
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Pure Bloods

Gritting his teeth after he was who it was, angrily he stood up and started walking out of the canteen. A beeping sound could be heard, and Salem felt a vibration in his pocket.

Pulling out his emblem he noticed that his emblem changed to a white screen and a message displayed said. "All first-year students are to report to the auditorium, and we will assign you rooms."

Salem started to look around the room and noticed that other people were pulling out their emblems as well and were checking them. Slowly the students started to leave the canteen and started making their way towards the building they had just come from.

Slipping the emblem back in his pocket, he started following the crowd out of the building. Upon leaving the canteen while Salem walked past the fountain, someone placed their hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, are you actually friends with the pure blood who fought against Jaylen?" A boy said nervously as he quickly removed his hand. "I wouldn't really call us friends, but we do speak quite a bit." Salem replied to the boy, he could see that the boy was nervous. "Why do you ask?"

"Because we would like to thank him for helping us in that situation that we were in." The boy replied. "My name's Darrel, and I was hoping that you could talk to that boy to see he'd be willing to help us."

Before Salem was able to say anything back, they had made it into the building. All the students started to crowd into the building. "Settle down students settle down." Though no one seemed to be able to hear the voice speaking. "I said settle down!" The man said in a booming tone and this time the students heard the man.

With the students settling down, the man started to speak. "I will be assigning you your rooms. Please form a line and I will give you your room number and code to get into the rooms." The students started to form a line and started to get their room keys.

When it got to Salem, he got room number 160. Leaving the auditorium Salem started to walk towards the boy's dorm and on his way there he saw a familiar face waving him over. Jet walks over to where Salem was and started to walk with him. "You okay buddy?" Jet asked Salem.

"Yeah, I'm fine what about you. What did the General say?" Salem replied but not truly expecting an answer. "Oh, she just wanted to know why we were fighting, and told us if we wanted to fight that we needed to fight in one of the designated spots. Though I gotta go, gotta get to my room. Talk to ya later." Though Salem wasn't able to reply before Jet ran off to the auditorium.

Once Salem got to the dorms and walked in, he saw a grand hall circular in shape with a large chandler hanging from the ceiling, and a large rug on the floor that covered most of the floor.

There were two paths on either side of the hall with stairs that lead up to the second floor. The second floor had a wooden railing to keep someone from falling off. It looked almost like a twelve-foot drop.

"This place is massive." Salem couldn't help but say out loud while he was still looking at the scenery. "Yeah, it's meant to hold a large number of students." Someone spoke from behind him

. Salem quickly turned around to see who it was. "I'm sure you don't remember me since we didn't talk much. I'm Darrel, your friend saved us."

"Oh yeah." Salem said nervously. It was clear that he felt bad for not remembering him. "Do you happen to know where I'm supposed to go to get to my room?" Salem asked Darrel, hoping he knew the answer.

"Yeah, I do actually." Darrel said proudly. "Rooms 10 through 50 is on the bottom left up to floor 3. Floors 4 through 6 are rooms 60 to 100. On the right is the same thing just in the hundreds. Now some students that have parents with money, pay for their kids to have special rooms that are above floor 6, but I don't know anything above that."

Stunned Salem looked at Darrel wondering how he knew so much. Though not paying much attention to it, Darrel started to walk towards the stairs to the left.

"My room is on the fourth floor. I'm gonna turn in. Please talk to your friend for me." Turning back to Salem with a bit of a sorrowful in eyes and a tired look on his face, he walks up the long flight of stairs.

Thinking about what Darrel said Salem turned to his right and started walking up the stairs. Finally making it up the stairs and to his room it looked like a standard gray door that matched the esthetics of the hallway which was a darker toned gray.

'This school must really like the colour gray,' Salem thought to himself as he looked at the keypad on the door. Pressing the right numbers for the keypad to unlock the door, Salem stepped in and saw what looked like your typical bedroom, the only difference was that there were two beds in the room than one.

"I guess I'm gonna have a roommate." Salem said as he looked around the room. He could see that the beds were identical with a nightstand, to the left or right of the bed, with a window in the middle of the beds covered by a curtain.

This time the walls were actually painted white instead of gray, an odd change of colour but a good one to see, nevertheless. Salem walked over to one of the beds and sat down and pulled out the emblem again.

< Would you like to put the emblem into your inventory. Yes? No?>

This time Salem chose yes, and instantly the emblem vanished right before his eyes. In his system menu he noticed a new tab had appeared and it was labeled Inventory. Salem was thinking about how to open the inventory menus when just like that the tab opened and he could see what he had in his inventory.

All he had in his inventory was the emblem he had just put in. Thinking about it a message came up.

< Would you like to pull this item out of your inventory. Yes? No?>

He chose yes and just like last time the item instantly appeared in his hand. 'So just thinking about it makes the system appear and disappear. And as long as I just think about what I wanna do the system will do it that's pretty awesome.' Salem thought to himself and right at that moment he heard a beeping sound like something was unlocking.

Turning and looking at the door once again Salem saw the person who he had talked to since he woke up this morning. It was Jet who walked through the door, and once he saw Salem a big smile formed on his face. "So, it looks like we've been given the same room." Jet walked over to the empty bed and flopped down and started to lay down.

"Did anything else happen when I was at the general's office?" Jet questioned Salem.

"No but I must ask, why did you do it? I could have just moved I wasn't looking to fight on my first day here." Salem replied to Jet. "Yeah, but he's a pure blood and they love to fight." "But aren't you a pure blood as well?" Salem replied with a confused look on his face.

"Salem, do you know why we are called pure bloods?" Jet rolled on to his side to look more towards Salem. "Isn't it because you have use of one of the main 4 elements or something like that?"

"It's because when we unlocked our element, our bodies took the purest path down only one elemental line, and those whose bodies followed a combination of two different types of elements became known as, "the subclasses". Those who have the "pure bloods" can learn and master the single ability a lot faster than those who are a "subclass". Meaning those with a single element can be stronger than those who have two different elements. So, the mentality of the "pure bloods" is that because we are the pinnacle of all elements. At least that's what my parents told me when I was a kid." Jet told Salem.

Looking confused at Jet Salem couldn't help but question what that had to do with what they were talking about. "But what does that have to do with him liking to fight cause he's a pure blood?" Salem started to question Jet because he brought something like that up.

"Cause the best way for anyone to get stronger is to fight and get better to understand how to master their elements. Although pure blood think they are unbeatable, unless it's another pure blood, so once they find out someone else's element and it's not one of the 4 then they tend to bully the weaker element.

I don't like that, so I want to protect the weak. I guess that's what attracted me to you." Jet said while he held a weak smile.