
Swallowed Star: Change date of all things

This is a story of novel Swallowed Star. Protagnist is an old office worker who travels through time to swallowed star world. He has a golden finger that allows him to revise the time of all things etc:cultivation,exercises,secrets ETC Daily updates of about more than 1200 words in total so do add to collection and share with friends.

Doodles_here · Fantasy
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12 Chs

First Experince to wilderness

June 8 2056,

early morning 6 o'clock, he woke up and had a small breakfast to shower and went outside there he saw Shi Jian practicing marksmanship he said hello to him and then went to a side and started practicing his own sword skills and body skills while he was practicing his sword skills someone came.

It was a woman who appears to be in her starting 30s and where should stood it felt like there is a sword standing there. He stopped practicing and said hello to the women after a small talk he got the answers he wanted and knew that this woman will be his instructor and her name is Jiang Fang.

He didn't aspect that his instructor will also be Jiang Fang just like Luo Feng in the original book.

Then she asked him to follow her and started walking outside he started following her they went All The Way to the trial building where she took him to the fifth floor where there was a gravity chamber and then she took him around other facilities available in the training camp and let him be familiar with them.

After that she took him to the training room and ask him to pick up sword and started fighting to test his skills.

He went to pick up a sword and then came to the centre of training room and stood on the other side of her.

And then after few second the started fighting, he did not show his real skills but instead showed the micro level peak body skills and professional level for sword skills.

While fighting her he decided to increase his sword skills and body skills gradually so that it will feel like that he is learning while fighting in this way he can maintain his Persona as a genius while at the same time make up a reason for his sudden increases skills.

They fought like this for an hour more, when he was fully exhausted she stopped fighting.

Her face was calm but her heart was in mess because she saw his skills improving so fast during the fight and there was also his experience in fighting which at the start was lacking but gradual during the fight he absorb the experience like a sponge.

This made her excited that she has a disciple who is such a genius and he is also sure to win the top place in training camp in a few months, little did she know that he had not shown his real skills and it will be only 2 months atmost when he will be dominating the ranking of training camp.

Next she told him a few things about training camp and also said that he came into the training camp during the june month so his hunting day will be even number and on all days he will follow all the students to go out and hunt Monsters to earn points.

After a few more words, she said that he should go back and do some training and if he encounter any problem during his training he could come to her to get the answers and beside that tomorrow he will be falling students to go to wildness area to hunt Monsters. So he should be careful as it is his first time in the wilderness.

After saying goodbye to her he went back and went to his own training room and started exercising to incorporate his body skills and sword skills together as even though he has read the high level in both of them but he has not incorporated them together and this was the problem he found during fighting with the teacher.

After training for a few hours he then practiced the five hearts to the sky as it is best to use after a heavy exercise and then he took shower and went to rest.

Early morning took his equipment and went to the training camp Gate where there were other students also waiting there after a few minutes, all of us went to the city 001 which is a master area specifically reserved for training cam students to hunt.

A stream of lightning flashed past the head of a high-level beast general monster 'Ogmas', and penetrated from the back of its head with a pop, bringing out a red and white blood flower.

It seemed like an upright mouse, but it was a two-story monster. The body swayed and fell to the ground with a splash, throwing up a cloud of dust.

In a dilapidated commercial building nearby, Ye Fan slowly walked out.


A flying knife circled and deftly inserted itself back into the concealed weapon bag on Ye Fan thigh. Ye Fan, with a swords stuck in his back, came to the body of the killed monster and put down the bulging combat backpack behind his back. Start collecting materials.

The ranking of the Black Dragon Ranking in the Elite Training Camp is determined by points.

Points are equal to 'Achievement Points' multiplied by 'Combat Amplitude'.

The achievement points are determined by the level of the monster hunted.

The higher the level of the monster, the more points you get.

However, students can only hunt at designated locations in the training camp.

Moreover, students will not hunt lord-level monsters, because once they hunt more than two lord-level monsters, they will be considered to have become gods of war and can only graduate from the training camp early. Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, students usually choose to hunt beast-level monsters.

And with YeFan current strength, hunting these monsters will be effortless.

The hunting efficiency of spiritual masters is more than ten times higher than that of warriors of the same level.

When encountering YeFan monster, he couldn't even run away.

YeFan current strength can be regarded as the first person in the entire training camp. Coupled with his status as a spiritual master, he can naturally earn record points very quickly.

Odd numbers learn to practice in the training camp, and even numbers hunt monsters in the wilderness area to hone their skills.

The days passed by so dullly.

YeFan also visited the ancient civilization gravity room, which has only one in the entire training camp, once. In the first month, he only had one hour of training time in the gravity room.

As for the gravity chambers that were imitated from Earth, which were much more numerous, he went to more of them.

YeFan physical fitness is also constantly improving.

Study, practice, hunt monsters, and rest, these are YeFan days in the training camp. Although it is boring and monotonous, it also makes Wang Yi feel very fulfilling.

And his ranking on the Black Dragon rankings is also rising rapidly.

And the upward momentum continues unabated.

The whole training camp was shocked.

Although everyone else is working hard to hunt monsters, anyone with a discerning eye can see that their rate of earning achievement points cannot be compared to YeFan.

He who has just enter the training camp, was suddenly in LimeLight and is already a celebrity in the training camp because everyone knows that there is a new student who hands Monsters like crazy.

In just half month is ranking has soared to number 137 on the training camp ranking.

But for current him this is nothing to make first about because he is real strength is for more than this and he can easily win the first place on the ranking list but has not done the amplitude test and the trial Tower test.

Now on the basis of his strength he does not put the training camp ranking into his eyes but his focused on the upcoming life and death challenge to the Australian mainland on August 1st.

 On the mainland Australia, there is a mysterious Karishma Island that he cares about very much.

Days passed like this and time came to the last day of June and his ranking is already 123 and he has not done his amplitude test and the trial Tower test yet.

Because of his high ranking there is a rumour in the training camp that he is a spiritual teacher but he has not yet confirmed that he is a spiritual teacher so even though there as rumours that he is a spiritual teacher but nobody has come to him to confirm it. 

At night he decided to go to the trial Tower to do his test of amplitude and Tower level.

About all the way to the trial Tower along the way whenever a Chinese student saw him they would say hello to him as he is the new Chinese genius in the training camp.

About 15 minutes later he came to the door of 9th floor of trial Tower where he will be conducting his test in the virtual space.