
System of the dragon king

In a world where a mass majority of people has an elemental ability. Salem one of the few not to have an elemental ability. Salem has now gained a magical system that give him a fighting chance. He starts to gain more power by completing quest and gaining more power. He starts to realize what this system has changed him into

Elemency · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Beast Weapons Class

Getting back to the dorms, once he entered the room, Salem could see that Jet had already made it back. "Welcome back." Jet said while lying in his bed. Salem walked over to his bed and sat down while greeting Jet. Wondering what he would see if he used the examine skill on Jet.

<Examine< p>

Name: Jet Bore

Race: Human

Element: Water

Hp: 15 out of 15

Mastery: 5.8

Most valuable possession: None>

Again, the system brought up a valuable possession, but Salem didn't understand why the system kept bringing it up. "I think I'm gonna call it a night." Salem said while laying down.

The following day Salem and Jet woke up and started to get dressed. Salem was greeted with a message from his system

<Daily 8 10 70 100 Quest complete. Sleep for hours Reward exp. out of exp>

Once the boys finished getting ready, they left their room. Heading out of the dorms, the boys saw a huge crowd of people leaving to head to their respective classes. Salem started to head over to the beast weapons class. While Jet headed over to general education, out in the field there were 100 students heading over to the arena.

"Hey, Salem." A voice could be heard coming from the crowd. Salem turned and looked in the direction that he heard his name being called. It was Darrel waving him down. Salem started to walk over as Darrel ran to him. "You have the beast weapons class as well?"

"Yeah, let's go together." And the boys headed off to the arena. Upon entering the arena, the boys saw a woman with her eyes closed standing in the middle of one of the open areas with her arms crossed. She had long flowing black hair, she was wearing a white short dress with a black underdress and she had a long katana attached to her side.

She still looked quite cute for being in her late 40s. Once the last student came through the doors, she lifted her head and pulled out her katana with a swift motion. She cut the air making a sonic boom. Within the same instance she pulled the sword out it was swiftly put away.

The sound of a sonic boom going off caught the attention of the whole class. The student looked in the direction of where the sound was made. The students saw the teacher standing still with her eyes still shut.

"Greeting. Children. My name. Is Mary. Jo." The students realized that she was talking extremely slowly as if she hadn't been speaking that long. Mary jo was deaf since she was born, and while unable to hear she never truly learned how to speak. She continued in her introductions about the class trying to speak a little fast as she did.

"I will be teaching you about. How to use beast weapons. But first you must. Choose a beast. Weapon to start learning. How to use." She pulled out her sheathed katana and tapped it on the floor a few times and right behind her, the floor began to spread apart.

"Follow me children." Mary Jo instructed the kids. As the kids started to follow her down the newly spread apart doors some of the students started to whisper amongst one another, "Why is she talking so slowly." "Yeah, she sounds kind of stupid." "Is it really okay for a dumb bitch to be teaching us how to use weapons what if she accidentally kills one of us."

Then as if she was able to hear all the conversations happening around her, she turned to look at the kids.

"Rest assured Students. I am very. Capable of teaching." With that some of the kids' faces become red with embarrassment. Once the kids made it down the staircase, they saw a large open area that had a paved ground with a raised platform.

There was one wall behind the platform that what lined with an assortment of different weapons. Mary Jo led the students over to the wall and once she got there, she turned around and looked back at the students.

"Please, pick a. Weapon off the. Wall and get a. Feel for how you. Like each weapon. Once you've selected. A weapon you may. Practice with. One another." She stepped away from the wall and waved the kids over to pick.

The students looked confused at each other and slowly walked over to the wall and started to choose what they wanted. "Hey, let's go take a look at the weapons." Darrel said nervously.

He didn't want to get in the way of other people. Darrel was a shy boy and from the looks of things he didn't have many friends if any at all. So, Salem didn't mind hanging around him, with a nod they started to head to the wall with the rest of the kids. Upon reaching the wall they started looking around.

First, they saw a section of axes, bows and spears. To the right of the spears there were a couple of short swords and katanas. "I wanna try that." Darrel said reaching for one of the short swords, but as he got close to it, a hand reached out at the same time.

"Oh, I see you wanted these as well. But they are mine." The girl said swatting his hand away. Seeing this Salem tried to say something, but Darrel spoke just a little faster. "Go ahead I didn't mean to take them from you."

Grabbing the short blade, she took them and walked away. "Why did you just let her have that. You should have said something to try and stop her." Salem protested though Darrel had already grabbed another blade.

Shaking his head, Salem started to look around and found a wide sword on the wall. Grabbing it off the wall he wondered what would happen if he used his examine skill on it.

<Examine:< p>

Basic tier Great sword. While wielding the basic tier Great Sword the user will gain an additional 2 strength stat point. Due to the Great Sword being heavy the users will lose stamina at an increased rate unless the users' strength is above 15. Current stats:

Hp 10 out of 10

Strength: 10 + 2

Stamina: 10

Magic: 50 out of 50

Agility: 10

Race: human

Level: one

Exp: 70 out of 100>

"I think I like this one." Salem said while holding it in his hands. "That is. A good weapon. To use but it is. Hard to master." Mary Jo said examining the weapon Salem had chosen. Once all of the students chose their weapon. Mary Jo stood on the platform and looked at all the students.

"Now that you. All have chosen your. Weapons pair up with. Someone and start practicing. How to use the weapon." All of the students then got into pairs in order to use practice them. Salem and Darrel walked to an area off by themselves. Wielding their weapons another notification popped up giving him a quest.

<New Quest: learn to use the weapon you are wielding.>

'A quest to learn to use the weapon how odd. Oh well, might as well give it a try.' Salem thought to himself, trying to figure out how to hold it. 'That sword looks heavy. I thought he might want to use a lighter weapon.'

Darrel thought while clumsily wielding the short sword. Wobbling because of the weight of the great sword, he went to swing the sword at Darrel dodging with a bit of ease. Darrel stumbled back with a shocked look on his face.

'What a powerful swing that was.' The swing made a loud and slicing sound throughout the air. Some of the students started to turn their heads to see where the sound came from. It was loud enough to cut through the light noise that was being made in the arena.

Mary Jo turned and looked at Salem, she had felt the sword slicing the air. 'What a powerful strike that was. Does he know how to use the great sword or is this his first time.' She thought while watching him closer now.

Unable to control his swing fully, he fell to the ground and started to breathe a little heavier now. After pausing for a second, Darrel ran towards Salem and swung his blade. Noticing this Salem reacted to the swing by raising his sword as hard as he could to stop the incoming attack, but before the attacks could collide their blades stopped in midair.

Everyone's weapon stopped as the teacher spoke. "That will be. All for today. Please return. All your weapons. Back to the wall." All the students started talking amongst themselves. Some of the comments made were positive, some were negative, but everyone was muttering.

Upon putting their weapons back on the wall, Salem felt weaker when putting the weapon away than when he started. 'A quest to learn to use the weapon how odd. Oh well might as well give it a try.'

Salem thought to himself, trying to figure out how to hold it. 'That sword looks heavy. He might want to use a lighter weapon.'

"Follow me everyone." Mary Jo said as she walked to the stairs that led up to the training arena. As they walked up the stairs, Darrel approached Salem skittishly. "That was a powerful swing how did you do that?"

Darrel whispered to Salem not to draw attention to them. "Really? I didn't think it was strong I fumbled there at the end." Salem said while scratching his head. Once all the students made it up to the arena, Mary Jo once again turned and faced the class. "That will be. All for today. You are dismissed too. Your next class."