
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Finding the scale

Out in the middle of the training hall stands a boy hunched over drenched in sweat, a boy about the age of sixteen, current trying to figure out a solution to his problem

"Damn it," the boy said in frustration, "why can't I unlock an element like everyone else."

He is currently one of the only ones in his generation who has not unlocked an elemental ability. No matter how hard he tries he still has no results in unlocking an ability.

"Still trying to unlock your element? You're pathetic. You'll never be as good as us Salem," said a boy with dark brown hair and sunglasses on.

He stands about 6 feet tall, but with a much more slender body. As he walks over to Salem, he starts to produce a small amount of ash in his palm.

"If you can't produce an element by now, then you never will. It's just hopeless for you." The boy said with a smirk on his face.

"I can still kick your ass in martial arts though." Salem said while bent over still trying to catch his breath.

"Is that so." The boy said angrily. "Why don't we just test that little theory of yours." The boy balled his fists ready to punch Salem. With a swing of his fist aimed at his face.

The fist hit Salem's forearm as he threw a punch of his own, a little faster than the other boy was expecting he wasn't able to get his guard up in time.

Salem was able to hit the boy in the face and quickly dropped to the floor, extended his legs and sweep kicked his causing him to fall to the ground. Once the boy landed on the floor Salem too a step back trying to still catch his breath.

The boy stood up from the floor, wiping some blood off his face. With an angry look was shown on his bug eyed face. Angrily he raised his hands, while ash started to form around them.

Readying to shot Salem with a ball of ash but before he could a loud bang could be heard from the other end of the training hall.

"Come on Bobby, are you really so weak that the only person you can fight is someone without an element?"

A soft voice said. As the boys look over, they see a beautiful girl with long brown hair with streaks of a bright red colour. She has a slender build but with soft features. She looks rather young for a girl her age.

Celina, Salem thought. what is she doing here she's a pure blood. "If you want a real fight then try and fight someone your own size." Celina said while forming a fire ball around her whole hand.

Bobby starts clenches his fist ready to say something in return but chooses not to and just walks off in anger.

"Thanks." Salem said as he finally caught his breath.

"Why do you do it? You're too weak to fight against them, you should just learn to submit. I won't always be around to help you." Celina said sounding a little irritated with her words.

But her words fall on deaf ears as Salem starts walking off. "Hey, did you even hear a word I said?" Celina said with an embarrassed look on her face. She then stomps her foot on the ground and flames erupt from underneath.

"Well, are you coming or what?" Salem said as he's walking to the door. She moves quickly to catch up to him. As they leave the training hall to the main entrance to the school, they see a crowd of people crowding around a teacher.

"Today is your last day here, in two weeks from now a representative from one of the bases will come to your house and get you. They will continue your studies and teach you to hone your specific elemental ability."

The smug looking man said while standing on a platform looking down at the kids. "It's time for you to go home and relax for these next two weeks. We may be in a time of peace right now but, we never know when we will have to fight the drygar again, we must be prepared for anything. Now you are dismissed."

With the students dismissed everyone starts talking amongst themselves, but Salem didn't bother to stay and listen, he was too focused on trying to unlock an ability. What am I doing wrong? Maybe I should just take a break for now, Salem thought.

Quickly leaving the school Salem starts walking through a small town that doesn't have much in it. A few food shops and vender lined the streets selling a lot of different types of gear and weapons. All the weapons are that of a basic tier, so they're nothing too special.

They were there to try and sell things to make ends met, but the only supplies they had to sell was basic tier items. After the war people wanted to stay armed with gear and weapons.

Higher tier items cost more but is harder to get, while a lot of the basic tier items could be found on the streets through certain venders. Although none of it was higher than basic tier.

As Salem walked throughout the town he stopped in front of a TV that was playing the news.

"Although we may be in a time of peace government officials state that the treaty, we signed with the drygar maybe going into another war. There have been more and more attacks on the planets we control. Tensions have been rising and we may be looking at another war, this has been the channel eight new and we'll be back with more news after this short break."

Salem clenches his fists in anger. Damn it I need to get stronger, he thought. Filled with anger Salem started to walk off from the television he stopped at.

As he walks out of the town, he starts walking down the same path that he normally walks down every day, but something felt different.


A loud banging sound was heard not too far from where Salem was at. A shocked look could be seen on his face as he realized where the noise was coming from. "That's towards my house." Salem said nervously and he ran off to where he heard the noise.

As Salem arrives, he notices a small crater in the back part of his farmhouse. It's not a grand house, just a small house that was left to him by his parents who died in the war.

As he approaches the crater, he starts to see through the smoke. A small clear almost perfectly see through scale lying in the center of the crater.

Sliding down the small crater, Salem can see the scale better now that he's closer, and its a beautifully clear scale

The temptation of the scale draws Salem in and he leans in and touches the crystalline scale. As he touches the scale starts to liquify and starts to quickly climb up his arm causing a searing pain as if his arm was set on fire.

"AHH." Salem screams as he pulls his arm away, but it was too late because the liquid had already started spreading across his body.

Am... Am I gonna die, Salem thought as he starts to fade from consciousness, but before he fully faded, he heard a noise.

<Integration complete congratulation the dra-.>

But Salem had already passed before the message could complete.