
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
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26 Chs

VR Game part 2

Entering the match was a boy in an orange jumpsuit with a blue belt and really spikey hair.

Once the boy fully loaded into the match, Salem felt a force on his body that pushed him out of the arena and into a stadium.

He was sitting in the stands, and started watching the fight and he couldn't help but notice the boy's name, ZWarrior.

The boy looked at Jet and smiled, then he took the square stance, and gave a little taunt to his opponent.

Jet started the fight the same way he always does by creating a large pool of water but surprisingly the boy swung his arm out and purple slime flew out of his fingertips.

Seeing this, Jet tried moving out of the way, when he noticed that he wasn't able to move his body like he normally would. Not able to move, Jet got hit a couple of times with the purple slime.

Each one of the slime balls felt as if he was getting shot by a pellet gun. As this was happening, Salem could see a health bar being displayed above Jet.

'Is that something the players can see as well or is that something only the spectators can see?' Salem thought to himself as he continued to watch the match.

Jet looked down at his body to see why he wasn't able to move and that when he noticed that what he thought was his water had turned purple.

'Is this slime? I still have some control over it although not as strong now. Let's see if I can still fight the way I normally do.'

Although Jet didn't have time to check his theory as the ZWarrior started to charge at him and started to throw out his hands that he coated in slime.

Jet went to move again but he was still slowed, this time instead of trying to move he just went to block it instead.

After blocking the first strike, the ZWarrior started to throw out a flurry of punches and kicks. Jet wasn't able to dodge all of the attacks. Salem could see Jet's health bar slowly going down with each successful hit that the ZWarrior landed.

Moments later, a wall of water rose up from the ground stopping the ZWarriors assault, and the moment that it did Jet threw a straight right into the wall of water.

A fist sized ball of water was shot out of the wall. Jet continued to throw out punches, only a few that shoot out, but only a few actually hit him.

As they shot out, Jet ran into the wall and rose to the top, once he got to the top, he started to slice a bit off the top. As he got the slices, he started to cause them to spin, once they reached top speed, he started throwing them like spinning discs.

The ZWarrior saw the spinning discs and started to throw balls of slime at the discs but they were cut in half and the discs came striking him.

Watching each hit, Salem saw chunks of his health drop until finally the match was over. The stands that Salem was in started to disappear and both Salem and Jet were in the same area.

"I thought I was gonna lose that fight. Hey how close to losing was I?" Jet asked. "You only had about a 4th of your health left." Salem said with a bit of a laugh in his voice.

"Think it's funny do ya, well your next." After that Jet showed Salem how to pull up the menu and how to set up a fight, and his queue began.

Although, Salem didn't have to wait long before he was matched up with someone. As he entered the fight, he saw a female in all pink with pigtails and dark brown eyes.

At first Salem thought that the person in front of him was the same girl he met in the mastery test, but this was a VR game, so it was impossible to tell.

When he looked at her name, he was almost positive that's who it was. The name displayed was Heyjeweley. Looking at her, He got into his usual fighting stance. 

<Match starting in 3... 2... 1... GO.> 

Hearing the signal to go, Salem took off at a faster speed than he was expecting, reaching her in a matter of seconds.

Catching her off guard, Salem used his dragon claw ability to try and dished out the most damage as quickly as possible.

She wasn't able to react fast enough to dodge and got knocked away. As he repositioned himself, he decided to use his examine skill. 

<Examine. 10 15 Hp out of> 

'I guess my examine will only show me their health within the game but that's fine.' Salem then looked at his own stats.

'What is this, I know I used my claw attack and that attacks uses 5 magic points. Well let's try it again.' Salem thought.

Before she could recover from his first attack, Salem was already performing another claw strike. Striking her again, Salem looked at his stats again and noticed the same thing.

'I see, while in this game I don't use any MP points. Let's try this.' Salem used his fire breath attack but before he did the match had ended and both Salem and Jet were then standing back into the dojo.

"What happened?" Salem asked, wondering why the match had ended.

"From what it looks like she probably disconnected from the match." Jet could see that Salem was a bit saddened by this, so he tried to cheer him up.

"Cheer up Salem, we can play again." Although before they could start the next match, they seemed to get kicked out of the game.

The pod opened and the boys got out. "What happened?" Salem said once he fully exited the game.

He looked around and noticed that they weren't the only ones getting out of the game, all of Sergeant Barnes' class had gotten out of the games.

"That is all for today class, you will be able to come back to after 5 o'clock today and finish out your time if you wish but we have to make room for the next class."

Sergeant Barnes spoke as the students finished walking up to him. Sergeant Barnes started to lead the class out of the game store back to the military base. "Hey Salem, do you wanna still spar with the girls?"

Jet asked, trying to whisper so no one else could hear. "Yeah, what else would we do, we agreed to it remember?" Jet just nodded his head as they continued walking.

Once the class got back to the base, Sergeant Barnes dismissed the class to lunch. Going to the canteen, Salem heard a couple of students talking.

"Man, I can't believe those guys just took my money like that." A boy said in frustration.

"Don't worry babe, we can talk to the general of the first years. Maybe she can help, it couldn't hurt to ask right?"

Hearing this, Salem started to walk over to the students talking. Jet noticed this and stopped Salem from going over. "yo where are ya going?"

"Those two might know something about Darrel situation." Salem replied, trying not to speak too loudly.

In that moment, both the girls walked to the boys. "Where do you think you're going?" Ruby said. "I thought we were supposed to spar today?"

"Yeah, just there is something we must do first." Jet said.

"What could be more important than getting stronger?" Celina questioned but Jet just ignored her as he started to walk over to Salem who had just left.

"Hey." Salem said to the couple that was talking earlier. "Did you just say that someone stole your ducats? Can you describe them?" Salem asked.

He was hoping that he could get information from them to try and stop this whole mess. If he found the ringleader, then he could work to take them down.

"Yeah, someone treated me and took." The boy started to say but was cut off by his girlfriend.

"Why should we tell you? You're the weakling with no element. So why does it matter to you?"

"Trust me." Salem said. "I can help."