
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Somethings Different

Slowly Salem starts to wake up and look around. "Where am I, what happened to me, how long have I been out." Salem said, but no one was around to answer his questions. He stood up and looked around.

I guess it's morning time, Salem thought to himself.

"Oh no!" Salem said screaming. "What happened to the scale!"

While in the middle of the crater looking around for the scale but he couldn't see the scale anywhere.

Standing up trying to regain his balance in moment, like a flood, all the memories started to enter his mind. He saw images of himself touching the scale, the burning sensation, and the message that he heard right before he passed out.

"What was that strange message I heard?" Salem said. "It sounded like a message you'd get for starting a video game or starting a computer."

Just as Salem had finished speaking, right before his eyes he saw right in front of him what appeared to be like a HUD from a video game. What is all this, Salem thought:

<User- Salem Hilston< p>

Hp- 10 out of 10

Strength- 10

Stamina- 10

Magic- 50 out of 50

Agility- 10

Race- Human

Level- 1

Exp- 0 out of 100 >

"What is all this, why am I seeing all this." Salem said, but the notifications did stop there more came through.

<Skills- 5 10 64 skill tab locked. Stat points 0. Skill Daily quest you need to stay hydrated drink ounces of water. Reward exp. must be well rested, sleep for eight hours a day.>

With all this new information Salem felt dizzy, stunned, and confused. 'Did I get trapped in a videogame or something?" Salem said standing up brushing the dust off his shirt and pants from laying in the dirt.

His clothes looked like they were caked in dirty and muddy like he had been sleeping in the dirt. Salem started walking towards his house still holding his head from what had just happened.

Upon reaching the door and grabbing the handle he hears a familiar noise, it's the sound of his phone turning off. With a confused look on his face, he pulled out his phone and watched it turn off.

"But our phones shouldn't die after only a few hours of nonuse, just how long was I unconscious for?" Salem said with a concerned look on his face, but the realization of how much time had actually passed soon set in as Salem walked in. He looked at the calendar that was also being displayed on his digital clock. "What the? That can't be right I was laying the for a 2 WEEKS!"

Although when he started to look around the room, he noticed that some of the food that wouldn't need to be refrigerated was starting to mold. He ran over to the refrigerator and opens it up and saw mold starting to form around some of his food, and that confirmed it he really was unconscious for two weeks.

Looking at the food he realized that he was starving. Come to think of it i haven't eaten anything, Salem thought to himself. At that moment it hit him his stomach started to grumble. Salem looked around to see what he had to eat.

He looked in the refrigerator and found some of his food that still looked good enough. As he heated up his food he started to think

Was it because of that scale that he picked up and what was that weird system message that he got, he needed to get answers. The more he thought about it the more he wondered. As he did the system chimed in again.

<"You are dehydrated you need water drink sixty four ounces of water. Reward five exp.">

The message appeared again as it popped up again, he thought it might be a good idea to give it a try, so Salem walked over to his cabinet pulled out a cup and starts filling it up with water and starts drinking one after another.

After the fourth glass of water, he started to feel fuller and fuller to the point where he thought he was about to throw up.

Wanting to confirm something, threw willpower alone he held it in until the eighth glass when he received a DING! Noise in his head.

<"Daily 5 100 quest complete, you have received exp. out of exp.">

With an almost sickly look on his face, a slight smile could be seen on his face. "So it seem like it is a game than a computer." Salem said as he was starting to regain some of his composure back.

Salem looked over and saw that his food was done heating up. He slowly went of to his food though he wasn't as hungry as he once was. Taking several deep breathes he started to to eat his food.

Once he got finished he laid on the floor stomach was hurting because of all the food and water he just finished consuming. A few moments later a knocking sound could be heard from the front door.

"One moment." Salem said, looking at the door. He slowly stood up trying not to vomit, although he noticed his clothes realizing he hadn't actually changed out of his dirty clothes.

Slowly he walked over to his closet trying to figure out what to wear. Knock, knock, knock. The sounds of the door could be heard louder and louder like the person knocking was annoyed.

"Open up this door at once. This is the military, you need to open the door now." The voice on the other side of the door said with a booming tone.

Quickly he changed out of his dirty clothes and put on a new purple shirt with a black trim around the collar, sleeves, and base. The pants he's wore were a black pair of jeans.

He rushed over to the door, when he opened the door, he saw a tall man in a black suit and tie with a bunch of medals on the left side breast plate. He looked like an elderly man with no hair and a long grayish black beard hangs down to his collar bone.

"Well now boy I thought I'd have to break down the door." The old man said. "I am here to come take you to your new school." The old man said while he turned around and walked away." Well come on now then we don't have all day."

Salem looked passed the old man and saw a bus that looked like a regular school bus. The classic yellow with a black line in the middle. But something seemed a bit strange like it had been modified , but Salem couldn't figure out what was different.

Following the man on the bus he saw a bunch of kids all around his age who are now staring at him. Confused about why everyone is staring at him he quickly sits down trying to get out of the limelight.

When Salem took his seat, the old man walked and stood in front of the many rows of seats. "Well kids it's time to head off." he said as he put on a mask while the room filled with a grayish white gas.

< You are being affected by nerve gas. You have no natural resistance to nerve gas. You are being affected by sleep gas. You have no natural resistance to sleep gas. You have been granted plus 1 to nerve gas. You have been granted plus 1 to sleep gas.>

"Well damn, that's what it -" Salem started to say as his body started to seize up and pass out.