
Swallowed Star: Change date of all things

This is a story of novel Swallowed Star. Protagnist is an old office worker who travels through time to swallowed star world. He has a golden finger that allows him to revise the time of all things etc:cultivation,exercises,secrets ETC Daily updates of about more than 1200 words in total so do add to collection and share with friends.

Doodles_here · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Trial Tower

The Trial Tower looks very classical from the outside, but it is absolutely technological inside. The ground is made of hard alloy, and bursts of air explosions and shouts can be heard coming from the training rooms.

There is an empty hall on the 9th floor. There are some cushions in the hall, and some young men and women of different skin colors are sitting casually chatting in different languages.

Under the strange gazes of students on the 9th floor he went into the room on the innermost side of floor.

The room was not large and even a little dark.

"Bang!" Bright lights illuminated the room.

There were only two sofas in the room, and a faint blue helmet was placed on both sofas.

He didn't need to tell him, he actually knew that this was the consciousness sensor of the virtual space device.

It was Hong who excavated it from the ruins of ancient civilization, and relied on this, with the help of an intelligent optical brain, to build a virtual space, the Palace of the God of War, and gathered the Gods of War from all over the world to fight against the monsters.Ye fan was also a little excited.

Wearing it, your consciousness will enter a virtual space with 100% simulation, which is exactly the same as the real world.

In the room Ye fan was laying quietly wearing a helmet on his head.

The moment he put on the helmet, he could feel his brain buzzing. The next moment, he appeared on a boundless silver-white land, with a vast starry sky above his head. In the boundless night sky, there were thousands of stars. Thousands of stars make the entire silver earth reflect a dreamy light. 

And three to four hundred meters away, there was a huge tower towering into the sky.

"That's the trial tower." he understood in his heart.

There are several characteristics in this trial space. First, the physical fitness of all people who come here are the same. They are all - normal punching strength of 10,000 kilograms, speed of 150 meters per second, nerve reaction speed, and elementary warrior level. .

Second, what comes in is consciousness, so neither the physical body nor the mental power can come in, so the mental power cannot be used here.

In other words, this space is not equipped to allow people who come in to use their mental power.

There is a black stone pillar on the left side of the main entrance of the trial tower. There are carved words on this black stone pillar -

  "Name: Ye Fan

  Gender: Male

  Identity: Elite Training Camp Student

  Trial Tower Level: 1"

The so-called trial tower level refers to the number of clearance levels of this towering tower.

The entire trial tower has seven floors, and each floor is divided into three levels of tests: a, b, and c.

After passing the first level a test, the test The level of the trial tower is 1.3. If you pass the B test on the first level, the trial tower level will be 1.6. If you pass all the tests on the first level, the trial tower level will be 2! And so on.

And even if there is the same B level test on the first level, there are Some are 70% completed, and some can only complete 50%. The trial tower level scores will also be different. For example, 1.4 and 1.5 are possible, and 1.6 is required for complete passing. The higher you go, the more difficult the test will be.

Although everyone's physical fitness is exactly the same, due to different aspects such as body skills, sword skills, physical strength level, combat experience, on-the-spot performance, etc., the strength will naturally be different... and the final level of clearance will naturally be different.

He knew that this trial Tower is extremely difficult as no one has yet broken to the 7th floor of training camp even the strongest man on earth has not broken to the 7th floor.

And many elite training camp students are still struggling in the first level, not even the second level.

Ye Fan is also a little eager to try, not knowing his current strength level , which level can you break through.

"Student Ye Fan, please choose combat uniforms and weapons, and enter the trial tower within one minute to accept the test! "Suddenly an electronic voice echoed throughout the virtual space.

The trial has begun!

In the hall on the ninth floor, geniuses from all over the world were also chatting about Wang Yi, who had just arrived.

"That one just now must be a newcomer, right?"

"I seem to have heard that there was a newcomer from China at the beginning of this month."

" I don't think so he will be able to pass a stage of first floor because I got the information that he has just pass the Quasi Martial artist exam this month and he had just bought the cheat"

"Where do you think he can get through for the first time?"

"It's just a newcomer. He can get through the first place. " 

These geniuses from all over the world didn't think much of the newcomer in their words.

Virtual space.

In an endless grassland, Ye Fan was fighting a group of bulls.

The physical quality of each wild cow is exactly the same as Ye Fan, which means that it is almost equivalent to Ye Fan facing the siege of fifty monsters of the same level.

Ye Fan gray-black combat uniform was covered with blood. His face was stern, but his eyes were extremely calm.

The figure dodged among the bulls like a ghost, using the surrounding environment and the body of the bulls to make all kinds of incredible movements. The sword in his hand turned into two bloody lightnings, crisscrossing among the bulls, tearing them apart. Every hole was opened, and blood rained down.

The sound of running and roaring cattle echoed throughout the grassland.

But not even Ye Fan shadow could be touched.

Fifty bulls rushed toward the black-haired boy with red eyes, one after another, and fell under Ye Fan knife, and their number became smaller and smaller.

Finally, the grassland became quiet, with corpses everywhere and the smell of blood filling the air. Only a black and red figure stood there alone.

But when he killed these fifty wild cows, Ye Fan only had a slight shortness of breath and not even a single wound.

With the combination of artistic conception-level body skills, sword skills, and the first power of the thunder knife, Ye Fan faced this group of bulls, and it was a one-sided massacre.

Beside during this month he has made up the lack of experience of actual combat fighting Monsters in the wilderness as he was focused on increasing his actual combat experience and did not focus on points but even though he did not focus on points he still ranked near 120 on ranking list.

"It's not difficult at all." Ye Fan glanced at the corpse on the ground.

"It took 1 minute and 17 seconds to kill all 50 wild cows. Passed the A-level test! Congratulations, student Ye Fan." A huge electronic sound echoed throughout the prairie, "You have completed the first level a stage. Trial, the next step is the phase b trial. The goal is to kill 100 bulls in 30 minutes, which will start in 1 minute. I wish you good luck!"

Ye Fan expression remained unchanged.

"One minute to prepare, countdown begins, 59, 58..."

Soon, one minute passed, and a strong bovine monster with a head nearly three meters high appeared on the grass a hundred meters in front of Ye Fan.


A hundred wild cows, with red eyes and white gas spraying from their mouths and noses, rushed towards Ye Fan,like a flood with such force that even the grassland seemed to shake slightly.

"One hundred heads!" Ye Fan eyes suddenly narrowed, and a cold light passed by.


The distance of 100 meters was reached in an instant for both sides with elementary warrior-level bodies. In just a blink of an eye, the sharp horns on the heads of the tall bulls at the front were about to hit Ye Fan

Ye Fan face was calm, and his figure was flying and dodging among the bulls like an erratic fire. While dodging... the sword in his hand moved at the same time.

Puff, puff, puff...

A sound like leather being cut came one after another among the bulls. The necks of the bulls closest to Ye Fan simultaneously bloomed with bright blood.


Ye Fan face was indifferent, and his figure was like lightning, like a dream, like an unreal fire, flashing and flying among the dense herd of wild cattle. Wherever he passed, blood flowers continued to bloom.

The number of bulls is decreasing rapidly...

No matter how hard the bulls attack the fire in the middle, they will always fall short. What's more, due to their size, only three or four bulls can get close to Wang Yi's body at the same time.

For Ye Fan, having it is the same as not having it.

The figure is like electricity and the sword is like fire, full of a shocking sense of power.

There were more and more corpses on the ground, and they gradually became denser.


Ye Fan figure suddenly stopped and appeared at the other end, and behind him, there were already corpses of wild cattle lying all the way, not one of them standing.

In such a short period of time, with one person's strength, he was able to kill a herd of 100 bulls.

The artistic conception-level sword skills are very terrifying. For example, if an ordinary warrior masters the power of the Nine-Level Thunder Sword, he can only swing one sword at the same time with all his strength.

However, the artistic conception level swordsmanship and the perfect control of the power of the sword can allow Ye Fan to swing more swords at the same time.

What's more,he has improve the original 9 layer thunder sword and he can errupt for more power than the original 9 layer thunder sword

Attack frequency doubled!

In conjunction with the artistic conception-level movement technique, this movement technique is still integrated with the sword technique, and the coordination is extremely harmonious... In this way, the strength displayed becomes even more terrifying.

Moreover, the first force technique of the Nine-layer Thunder Sword can also be used on the whole body, such as speed, which increases Ye Fan instantaneous movement speed by two times!

The speed at which those reckless bulls rushed in front of him was not as fast as the speed at which he took the initiative to kill!

One-sided massacre!

If Ye Fan hadn't deliberately tempered himself and deliberately slowed down the clearance speed, he would have killed these reckless cattle even faster!

One hundred low-level beasts, general-level bulls, couldn't even make Ye Fan feel any pressure.

"It took 2 minutes and 11 seconds to kill all 100 bulls. Passed the B-level test! Congratulations, student Ye Fan." A god-like electronic voice echoed over the entire grassland.

"You have completed the first level b trial, and the next step is the c trial. The goal is to kill 200 bull monsters within 50 minutes. Among these 200 bull monsters, there are 190 elementary beast generals and 10 bull monsters. I wish you good luck!"

"One minute to prepare, countdown begins, 59, 58..."

When the time was up, a large number of tall bulls appeared not far in front of Ye Fan, including two hundred small tanks. Among the monsters, there are ten giant bulls that are even taller and have fiery red horns.

"Moo~~" Amidst the thundering roar, two hundred wild cattle rushed towards Ye Fan together.

Ye Fan also clenched his swords and stared at the 10 fiery red giant bulls at the front.

"Kill these ten first!"

Ye Fan thought like lightning. The next moment, the two sides were in contact!

Outside the trial space, the students who saw him walking into the test room were first surprised and then rememberd he had the opportunity of a new student to enter the trial Tower that's why he took so long then some student decided to go to Black Dragon and see his ranking

According to the information they have, Ye Fan strongest point is the speed at which his physical fitness improves. As for his physical skills, they seem to be same as them.It is very rare to pass the first A-level test. But he has been in the tower room for more than an hour