless nobody, he seems cool to me and ya never know, he might be able to unlock it here. But how do you know that he's powerless?" Jet asked with an enthusiastic tone.

'A powerless nobody.' Salem thought while scratching the back of his messy hair. "Because we come from the same school." She said as she passed them both.

When the students made it to the instructor, she had long blue hair, that draped over her shoulders, navy blue eyes and a cute face. She wore a black suit with a few badges on her left side and she looked to only be in her early twenties.

"Follow me children and listen up. My name is Wendy Bay, and I will be your instructor. First, we will test your current elemental output, then the amount of control you have over your element, and finally the total length of time you can use your ability for. Now let's go over to the first." Wendy said in a monotone voice, but it still sounded kind of cute.

The students followed Wendy into a dome-like building that was close to them, it had a hexagonal glass roof and a smooth black coloured stone. One of the first things that Salem saw was the last group of students still in the middle of their assessment.

Walking past them he saw all different types of elements being used and he got a little angry as to why he couldn't unlock an element. He didn't care what type it was he just wanted something.

Wendy and the group had finally made it to the testing area which had a large open area with a couple oval shaped pods. To the right-side there were target dummies in the back behind a fence and a barrier made of the same black coloured stone of the building with a clear viewing area.

"Alright now students your first test will be to see your current elemental output, let's start with you miss, what is your name and element?" Wendy said while looking at one of the students.

"My name's Celina Grace and my element is fire." She said confidently while she walked up to the teacher.

"Oh, I see we've got a pure blood, how exciting please, demonstrate your total elemental output. Come on children let's get behind the barrier." Wendy said with a bit of excitement, but it was hard to tell because it still sounded like the monotone that she's been talking in.

With all the students behind the barrier Celina was the only one in their testing area. Celina then extends her arms down towards the ground unleashing a massive amount of fire out the palms of her hands that was quickly filling up the floor. Seconds later fire started to erupt from the ground and quickly started swirling around her as more fire was released from her feet. Such a strong elemental output she has Wendy thought as she started typing on her tablet.

"Alright, thank you Celina you may stop now." Wendy said through an intercom, and Celina slowly stopped the fire that she was producing. All the kids were stunned by the amount of fire she was able to produce.

"Next is the control test, please go over to the area right behind you where the testing dummies are and please demonstrate the amount of control you have over your element." Wendy said

She walked over to the gate where the training dummies were. They were about 12 feet away from where she was standing, she could see a row of five target blocks with ten of them standing behind one another one foot apart. "Now your goal is to destroy as many as you can with a single attack." Wendy explained.

Celina raised her left hand, and it formed a fireball. She threw it as hard as she could and when it hit the first target the fireball destroyed it and continued onto the next one until it reached the fourth one.

As it broke through the fourth one it started to fizzle out before it could reach the fifth one. "She powerful." Savannah said. "Yeah, really powerful." Hayley said in agreeance. Was she always this strong, Salem thought watching her performance.

"Finally, please step into the pod so we can gauge the length of time you can use your ability for." Wendy instructed.

Celina walked over to the pod and stepped into it and there was a chair with arm rests with indentions for your fingers. She sat down in the chair and placed her fingers into the groves, as she did, she felt something as if she was shaking slightly.

The rumbling feeling she felt soon went away after a few seconds and the door opened. She stepped out of the pod. Wendy and the other students had already reached her by the time she had gotten out of the pod.

"You did excellent Celina; your total mastery of your element is a 5.3." "What only a 5.3? I thought I did much better than that?" Celina questioned. Without answering her Wendy turned to Savannah.

"What is your name miss?" asked Wendy. Pouting, Celina walked to the other students. "M-my names Savannah Thorpe and my element is steam." she said nervously.

"I see well, please demonstrate your total elemental output. Come on let's get behind the barrier."

Wendy instructed everyone on what to do. Once everyone was behind the barrier, Savannah started to produce a small amount of steam from the ground.

Her palms were now reaching outwards. But that was it and she then stopped and was told to hit the targets. She did but was only able to break through one. She then went into the pod and once she got out, she got her score. She got a 1.6.

Next was Hayley, she created a large sized pool of acid that she produced from her pores. She gave an embarrassed look as she was not proud of how she produces acid. Next, she was able to destroy three targets, and finished her time in the pod. She received a 3.3.

Next was Jet's turn. Two pure bloods in the same group how rare is that Wendy thought to herself. "Watch and learn this is how a true master does it!" Jet screamed as a massive amount of water pooled at his feet as more and more pooled out, he raised his hand and the water raised.

He then started to make vortexes appear as he traveled through the water to each vortex point. Once he reached the last one, he disbursed the water making the water rain down. At the target points water started to cover his hands and he shot a spear tipped bolt of water through 4 targets and hit the fifth but didn't destroy it.

Once he got out of the pod, he received his score in which he got a 5.8.

"Did ya see that Salem, I got the best out of this group!" Jet shouted while looking over at Salem and holding his muscles. This guy has no filter Hayley thought.

"Y-yeah I saw that." Salem said while chuckling nervously. He knew Celina had heard it and she wasn't too happy with the results.

"What!" she shouted in rage while fire was erupting from her feet. "How did he do better than me?"

"Well, he got a higher output score than you. Same with the other test as well." Wendy said in her usual girlish monotone voice. "But I will no longer tolerate and more outbursts from you. Is that clear?" She said but with a menacing tone instead.

Vibrations could be felt in the air and there was an intense pressure that could be felt by everyone. Celina backed away, calming the fires she created and the pressure and vibrations that could be felt ceased.

"Now then it's your turn what is your name and what is your element?" "My name is Salem Hilston." He proclaimed, still feeling a little tense. "And I don't have an element."