
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
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26 Chs

An evolution?

After the Sargent Hamil let the class go for lunch, Jaylen approached Darrel before they left. "Follow me." Jaylen spoke with authority, as a small part of the ground rose to surround the boys.

Darrel wanted to run away but he was scared and didn't wanna get hurt. At his old school he used to be beaten all the time for trying to fight back. He wasn't strong enough to fight back so he learned that it was just easier to just listen to his bullier than to fight back and even then, he still ended up doing what they wanted anyways.

"Okay." Darrel said reluctantly. As the boys started to walk off out of the back of the arena. After leaving the arena the boys started to walk to the 2nd year boys' dorms. "Come on its right back here." Jaylen spoke while heading behind the dorms.

Back behind the dorms there was a group of boys sitting on a bundle of crates. The one sitting in the middle of them was a boy who looked identical to Jaylen, only older and with longer hair. "Is that the last one?" The boy spoke while looking at Darrel.

"Yeah bro he's the last one." Jaylen said walking over to the man who looked like his brother. "Don't look so worried, we just wanna talk to you. All we want you to do is help us collect some funds.

You can either give use yours or bring others here to us so we can take theirs so you can keep yours. Although the amount will increase so you better not disappoint us." The boy said acting like this wasn't a big deal.

"Oh, and don't think you can just refuse. We'll just beat you and take the money." The boy got out of his seat and started to gather some of the ground on his body like a sort of armour to show off his power.

Darrel looked down towards the ground in anger and clenched his fists. "I…" Darrel started to speak voice shaky. "Refuse!" Darrel shot a cloud of dust and started to run away. "Why can't they just make it easier by just agreeing with our demands." And with that the boy formed the earth around himself.

"This is gonna be fun." The boy stated as he got into a runner's stance and used the ground that he was standing on in order to shoot himself off towards Darrel who was running away. As he ran away, he created another cloud of dust trying to disorient his followers but to no avail.

The boy was already on his tail and with a single hit Darrel went flying and landed in the yard. "Well, well, well. I thought that we told you not to decline us, but you chose to anyways, so I guess now we're gonna have to beat you within an inch of your life." The boy said with a devious smile on his face.

Coughing a little, he tried to control the dust cloud he created moments ago into a weapon. Though the boy in the rock armour noticed Darrel trying to do something and quickly gathered more rocks around his foot and stomped down hard on Darrel's arm causing it to break in multiple places.

"Ahhh!" Darrel screamed out in pain. "Let's take him to the arena I'm sure classes are done there and we'll teach him why he shouldn't mess with us and what'll happen if he says no again."

Salem and Jet started to rush off to the arena, the boys could only think of what happened to Darrel. "Do you think that Jaylen had something to do with this." Salem speculated hoping he was wrong. "Probably, I wouldn't doubt it." Jet replied. As they got to the arena, the boys couldn't find anything at a first glance. They were hoping they could just find him there and be done.

Once they didn't see anything, they started to search the inside of the arena. When the boys opened the door, they could see what looked like a horror show. In the training arena was a badly beaten Darrel and a couple of boys standing over him. "Get away from him!" Jet shouted and he ran over to the group.

He started to form small balls of water in his hands and shot them towards the group of boys. The boys looked shocked by the fact that there was another person who had entered the arena. The older boy and Jaylen were able to dodge the main attack, but the 3rd boy wasn't that lucky and got hit and was sent flying.

Following behind Jet, running to the boys, Salem was amazed at just how strong Jet was. "Salem. do you think you can take care of the guy back there?" Salem then nodded his head and started to make his way over to the other boy. Once Salem had made it over a quest popped up that he wasn't expecting to appear.

<Defeat Caelen Danell. Reward 50 exp>

'50 exp, that's cool looks like I'll be able to level up if I win this. I wanna know what happens when I reach level 10.' Salem thought as he got into a fighting position. "Come on you overgrown couch potato, let's dance." Salem said with a smugness in his tone.

As the boy stood up from the ground, a little annoyed that he wasn't able to dodge the attack, looked over at Salem. "I'm not even fat, nor lazy and I promise I'll make you eat your words for insulting me!" Caelen said in frustration.

He then raised his hands and shot out a beam that looked almost like a cloud. Knowing better than to let it hit him, Salem barely got out of the way but could still feel the heat as the cloud passed him by.

'Oh, I get it. That must be a condensed form of steam.' Salem thought as another couple balls of steam came hurling at him. Now with a better understanding of what he was up against Salem started to think of ways to defeat him.

While inching closer and closer Salem started to taunt his opponent "I see you're not a pure blood. How did someone like you end up working with them, let me guess you spent a lot of time of your k-?" But before he could finish his sentence Salem felt a large burst of steam coming from Caelen. "Shut up!" Caelen shouted pushing out almost all of steam he had available.

< 9 out of 10 HP. 8 out of 10 HP. 7 out of 10 HP. >

Salem's Health was slowly dropping seeing this he ran back trying to get out of the steam until he got a notification.

< 4 out of 10 HP>

'It's working.' Salem said as he watched the steam dissipate. 'Can he see in his own steam?' Salem wondered. Not wanting to waste time, Salem charged back into the steam not worrying about his health.

He then brought back his fist and slammed it into the boy's face causing him to cancel the steam that was produced. Caelen was now lying on the floor, Salem not wanting to take chances punched the boy in the face again and again until he heard a dinging sound.

< You have defeated Caelen. Congratulations 50 Exp has been awarded. 120 of 100 Exp You are now level 2.>

"Looks like I was able you defeat him. I got lucky I won, but I was able to l-." But he got another message in the middle of him speaking.

< You are now able to evolve. Would you like to evolve? The effects will be permanent, would you like to continue? Yes? No?>

Confused about what the system was talking about he went to select no. "Yo Salem!" Jet shouted calling for his friend. Hearing his name, Salem accidentally selected yes in his system while also answering Jet. "Oh no." Salem said with a worried tone.

< You have selected yes. The evolution process will now begin.>

Salem let out a blood curdling scream while gripping his chest. Salem could feel all of his bones shift in his body rearranging themselves. On top of that, he could feel like new bones were being added and formed.

His mouth felt like his teeth were starting to get more jagged. The skin on his body felt like it was getting tighter, but in all actuality, it was his muscles that grew faster than his skin could. After what felt like an eternity, the pain started to lessen until he wasn't in pain anymore. He was greeted with a new message in his system.

<Congratulations you have successfully evolved. You are now a clear dragon wyrmling>