
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
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26 Chs


In the canteen he was just sitting off on his own waiting for Salem to show up. Something that Jet did whenever he got into the canteen. Not thinking of anything partially Jet just stared off into space. When he finally saw Salem walk in, he became a bit happy.

Salem went to go get some food but almost none of it seemed appetizing to him. That was until he saw some meat that was still being cooked. "Can I help you?" the lunch lady said smiling at Salem. "Do you think you I could get a steak cooked blue?" Salem asked, mesmerized by the smell coming off the raw meat.

He didn't realize it, but his sense of smell had greatly improved along with all his other senses. All of his senses were heightened after he evolved into a clear dragon wyrmling. With a smile on her face, the lunch lady went to the cooks and got him a steak cooked blue. She started to give him other foods, but Salem was uninterested in anything but meat.

Once he got his food, he made his way over to where Jet was sitting. Sitting down Salem quickly started to eat the meat that he got. He could hear the whispers of everyone around him again. "Look at those two over there. Why is a pure blood always hanging around a nobody like him."

"Yeah, it'll ruin his imagine and he'll never get anywhere always hanging around the weak."

"Maybe he's just working under him, and they aren't actually friends."

Salem was able to hear all the conversations as if they were sitting right next to him. Although listening to them, Salem started to feel bad for Jet. "Y'know you don't have to hang around me. People are starting to talk bad about you." Salem spoke with his head down.

He wished things were different, but he knew he wasn't strong enough to change anything. "How do you know what other people are saying about me?" Jet questioned Salem with a concerned look on his face. "Can you not hear them. They are talking so loudly." Salem said although all Jet could hear was the sounds of everyone talking all at the same. He couldn't distinguish anyone's independent conversation.

"You've been acting differently since we left the arena. You, okay?" Jet was concerned for Salem, but Salem tried to change the topic.

"I'm fine. So, from what the doctor said it might take a couple hours or days depending on how bad his injuries are." Jet looked a bit annoyed by the sudden change of topic but didn't worry too much.

"Well, that'll be good." Jet said. "You sure are eating a lot your appetite has really grown." Looking at the food it didn't feel like he had eaten that much.

"I guess I'm just hungry from the fight." Salem guessed that was the reason why he was eating a lot. Although when thinking about it a notification popped up in his system.

<You are no longer hungry you will now begin to heal.> 

Salem could see his heal going up, but it was incredibly slow he gained 3 hp over the pasted 5 minutes. Looking at his health he started to wonder if he would be able to use this during a fight.

 But to Salem's surprise he got another notification from his system that he wasn't expecting to get. And he almost couldn't believe his eyes or hold his facial expressions as he read the message over and over again.

<You have consumed beef. You gained 1point in agility.>

Looking at his stats now were as followed. 

< Name: Salem Hilston 

Hp: 1 out of 25 

Strength: 11 

Stamina: 10 

Magic: 50 out of 50 

Agility: 11 

Race: Clear dragon wyrmling 

Level: 2 

Exp: 20 out of 200>

 "Hey, do you know where the library is?" Salem asked Jet while finishing the food on his plate and downing his 8th bottle of water. It was easier for Salem to finish the 64 ounces of water. 

<Daily 5 25 200 quest complete: exp gained. out of> 

'That was easier this time than the first.' Salem thought to himself. "Yeah, there is one in each dorm building. Why do you ask?" Jet questioned Salem.

Standing up to start walking out of the canteen giving a wave to jet for him to follow. Jet looked confused but got up and started to follow Salem out of the canteen. "I want to see if I can find some information about something." 

Once the boys made it to the library, there were a large number of bookshelves lining the wall. There were numerous tables with domes above each one. Each one of the domes made all conversations on the inside of it silent.

Jet quickly walked over to one of the empty tables and waved over Salem to the table. Walking over to the table, Salem saw Jet pick up something off the table and press a button. An orb flew up into the air and made a dome surrounding them.

"What was that?" Salem asked surprised and looked around amazed. "It's a special device that silences our conversations. It was made so students can have study groups and not disturb others." Jet said while sitting on one of the chairs.

"Go look for book your wanting to read and bring it back here so you can study in peace." Salem looked concerned at the dome and slowly walked up to it. "Don't worry you'll pass through the dome just fine it only blocks out sounds."

Trusting his friend Salem walked through the dome and he felt nothing. With a smile on his face Salem walked down to the fiction section of the library.

Looking for books about dragons trying to figure out what a "clear" dragon was. He found old dragon magazines and different dragon books.

Walking back to the table he saw Jet was still just sitting there. Walking the dome Jet looked confused about all the dragon themed books that Salem had him his hands. 

"Are you into dragons or something?" Jet questions all the dragon books in his hand. "I'm gonna be honest with you, have you ever heard of a clear dragon?" "No, I haven't. What is a clear dragon." Jet answered, scratching his curly black hair. "I don't know either, but do you mind helping me look into it?" Salem asked Jet, hoping he could have some help in the matter.

Salem set the books on the table letting them spread across the table. Jet picked up one of the magazines that was on the table. "Yeah, sure I'll help!" Jet exclaimed and both boys started to read the books. 

"So, this book says here that dragons were mythical creatures that held great magical powers and depending on whether they had coloured scales or metallic scales. And that they could breathe different types of elements. But that seems outlandish." Jet proclaimed while placing the book back on the table.

"Well, this book says roughly the same thing although it says that dragons could learn magic instead of breathing it." Salem replied, starching his head. "I guess we need to keep reading but what's made you so interested in dragons." Jet said while picking up another book.

"I'll explain in a bit, but I want to see if I can find any info on clear dragons." 

After an hour of reading, Salem felt like his head was going to explode, although once they were done Salem got a notification that he wasn't expecting. 

<Congratulations 10 35 100 you have learned more about dragon kind. You gained exp. out of exp>

'What, but I didn't learn anything about what a clear dragon is.' Salem thought to himself. "Well as much as I enjoyed reading about dragon with you." Jet said with his head down on the table.

"But my brain is fried, so I'm gonna go do something else." Jet lifted his head off the table to look at Salem. "Yeah, I'm tired as well. What do you want to do?" With a smile, Jet got up and started to walk out of the dome. "Wait don't we have to put up the books."

"Nah, might as well leave them so the librarian can have something to do." With that, Jet walked out of the library. Looking at the books on the table Salem couldn't just leave the books on the table.

So Salem decided to put the books away before leaving the library, within a few minutes later Salem left the library