
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

I'm a what?

After Salem ran off to fight his own opponent, Jet made it to the 2 boys standing over a beaten and bloody Darrel. "And who are you." The older looking boy said his attention was on Jet. "Leave my friend alone." Jet said angrily with his fist balled up.

"Hold on, you're that same boy who stopped me last time. What are you doing here?" Jaylen questioned Jet while standing up from the floor. "I'm here to get my friend back." Jet proclaimed stomping on the floor creating a large pool of water.

"Hang back Elroy, I'll take him on." Jaylen said with a grin on his face. "I don't have time for this." Jet screamed. Clapping his hands together causing the water around all of their feet to create a whirlpool.

Jaylen tried pulling rocks up to surround himself but wasn't fully able to draw the earth in. Concerned by the fact he was starting to get drawn into the center.

"I'm gonna have to make this quick, he looks like he is hurt really badly." Jet said. Looking at the situation, Jet quickly brought water up to his hands from the whirlpool that covered his arms with water.

It looked like his arms had been swallowed by a snake. He pulled his arms back and that caused the whirlpool to spin faster. It was spinning so fast that Jaylen couldn't resist the pull and felt himself slipping into the pull.

Thinking about what to do, Jaylen was able to pull out some ground right outside of the water field and started to pull it in and quickly shot it towards Jet.

As they flew, Jet didn't flinch and stood there with his arms pulled back. When the rock got close, Jaylen tried stomping on the floor to create the earth spikes. Before he could Jet snapped his arms forwards and a water whip rose and smacked Jaylen in the stomach.

Although it wasn't a simple hit, he started to send a flurry of whip hits, but he couldn't dodge the rocks that were already sent to him, and he was getting his himself. 'Damn these stupid rocks hurt. But I've gotta out last him.' Jet thought as he continued sending the flurry of whip strikes.

A few seconds later, the rocks stopped hitting Jet and he could see a wall of rock blocking the boys. Jet fell to his knees as the rocks started to come down. He could see that Jaylen was draped over someone's arm.

"I think this fight is done, I'd take you on, but I feel like we've been here long enough. I think we've made our point. Although boy." Elroy said looking at jet with a heinous look on his face. "When I see you again. I'll beat your ass."

Rocks started to cover both boys and they sank into the ground. With the threat gone, Jet got up and rushed over to see Darrel beaten and bloody. "Yo Salem." 

After calling for Salem, all Jet heard was a loud scream. He looked over towards Salem and could see him crying out in pain. Confused about what to do, Jet made sure Darrel was still alive and laid him back down and rushed over to where Salem was at.

Looking at the system as he sat on his knees surprised by what the system was displaying. 'I'm a what?' Salem couldn't help but wonder. Seconds later more notifications started to pop up. 

<New 5 10 skill unlocked, Claw strike: Strike coats your hands with a thin layer of magic to form claw. Hits at range inches in front the user. Costs MP points use.>

'A... A claw attack this has got to be some sort of joke right.' Salem questioned the system in his mind, but he received even more notifications.

<New skill unlocked breath weapon: the of clear dragon is a unique one. The can breathe weapon all other dragons as long you've had contact with that type dragon.>

<You have currently had no contact with another dragon.> 

<Choose a breath weapon to use: fire breath, lightning or ice>

Salem closed the system when he noticed Jet heading his way. 'I'll deal with this later.' Salem thought to himself.

"Woah you look... ugh different." Jet said as he just stared at Salem. "What do you mean? Oh yeah, I did just get out of a fight heh."

Salem was still unsure how he looked different since he didn't get hit. "Take a look for ya'self." Jet created a thin pool of water and motioned for Salem to look in the pool.

"What the-?!" Salem screamed in confusion. As he looked at himself in the pool of water, Salem couldn't quite believe that his facial features had changed.

He looked older than what he was now, his pupils were now a clear colour and his face had been cleared of blemishes. His once straight hair had grown out more, became thicker and wavier.

"It looks like I just went through puberty!" Salem was touching his face all over. "Hey man, I'm just saying you look better than you did before."

Jet said, trying to cheer his friend up, not understanding that he had just insulted him. "Are you saying that I was ugly?"

"No. Just that, uhm. Never mind that can you still move I need help taking Darrel to the infirmary." Jet said trying to move on from what they were talking about.

"Yeah, sure." Salem stood up from the ground and was now standing as tall as Jet. 'Did he get taller?' Jet was amazed by all the things that were going on with Salem. Jet decided to keep it to himself, and both the boys went over to Darrel and picked him up.

The boys then wrapped his arms around their head and started to carry his beaten body out of the arena. Walking out of the building, Salem could hear everything everyone was saying to about the scene.

He was shocked, but hearing everything at once became overwhelming and started to hurt his head. Trying to ignore everything he trudged on. 

Finally, they made it to the infirmary and the nurse on duty rushed over to help them. "Oh my." The nurse spoke with a bit of a tremor in her voice. "What happened to him?" the nurse continued saying as she helped the boys put Darrel in the beds.

"We aren't sure what happened." Salem spoke faster than Jet. "He wasn't in class after a certain point, and I asked Jet to help me look for him. When we found he was beaten and bloody. So, we brought him here."

Then Salem turned and looked at Jet trying to give him a sign not to say anything else. Which Jet did just that he stayed quiet. "Well thank you for bringing him. I'll have the doctor check him out."

"Do you mind if I stay?" Salem asked politely. "I don't see why not." She replied to Salem and brought him a chair.

"I'm going to the canteen, dude I'm starving." Jet said it rudely but that's normal for who he is. "I won't be too long I'll join you soon." Sitting in the seat, Salem opened up his menu and the same notification as before appeared.

<You have currently had no contact with another dragon. Choose a breath weapon to use: fire breath, lightning or ice> 

"So, it looks like I have to choose one of these options. But which is the best one to choose? I could go with the ice breath but that is a subclass ability, but it is a powerful one.' Salem committed to himself while holding his chin.

'Then there is the lightning breath also a subclass, but it is one of the strongest subclasses. Finally, there is the fire breath. It is a pure blood element but it also a really good destructive element. I also have to think of a way to explain how I learned this ability when I haven't had one in the past. Hmmm.'

Scrunching his face thinking about what to do, finally Salem came to a decision. 

<You have selected the red dragons fire breath> 

Confident in his choice, Salem was wondering what all the ability could do. Although before he could think on it for too long Salem got more notification through his system.

<While 1 fire breath is active you have a weak immunity to magic. You gained another stat trait. New agility has been added. point. point available.> 

See this, Salem remembered what the system said and chose to put the stat point into his strength point. Looking at his new stats he was pleasantly surprised. 

<Name: Salem Hilston  < p>

Hp: 1 out of 25 

Strength: 11 

Stamina: 10 

Magic: 50 out of 50 

Agility: 10 

Race: Clear dragon wyrmling 

Level: 2 

Exp: 20 out of 200 

You are hungry, you must eat meat in order to heal>

'My health has more than doubled that's awesome, but it looks like I was really hurt by that fight. If he didn't go down with that last hit, I don't know what would have happened to me if my health dropped to 0.

But what does the system mean by hunger and healing' Salem thought to himself. Standing up and trying to stretch a little, He felt sore, but the pain was manageable.

"Thank you for letting me stay, do you know how long his recovery process will be?" "No, it could be a few hours, depending on how badly he was injured up to a few days. I'm sorry I can't give you a better answer than that." The nurse answered sounding a bit disappointed.

"Thank you for your help, although I think I'll head to the canteen and thank you for letting me stay for a while." Salem bowed to the nurse as a show of respect. "It's no trouble at all."

The nurse said with a smile. With that Salem left to go to the canteen to meet up with Jet. 'He's quite handsome, he must be a real ladies' man.' The nurse thought to herself as she got back to work.