
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

History of the war

Salem left the canteen and headed straight for the building next to the boy's dorm. He started to think to himself about all that as happened to him. How it felt like he had gone through a lot during the last couple days.

Without realizing it he had already made it inside the building. He pulled out his emblem in order to see what classes he was supposed to go to. Classroom 3C was where the emblem told him to go.

Once he made it to the room, it looks like that of a college classroom. There were rows of seats leading down to a center platform with a big screen right behind a podium where the teacher would stand.

As Salem walked down the rows of seats, he noticed that the rows were labeled. When he made it halfway down the rows, he walked into one of the rows and sat in one of the seats. Moments later students started to enter the classroom and took their seats.

Without any of the students noticing, the teacher appeared behind the podium. He had blonde hair that was straight with little curls at the ends, he was a rather handsome man that wore glasses.

"I'm Sargent Barnes and I'm going to be your teachers and today will be an easy day. We will be learning about the history of the war along with other topics." Sitting there, rather bored, all Salem could do was just sit there and listen to Sargent Barnes.

"When humans first discovered the ability to produce elements from within themselves it came as a shock to them. For those who could use the elements their fears were the government would seize them and do tests to discover how they were able to produce and control the elements. The original elemental users went into hiding to save themselves from being lab rats by the government." The sergeant said while he started pacing the floor and moving a hand showing that he was passionate about it.

"That was until 35 years ago when a drygar ship crash landed on the planet. Upon reaching earth, the drygar started to kill everything as another couple ships landed in different parts around the world. The war between humans and the drygar had begun, and the humans weren't even aware of how to defend themselves. As we continued to fight the drygar more and more we soon realized that our way of fighting was ineffective it didn't hurt them. The drygar was either dodging bullets shot at them, or they would just bounce off their scaley skin."

Some of the students weren't paying attention although Salem already knew most of this. He started learning of this once he found out that his family had died. He hated the drygar for taking everything from him and promised to kill all that he can in order to avenge his family.

"We even shot nukes at the drygar but even after that, the drygar walked away unscathed. At that moment we realized that we were no match for the drygar, that was until the first elemental users appeared. With their elemental magic it pushed back the drygar giving us a way to fight back. Once the elemental users had defeated the drygar, our scientists were able to study the technology that was on the drygars' ship. Thanks to the diligence of our scientists, we were able to uncover how to teleport to different planets. On those planets we made an incredible discovery, "Sargent Barnes proclaimed.

He pressed a couple buttons on his computer that changed the display on the screen behind him. The screen was displaying that of a beast that lived on one of the planets.

"We discovered a beast that was none like we've seen before." The Sargent was pointing at the screen, the beast that was displayed looked like a moose though it was much bigger with an extra set of antlers underneath his jaw. The top antlers grew up and forward with spikes that pointed both upwards and downwards for protection. Its fur was a light brown on its body while the hair on its head and down its spine was black.

"We tried to capture the beast to study it but when we tried, it put up a fight. As we would normally do, we tried to fight the beast with guns, but its skin was too tough to penetrate. Stumped on what to do, some of the elemental users come to help fight the beast. Once the beast had been dealt with. Something started to shine within the beast that caught our attention. Once we harvested the jelly like substance, we started to study it."

The Sargent changed the slide on the screen with a clicker. The screen changed to a beast soul; the soul looked really murky and like a ball of jelly.

"Through rigorous tests, our scientists found out that the beast souls could be forged into a weapon. The weapon that was created was a blade. With the new weapon, we gave it to a blades master and with the help of the elemental users we were able to defeat the rest of the Drygar that had invaded. Once the first battle with the Drygar had ended, the elemental users started teaching the non-users how they unlocked their elements and how they did it. Some people were able to learn how to use the main elements, but others had trouble until they started learning from one another user. Those who learned the singular element were then referred to as pure bloods, while those who used the combination element were referred to as mixed blood. Later then called the subclass, though I digress. Later, the Drygar mothership found out that the ones they sent to earth had perished, they then sent more to fight. Even though we had all these new powers and weapons, humans were still pushed to near extinction before a treaty was signed out of nowhere and the war had ended."

Finally, he stood back in front of the podium and adjusted his glasses and fixed his uniform and started to stare at the crowd. "Are there any questions?" The Sargent asked the class. A student raised his hand.

"Was there only the one sword in use or were more weapons made."

"Yes, that is a good question. So, what we ended up doing is having a team of people go back into the beast planet in order to collect more beast souls and had them forged into weapons to help supply the front lines with weapons. During that time, we were able to venture off to other planets. We were able to find other beast souls. Upon finding new planets we were able to find out more about beasts and the planets they live on"

Sargent Barnes replied to the student. "We have time for one more question for the day, anyone?"

"What tier was the beast that was first discovered?" A male student asked with their hand raised.

"That is a good question sir. The tier of the beast on that planet was at the basic tier."

With that, the students were done with that part of the class and the teacher left the class as another entered and started teaching. Once the last teacher was done with his class, the students were allowed to leave and were free until their curfew, which was at 10.

Salem left the classroom and started heading his way over to the canteen. 'I wonder where Darrel was at? We were both supposed to have general education together. Maybe he had a different class.'

As Salem made it down to the canteen, he noticed that Darrel wasn't in the canteen. He saw Jet sitting off by himself and went to approach him but when he did, he didn't seem like his normal cheerful self. "Are you okay? You look kinda down." Salem questioned Jet.

When Jet looked up at him the same smile, he always gave Salem ran across his face. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks for asking though."

"Have you seen Darrel?" Salem questioned Jet hoping that he had seen him. "Nope." Jet replied. "I don't know his schedule. Why do ya ask?" Salem started to look around but didn't see him anywhere.

"I think he's gone missing he was supposed to be with me in the last class, but he wasn't there. I think he might be in trouble."

"Let's go find him." Jet replied standing up.

The boys left the canteen in search of their friend. "Where was the last place ya saw him?" Jet asked Salem so they could retrace their steps. "It was right before the elemental class. Let's go over there first." And the boys were off to the arena.