
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Elemental Class

The students pulled out their emblems and started to check to see what class they had to go to next. Some of the students had to go to the elemental class while others went to general education. "What class are you going to next?" Darrel asked Salem while checking his own schedule.

"From the looks of it I'm going to the elemental class." Salem spoke in a mumble; he didn't want to go to the elemental classes at all. He didn't have an element and once others found out he would get bullied.

"Looks like we are going to the same classes." Darrel said while putting away his emblem. "Since you still have your emblem out, do you care to see where the elemental class is?" Looking back at the schedule on his emblem, Salem pressed the location icon so it would give directions to the class.

<Your destination if 18 feet away>

"It's actually not that far from here. Follow me." The boys started to walk around the training arena towards the auditorium. As they were walking around, Salem saw Celina walking towards them. 'Does he have the elemental class next?' Celina thought as they passed by one another while Darrel looked starstruck.

"She's so pretty." Darrel said out loud by accident. Quickly he covered his mouth realizing that he had spoken out loud. She glanced back at the boys and with her next step flames slightly spread from her feet.

She was giving them a warning to stay away from her or she would put them in their place. A look of terror was written on his face and his face went pale. "Don't worry, she won't hurt you. She's just telling you too not gawk at her." Salem whispered in Darrel's ear.

"H-how do you know that." "I've known her for a while, and she won't attack unprovoked." Darrel turned and looked at Salem who had already started walking to the auditorium. "Hey where ya going?" Darrel screamed as he started to chase after Salem.

Once the boys turned the corner, they could see a large group of students heading off in different directions to their next class. Standing at the doorway, leading into the auditorium, was a man with a slight muscular build.

He had his arms crossed and wore the standard military uniform, long spikey blue hair with white tips at the end of his hair that reached his shoulders. Once the students in his class and the new students got round the entrance of the auditorium, the man started to introduce himself.

"I am Sargent Matthew Hamill; you all can just call me Sargent Hamill. I will be your instructor for the elemental class." Sargent Hamill Spoke with authority.

"Now I will explain what it is you'll be learning today. You will be learning how to control your element. We will work on how to get more of an output out of your element. How to control that output of yours to make it as effective as it can be and finally, we will work on durability. So, you'll be able to use it for longer." The Sargent said as he signaled for the students to follow him into the auditorium.

"He looks so cool." One of the boys said to his friend. "He's cute." "I don't think so, he looks like one of my dad's friends." A conversation was going on between a couple of girls. Once they made it to the auditorium, Sargent Hamil started to speak.

"Today we will be training in the training arena. We will be working on increasing your maximum output." One of the students raised their hand to ask a question. "I thought you said that we were gonna use the training arena?"

Ignoring the boy, Sargent Hamil started to speak. "Does everyone understand the material we will be learning today? Alright then let's go." Sargent Hamill said without giving the students a chance to reply back. He turned around to walk the double doors that led them to the training arena. Upon reaching the arena, they could see the floor starting to close up behind the beast weapons class.

'So, we use the top area, and they are using the bottom.' Salem thought as the class walked into the first arena. "The best way to train your output is just to use your ability. You girl what is your name and element."

Sargent Hamill pointed at one of the girls near him. She started to blush; she was one of the girls that was talking about Sargent Hamills looks. "Breanna Garrod, and my element is brimstone."

she spoke quickly filled with embarrassment. Sargent Hamill waved her to come to the center of the arena where he was standing. She complied and walked up to him trying not to show that she was almost visibly shaking.

Once she reached him her face was almost fully red. "Now the best way to increase your output is to first start using your element. So, miss Garrod can you start using your element and I will tell you how to proceed after that." Sargent Hamill took a couple steps back to give her space.

Once he was far enough back, she started to change some of the ground she was standing on into sulfur that was still a dark colour. She couldn't change much but the ground still changed, and she was now able to control it

"Now that your element is active push out all your element until you feel a tingling sensation in your chest. Once you've felt that then stop using your element and then activate your element again but at a lower output. And then slowly build it back up until you get that tingling sensation again. Then try and push past that point." Sargent Hamill explained to all of the students.

She tried what he told her but once she felt the tingling sensation, she stopped but she wasn't able to use her element again. She felt a bit winded but looked at Sargent Hamill to see what she should do next. He tried repeating himself, but she wasn't able to use her element anymore.

"So, this can happen you've just had to get used to using less of your element. I want everyone here to start practicing by decreasing the amount of output you're using.

"The students started to spread out to give one another some space, while Salem walked off trying his best not to be seen by anyone. Most of the students started to release their elements. The ones who chose not to were a couple of pure bloods who already knew how to increase their output, and Salem who was pretending that he already knew how. He was hoping that the Sargent wouldn't see through his rouse.

Off to the side he opened his menu screen to see what all he could do with it. By his guess, no one else could see the system screens but himself so he started to explore it a bit more. With his tests, he found out that he can remove and place his emblem in the inventory just by thinking about it.

He also found out that as long as he was looking at someone, he could use his examine skill whenever he wanted. While he was testing, he found another menu tab that wasn't there the first time he opened the system. It was a quest tab and when he opened it, he noticed he had a couple of quests.

<Main Quest: Reach level 10 incomplete

Daily Quest: Drink 64 ounces of water incomplete

Daily Quest: Sleep for 8 hours. completed >

Without realizing it, time had flown by, and the class was ending. "Alright students I think that'll be all for today time for lunch." Sargent Hamill spoke as he started to lead the students back out and as the last students left the floor started to split open again.

The beast weapons class started to leave and started to make their way with the elemental class to the canteen. Out in the field, the students from each class started to mingle.

Salem, not knowing anyone here, started to quickly make his way to the canteen. 'He's always doing that; I wish you the best Salem.' Celina thought as she watched Salem walk off to the canteen as she slowly walked there herself.

Upon entering the canteen, Salem felt an arm wrap around his neck and a very friendly and familiar face. "Salem how was your day so far." Jet said hugging Salem. "Fine so far."

Salem said as the boys started to get in line to get food. Once the boys got their food and sat down, they started to talk about their day. Salem started to talk about how he chose the great sword to try out. Jet was a bit surprised that he had chosen a great sword but didn't think much past that. Salem explained how he liked the way it swung and the power each swing.

He also explained how he didn't do much in the elemental class. "Wow it looks like you've had a pretty interesting day. I didn't do to anything in the general education class. I basically slept." Jet sounded almost proud for doing nothing in class.

After they were done eating, they started to leave and waved each other goodbye. Salem started to head over to the buildings for general education while Jet headed to the elemental class.