
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Starting the investigation

His girlfriend furrowed her brows and pursed her lips as she looked away from Salem. Seeing this, the boy turned back to look at Salem.

"It happened right as we came back from the city. A group surrounded me and told me that I needed to hand over all my credit and they'd let me leave unharmed. So, I did as they asked, and they left."

"Did you know any of them?" Salem asked, but the boy just shook his head.

"Can we go now?" His girlfriend demanded, as the two of them started to walk out.

"So, what did they tell ya?" Jet asks, as he had just arrived. Salem was about to recant what he had told him but noticed that both Ruby and Celina were following behind him.

"What are they doing here?" Salem asked.

"What, you aren't happy to see us?" Ruby said she had her arms crossed and had a raised brow, but she quickly fixed her face as she noticed that Salem didn't look happy.

"I'm sorry girls." Salem said. "But there is a situation I need to look into."

"Do you want help?" Celina said to both Jet and Ruby's surprise. She then noticed that both of them were looking at her dumbfounded.

"What?" She quickly replied to their looks. "Am I not allowed to help?"

"Yeah, sure but your normally mean to him so why offer your help?" Jet question.

"It's fine if you wanna help." Salem said to Jet's surprise. "But I don't think this is a thing you'll be interested in."

Saying that, Salem went to the nearest empty table and sat down with the other three following behind. Once all of them sat down, Salem began to explain what all he knew, with Jet filling them in on the things he knew and had found out.

"So, you're telling me." Celina said. "That a bunch of boys beat one of your friends, Darrel, was it? They beat him took his money so now you're trying to seek revenge?"

"Well." Salem replied. "That's how it started, now people are committing crimes by stealing people's money."

"Then why not just report this to the 1st year general?" Ruby commented.

"Cause from our understanding." Jet replied, "The second years are the ones in control of this."

"Then tell the 2nd year head general." Celina said as if she had just solved their whole problem.

"I don't think that'll work." Salem said "From what I've heard he isn't that kind to those who blame his students, and he favors some. He even favors some of the 1st years."

"So, what do you plan on doing?" Celina said as she leaned in.

"I plan on finding out who's behind this and taking them out." Salem replied with a stern face.

Celina was silent for a moment, smiled then leaned back. "Alright I'll help, but on one condition."

Salem looked perplexed by what Celina had said, in the past she normally had never helped under a condition before.

Salem was a bit standoffish as he thought about it for a bit. "Alright then, what's your condition."

A few hours had passed when the group last spoke. Jet had gone off to the 1st year general to meet up with the couple who went there to talk to the general.

Ruby had gone back to the canteen and was watching out for anything suspicious.

While Salem had decided to survey the entrance to the city and most of the city itself on top of the buildings in the city.

Finally, Celina was in the city trying to see if she could notice anything unusual. Although she was in the city, it seemed more like she was shopping than actually helping.

As the day was coming to an end, the four of them met back up at the training arena.

"Any luck Jet?" Salem asked.

"Yeah, so from what I overheard, General Bagley said that, cause it was 2nd year that did it, she ain't able to do nothing but talk to 2nd years head general, General Blake." Jet looked frustrated as he talked and felt like he should have done more.

"What about you guys?" Jet asked.

"Well." Ruby replied "I noticed that a bunch of 1st year students were going over to the 2nd years dorm for about 10 minutes then would return with their heads down. Darrel was one of them."

"I didn't notice much. Celina said, "Though there were more 2nd year in the city then the 1st years."

"As for me." Salem replied. "I overheard some of those 2nd years talking about how they needed to find more 1st years because there weren't gonna meet the deadline by the end of next week."

Both Celina and Ruby stared blankly at Salem. "How did you hear that?" Celina said and Ruby was thinking the same thing, Salem was supposed to be in the bell tower looking over the city.

As the two of them started to think about it what could Salem really see watching over the city. "Oh, um my hearing is really good I guess." Salem said, trying to avoid the question as best he could. Although neither of the girls believed it.

"Yeah, but that would be." Ruby started to say but was cut off by Jet.

"So how should we continue with this what we know?"

Ruby didn't look happy that she was cut off by Jet, but Salem tried to steer the conversation back to the investigation.

"I think the best thing for us to do is go to the 2nd year dorms and follow the 1st years who are going over there and see what we can find out."

Celina looked annoyed but ultimately agreed to go alone with it. Salem and Celina started to leave for the dorms, but Jet was held back by Ruby.

"So, are you gonna tell us about what's going on here?" Ruby asked, with her arms folded and her brows furrowed.

"What are ya talking bout." Jet had responded a bit too quickly for Ruby's liking.

"You know what I'm talking about. You clearly know more about Salem than you let on. So, tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone else."

Jet Looked at Ruby with a grin and bent over to look her directly in her eyes while pulling his hair back out of his face.

"Do you have a crush on him, do you want me to tell you everything about him. Like how he sleeps or who he has a crush on."

Ruby's face got extremely red, and she took a couple steps back.

"No why would I wanna know that?' Ruby questioned. "I just want to know, why Salem, the one who doesn't have an element and is supposed the weakest person here, leading us?"

Jet let his curly hair fall although his short hair didn't fall far.

"I Feel like you can sense it." Jet said as he stood up straight. He started walking out of the room and Ruby followed suit.

"What do you mean by that?" Ruby said, while Jet put his hand in his pocket.

"You should know that he is stronger than he was when he first entered to the school, and that was only a week ago, just imagine how strong he'll be by the end of the year." He turned his head back towards Ruby.

"I don't know about you but I wanna see just how far he'll get." 

Both Jet and Ruby made it out of the training ground where both Salem and Celina were waiting.

"What took you two so long?" Celina asked.

"I just needed to ask Jet a question." Ruby replied.

"What to be your boyfriend or something?" Celina made a smart remark trying to get under her skin.

"Nah." She replied quickly

"He's your boyfriend not mine" Ruby laughed.

Before Celina could make say anything else Jet walked a bit forward. "Are we all ready?"

Each one of them nodded their heads in agreement.

"Alright then." Salem said. "Let's do this."

Before the group could move even a single step each one of them could hear a noise coming from their emblems.

When they all went to check, they had noticed that it was almost curfew.

"Alright." Salem said again. "Let's do this tomorrow."

Jet had let out a laugh and patted Salem on the shoulder.

"Yeah, tomorrow it is." With the plan to investigate set for the next day the group headed off back to their dorm rooms.

'I can't believe I'm spending my free time not training.' Celina thought to herself as both Ruby and her went back to their rooms. 'But at least when this is all over, I'll get to test myself against some of the 2nd years.'