
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

A New Skill

'Beep, Beep.' 'Beep, Beep'. A sound could be heard coming from their emblems. When the boys checked their emblems, each boy could see their schedules.

Jet classes were as followed first was general education from 9 a.m. until 12, then lunch from 12:15 to 1:15. Then he goes to an elemental class from 1:30 until 2:30 and finally a beast weapons class from 2:45 until 4:15.

While Salem's classes were the complete opposite, being beast weapons classes from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. then to an elemental class from 10:45 until 12:15 with a lunch from 12:15 until 1:15. Finally he had general education from 1:15 until 4:15.

"So it looks like we won't have any classes together that sucks." Jet said upsettingly. "Well, if you want, we can go and explore the school and hang out if you want." Salem tried to cheer his new friend by suggesting that they hang out.

Quickly you could see Jets' face light up with joy as he nodded his head in agreement. The boys got up and started to head to the door. As they started walking out of the room Salem remembered that he needed to ask Jet something.

"Hey Jet, I meant to ask you something. One of the boys who was with that pure blood was asking if you could protect them." "Sure, but I can't protect everyone not unless I get stronger." Jet said while slamming his fist into his palm.

'I can't let what happened to Easton happen to another person.' Jet thought as they were walking down the hall. Once the boys made it down the stairs Jet could see a boy waving at them as if they wanted them to come over.

"Is that the boy who wanted protection?" Jet whispered to Salem. "Yeah, let's go over." Jet agreed and followed Salem over to the boy. As the two came close to Darrel they were immediately surprised by his actions.

He was bowing his head in respect. "I just wanted to thank you for what you did the other day, please I ask for your help, I will give you whatever it is you ask f-." But before he could finish, he could feel a hand on his shoulder, and he looked up and could see Jet standing in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Sure, I'll help ya. You ain't gotta beg." "Do you wanna come hang out with us we are about to explore the school if you wanna come along." Salem said, trying to comfort Darrel. "Sure!" and the boys were off.

The boys started to walk back to the open field that they had awoken from and started to walk around. They found a path that led down a hill unsure of where it would lead them, Jet made a suggestion. "Wanna see where this path leads." Without anything better to do the boys started down the path.

Off in the girl's dorm, Celina had just met her roommate, but they didn't have much interaction with each other. Celina was focused on how to improve herself while the other girl was just shy.

Celina got her schedule as well and would be taking weapons class, then general education and finally elemental. Leaving the room, Celina started to head off back to the arena to see if she could hone her skills.

Once she made it outside of the girls' dorm room, she saw Salem and Jet walking with someone she didn't recognize. Seeing Jet, she started to get a little irritated at the fact that someone did better than she did on the test.

Frustrated, she hurried off to the arena to train. She could see the multiple open areas and the target points. She went up to the target points and started to concentrate on her element. She started to produce flames around looking at the target points.

She shot fireball after fireball nowhere in particular just practicing controlling her fire after 4 minutes she started to get a little tired, but she continued to produce and shoot fireballs one after another until finally it stopped. She couldn't continue to produce fire anymore.

'Damn, only 10 minutes I've got to do better than that.' Celina thought, huffing and puffing. She walked over to where the target points were at. She stood up and tried to produce her flames once again but this time she felt a sharp pain shot throughout her whole body.

Trying to ignore the pain, she persisted in trying to produce more flames, more flames came out though other than producing fire she wasn't able to control it like she once did. Forcing herself to create another fireball she was able to produce one last fireball and shot it off at the target points.

Her last fireball crashed into the first 2 target points breaking through as they usually did but crashed into the 3rd, but it didn't break it, it just caught on fire. Breathing heavily, she was unable to continue, once she caught her breath, she started to leave the arena to go back to her room to rest.

Coming back from their mini adventure, the boys went their separate ways. It was currently 9 o'clock and they only had an hour of free time before they had to go back to their dorm rooms to prepare for the next day.

Salem left the others and headed off to the arena to train like he used to do and tried to see if he could unlock an element. On his way there he could see Celina leaving the arena as well, but they didn't say much to each other as they passed, just the formalities. 'Salem, I hope you are able to get an element soon and I hope it's a strong one.' Celina thought to herself as she passed him.

Celina did care for Salem but because of her pure element she was unable to continue to stay by his side. With the way the world worked after the use of elements, those without one were seen as weak and unuseful. With the threat of a new war that could start at any moment anyone without an element was treated poorly, so no one wanted to be associated with them.

Upon entering the arena, Salem saw all the burn marks and scorched ground, 'wow she's gotten much stronger.' Salem thought while surveying one part of the arena. Going to an empty area Salem started to concentrate but before he could get anywhere, he could hear the door opening and someone walking in towards him. "Oh, I didn't know anyone else was here."

The boy said as he was walking over. "My names Edric. You?" "I'm Salem." The boys shook hands. "Do you mind if I train with you?" "Sure, did you wanna spar?" Salem questioned Edric. "Yeah." Edric then stepped back and took a fighting stance and Salem did the same.

<New 50 quest: Sparring. An elemental user has requested a sparring match. Win the Quest reward exp points>

'What's this.' Salem thought as the message played in head. Unsure if he was the only one who heard it or not. "Did you hear something just now?" Salem questioned Edric wondering if he heard it too. "I didn't hear anything?" Puzzled by what Salem had just asked him. "Are you okay?" Edric said with a concerned tone. "Yeah, I'm fine let's go."

As Salem got into a fighting position, and once they were both ready, Edric charged at Salem. Immediately as Edric got close Salem could see something forming around his body and collected at his hand.

It was a small ball the size of a baseball and he threw it right at Salem, a crackling sound could be heard as the ball approached Salem, but he was able to dodge it. Though when it passed by him, a cracking sound was heard, and a fist was thrown at him hitting Salem square in the face.

< 8 out of 10 hp>

Salem had taken a step back as he saw that his health had dropped. 'I guess I can't take to many more of those hits.' Salem thought and he rushed forward, but Edric didn't back down either. As Salem swung his fist out, Edric already formed another one of the balls ready to throw it at Salem.

Quick on his feet, Salem once again dodged the crackling ball but this time he was ready for the attack that followed. Blocking the incoming punch, Salem threw out a fist of his own and quickly repositioning himself Salem threw out a kick that hit him on his side. "Ah!" Edric screamed as the kick landed.

"That really hurt." He said in frustration as he started to charge up. Recognizing what Edric was trying to do, Salem threw out another punch but this time his fist was caught. ZAP. A light shocking feeling could be felt coursing throughout Salem's body.

<5 10 of hp>

Then a fist hit Salem in the stomach pushing him back.

<3 10 of hp>

'That was a powerful attack. I've gotta be careful or I'm gonna lose.' Quickly Salem ran in and started to throw a punch. 'He's still able to fight. That was my best move. If I don't end this soon, I'm toast.'

Edric said while he was backing up. As Salem got close feinting, a right hook Edric went to block his left side but instead he felt a punch in his right side. Swiftly Salem squatted down and performed a sweeping kick toppling over Edric. The moment he landed on the ground Salem swiftly landed a right hook to his face. Ending the fight.

< You have successfully won the spar. 50 exp has been granted. 60 out of 100 exp.>

'Damn, I can't believe I won that.' Salem thought but before he could do anything he received another notification.

<You have been granted an additional reward. Skill unlocked. New skill Examine. Examine will display basic information about whatever you use the on.>

'Woah I wasn't expecting to gain this.' Salem thought. He turned over to Edric as he wanted to see how the skill worked. As he thought about the skill a window popped up next to Edric.

<Name: Edric Dune.< p>

Race: Human.

Hp: 1 of 12

Element: Spark.

Mastery of element: 1.5

Most valuable possession: A family heirloom worth 750 Ducats points.>

After the war all currency started being referred to as Ducats points in order to centralize all the money to have an equal amount of money for all to use.

'Why's it telling me about me about his most valuable possession?' Salem started to question it. He could see that Edric was starting to get up. "Wow, you can really fight you even beat me without using your element. Say, what is your element anyways?" Edric said hoping that he had one that was really strong.

"I don't have one." Salem stuttered because he didn't really want to answer. "Man, I lost to an elementless boy." Edric laughed to himself. 'He's got a great battle sense I wonder how much he has been fighting for him to get that good.' "You're a good fighter."

'Beep, Beep' the sound of their emblem went off telling them that they only have 30 minutes left until curfew which their curfew was at 10. A message popped up on their emblems. 'If you are caught out past curfew, then you will be punished.'

Looking at the message the boys didn't want to chance it, so they decided to leave. "Well, I guess we need to head back to the dorms. Thank you for the sparring session." Edric said as he started to walk away to leave. "Uhm no problem."

Salem said, still puzzled by what the system had told him. He didn't understand why the system had told him about his family heirloom. Though he didn't have time to think about it he needed to get back to the dorms.