
Swallowed Star: Change date of all things

This is a story of novel Swallowed Star. Protagnist is an old office worker who travels through time to swallowed star world. He has a golden finger that allows him to revise the time of all things etc:cultivation,exercises,secrets ETC Daily updates of about more than 1200 words in total so do add to collection and share with friends.

Doodles_here · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Ranking Soars

On the second floor of the trial tower, Ye Fan was having a fierce battle with a group of scorpion monsters in a desert as if he were strolling around.

In order to improve his combat experience, Wang Yi did not rush to kill these scorpions, but slowly realized the gains and losses during the battle. As this kind of group battle is a rare chance in a such a controlled way.

After all he has too little combat experience even though this entire month he worked hard to improve his combat experience and make up for the lack of combat experience.

And all these must be accumulated by Ye Fan himself. So that in the future he would not lose a fight due to lack of experience.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Chi!" "Chi!" The sound of rapid movement and attack came in the air, one after another in the desolate desert.


The trial task for Phase A of the second floor of the Trial Tower is to kill 50 'Elementary Beast General Level' armored scorpions within 10 minutes.

The armored scorpions are relatively small, and can cause more than ten or even twenty scorpions to attack humans at the same time!

Moreover, they dodge strangely and are extremely difficult to deal with.

So this second level a stage is several times more difficult than before!

Even Ye Fan looks relaxed on the outside, but in his heart he dares not be careless at all.

"It's almost time."

About five minutes after entering the second-level trial space, Ye Fan felt that he was almost tempered. He no longer focused on dodging, but rushed towards the group of menacing armored scorpions with a sword.

The carapace of each scorpion is dark red, and its long conical tail is jet black. Whenever they get close, the conical tail will stab at them like lightning, making it hard to guard against.

Moreover, armored scorpions can easily move into the sand, and their moving speed is not even slower than on the sand. When they suddenly appear and attack, they are like ghosts. If you are not careful, you will lose your life.

Ye Fan right foot slammed hard on the sand, and the ground exploded with a loud bang. Sand and dust flew up, and the painful hissing of the armored scorpion could be heard vaguely. It was obvious that an armored scorpion had sneaked over from the ground just now and wanted to attack Ye Fan. But was discovered by Ye Fan.

And with the power of this kick, Ye Fan's figure flew towards several armored scorpions in one direction like a cannonball.

A rapid sound of breaking wind sounded like an arrow piercing the air. The sharp cones on the tails of seven or eight armored scorpions with dark red armor instantly stretched straight and stabbed Ye Fan from all directions as fast as lightning.

The tricky angles, the rapid speed, and the intensive attacks make people feel that they are inevitable.


A sword light appeared between the sky and the earth, like a red waterfall, sweeping everything, including the tails of those armored scorpions, without exception, were shrouded in the sword light.

Pfft~~ All the scorpion tails that were stabbed were cut off by the sharp and violent sword light, and part of them flew out.

And the next moment, a figure like fireworks rushed past like the wind.

The sword light reappears.

The sharp blade sliced ​​through the armored scorpions with thunderous force, easily breaking through their body surface defenses, going deep into their bodies, and disintegrating their lives.

All the armored scorpions approached by Ye Fan had more than one wound on their bodies, and some even had mutilated limbs.


The students hurrish too black Dragon on which the ranking was displayed were shocked when they Saw his Rapid increase in ranking and some calculated and according to the results in the black Dragon ranking come to conclusion that he had pass the first level of second floor of trial Tower.

This made all the students shocked that there is a new Qamar who can pass the first level of second floor of trial Tower and is also ranked in top 50 in the first month.

The trial tower is a place where a warrior's true fighting ability is tested.

After all, the physical quality of every level breaker is the same and will not change. The more levels he can pass, the stronger his combat effectiveness is.

The further back you go from the trial tower, the more difficult the level becomes.

Therefore even those who have been in the training camp for more than a year has not pass the first level of second floor of trial Tower.

The elite training camp recruits top talents from all over the world, but there are still dozens of students still struggling on the first floor of the trial tower.

This shows how difficult it is to test the standards in the Trial Tower!

But as a newcomer, Ye Fan actually passed the first level of the second level in his first test!

With this talent and qualifications, he is probably the first person the training camp has seen in many years!

But they still doesn't believe that he can continue to pass level .

Time passes little by little.

Standing at the entrance of thetraining camp, those students Saw his ranking once again jump more than 10 numbers and were directly stunned and then after realisation the came to conclusion that he has passed the second level of 2nd floor of trial Tower .


A foul language blurted out from the mouth of foreign student.

The students were filled with shock and Even a little doubtful about life.

That was the B-level test on the second level of the trial tower. He couldn't figure out how Ye Fan got through it on the first month in the training camp and he is only eighteen years old?

Are there any geniuses in the world who can pass the B-level test on the second level of the trial tower at the age of eighteen?

Just when this students were doubting his life.

Trial space.

Ye Fan was fighting countless armored scorpions in the desert, and the violent wind stirred up dust and sand all over the sky.

Among them, there are ten medium-level beast general level 'Silver Armored Scorpions' that are much larger than other Iron Armored Scorpions.

Under the leadership of the 'Silver Armored Scorpion', dozens of armored scorpions jointly attacked, wave after wave. Not to mention junior generals, even high-level generals could easily fall!

Instead, Ye Fan no longer distanced himself, but turned into a wips of wind, wandering among the armored scorpions like a ghost, forcing the armored scorpions to form a perfect formation to surround him unless they killed their companions as well!

The sound of the air exploding, the scalp-numbing hissing sound, and the squeaking sound of the knife slashing at the armored scorpion mixed together and kept sounding, chaotic and violent.

Ye Fan's body was covered in blood. He didn't know how many armored scorpions had died under his hands. His sword turned into a streak of blood. He slashed wildly, lifted up, cut across, and slashed straight... His brain didn't think at all. In an instant, he followed his instinct and attacked.

At this moment, he was like an evil ghost Shura, the sword light was violent and full of destruction.

Wherever it passes, it brings death.


Students watched dumbly as once again is ranking shot up and went into top 20 at this moment the realise that he has passed the second floor of trial Tower.

Their throat squirmed and they swallowed with difficulty.

What a monster!

What kind of monster had come to training camp?

And they knew that the training camp was about to experience a big earthquake.

They didn't know how Ye Fan passed the trial tower, but They knew that if Ye Fan could achieve this step, he must have reached a very high level in the realm of body skills, boxing power, and sword skills... these aspects.

And he has just come to training camp for 1 month and before that he was an orphan and did not have proper guidance for training.

And he is only 18 years old but his skills are compable to some invincible God of Wars. They felt like they were in a dream. It was hard to believe that this was a fact.

But the dazzling numbers carved on the black Dragon in front of them told them that all this was real!

Born into a civilian family, he is eighteen years old, and has officially become a warrior less than a month ago. He has no one to teach him, and he has to rely on his own efforts to achieve this step... They felt their scalp numb as this concept passed through their mind.

They now finally believes that there really are monsters in the world!

And the elite training camp may usher in the most evil genius in history!

At the same time Ye Fan instructor Jiang Fang was also standing not for away from the black dragon with other teachers but her face was calm like she had expected this scene because during this month she was shocked at the speed of progress he was making in his body skills and micro level and specialisation level body skills and sword skills they both reached the artistic conception level in less than a month, she had never seen someone so Evil and now she has became a little numb to his shocks besides based on his skills she had already expected him to pass.

Even though she was calm but the other teachers standing next to her were not so come because they also knew his information before coming to the training camp and now watching him passing the second floor in less than a month was something that they had not expected and in the end they lose their calm.