
Swallowed Star: Change date of all things

This is a story of novel Swallowed Star. Protagnist is an old office worker who travels through time to swallowed star world. He has a golden finger that allows him to revise the time of all things etc:cultivation,exercises,secrets ETC Daily updates of about more than 1200 words in total so do add to collection and share with friends.

Doodles_here · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Global Training Camp

A few hours later, the joint Flying Saucer shape passenger plane that Ye Fan and God of War Yang Hui boarded arrived at the airport in Hongning Base City and the Global headquarters of extreme martial arts.

The entire base is quite beautiful, all referencing buildings from various periods in China pavilions, rockeries and Gardens can be seen everywhere.

Yang Hui, God of War, introduce next to him," during the great Nirvana. The owner of the museum and a group of followers established this base city and sheltered many people during that. Today this base city is getting bigger and bigger due to owner of museum hong being here and is considered the safest place in the world!"

YeFan look the round and was Amaze by the things he saw. Hong controls one of the 23 base cities it is of 5 major powers in the world and couple with the extreme martial arts school all over the world he is power is were the of being number one in the world.

Being able to master these is because of his Invincible strength. Then the God of War Yang Hui, asked him to follow and then they went outside the airport and body the car which started driving towards the training camp.

After a few minutes, they got out from the car but appeared in front of them was a training campgate. As soon as he entered the training camp Gate he saw a large Dragon shapes culture above 50 M high which was a giant black Dragon. As long as you look into its huge you will feel the endless darkness of pressing you making you suffocating. But he was effected by it due to his better state of mind and will that's all pass the same level by a lot Aldo he feels that this thing is oppressive but it does not have the same effect on him as it as on other students.

Seeing him being uneffected made the God of WarYang Hui surprise.

Each of the Dragon scale display a small screen showing the names and ranking of some students.

Number 1: Renates brigade(530321).

Number 2: Chu Qiang (540601). 


Then the God of WarYang Hui introduce him to the ranking that each month students get different resources based on the ranking of this black Dragon.

Then Yang Hui took him inside the training camp and continue to introduce him to the training camp rules and regulations. There are elegant to story Villas that continues the consistent Chinese style everywhere.

After a while the arrived outside a three story compound reaching there Yang Hui called inside "Shi Jiang, Zhao Ruo you have any partner".

In an attic on the left balcony of the second floor a short hair girl wearing a lose night gown appeared. And in the pavilion directory influent a young man wearing training clothes came out.

The young man is over 1.7 metre tall, altho he is thin he give the impression that he is made of steel and the girl has short hair, petite figure, a dark skin, not too Big Eyes and is not outstanding in the parents but he appears very differently.

The God of WarYang Hui introduce him to them and then Told him that he will be leaving in this pavilion that is for the students who arrived from Jiangnan Base City. Before leaving he also told him that some students from other organisation will surely invite him but his focus should be on increasing his strength because strength is what matters if you have strength you can join what ever organisation you like but I still like to tell you that it is best if you join extreme martial arts hall as the owner of the Museum is the strongest person in the world.

After a few pleasantries, he went to his room before leaving boy and the girl told him that there will be an introduction party in the evening for him by the Chinese student in the training camp so he should attended. He replied that he will be there then went into his room after entering his room he check the conditions and was satisfied with it and then to the basement where a specific training room has been made at the same time he logged into his extreme martial arts hall account that has been activated as soon as he enter the training camp and his name appeared on the black Dragon ranking which is last as he has just arrived at the training camp and his training camp number is (56 06 01).

Is ranking is based on the month and year he entered the training camp and the last two numbers are what he choose.

Then he logged into the extreme martial arts account their he saw two emails, of the two one email introduced him to the workings of his account and how he should buy things and stuff that he needs and the second email told him that he has extra bonus of 300 million to buy cheats and 100 million to buy weapons that are needed by Warriors.

Then he check some news on the extreme martial arts hall as well as information about Monsters and tips about surviving in the wilderness and then he went to the cheats area. There is a lot of cheats but he had already decided that he will buy thunder Gods 9 layer thunder sword. After looking around at a lot of cheats his selected the first four layers of 9 layer thunder sword at the price of 250 million and then he went to the equipment area there he bought a series 7 sword that cost him about 8 million then bought a 6 Series Warrior suit that cost him 80 million then he bought some other stuffs like backpack watch and 2 series 7 flying knives.

All this stuff had cost him about 97 million and there is only 3 million left in his account then he closed his account and went to take a shower so that he can attend the party made for him by the students in the training camp and he knows that his stuff and cheats will arrive in a few hours as in training camp things arrives quite easily and early. 

After he took a shower event outside there is a Shi Jiang and Zhao Ruo already waiting for him he said hello to them and went to the cafeteria where the party is organise. During the party everyone invited him to join there Organisation in one way and other and some students hinted that he should join there organisation as it will give him more benefits.

There he also met Chu Qiang who ranked second on the black Dragon who also invited him to join Chinese army but he did not decline the him like other but said that if the army or military our needs him he will surely be there but he does not want to restrict his freedom so that for he will not join him but if he have needs help he sure to be there this made Chu Qiang a lot happy.

Then after the party, he said goodbye to everyone and then started walking around in the training camp and looked at the buildings and area of the training camp, while he was walking around in the training camp his phone rang and he received the call informing him that the stuff bought has been deliver to the training campgate and he should go there and receive the stuff.

After telling then that he will be there in a few minutes he walk towards the gate there he saw a truck waiting for him after saying hello to the driver and the staff that came to deliver the stuff he did they verification and took the briefcase which Stores the stuff he bought.

After verification he started walking towards the training camp Gate while the staff ask me what he has got and he told them that it is secret then event into the training state into his room, changed into training clothes and went to training room there he open the briefcase that contain his stuff in it over his combat uniform and sword and other stuff he had bought.

He check the stuff then put it aside and then look that the cheats he had just bought.

It was a book made of special material much harder than a paper but first still in the form of a book and on it cover was written the 9th layer thunder sword.

Then he opened the cheat and the first thing that came into his eyes was the word quick and he seems to be seeing someone or something flashing quickly in front of him and this medium lament at the uniqueness of this book. And then for the next half hour he read the cheat seriously memorizing each and every word in the cheat.

Then he thought about revising this cheat then it occur to him that to revise this cheat he does not need to reach entry level as long as your sword skills reach a particular level as there is a combination of 18 swords if you play those 18 swords you will be able to master the first level easily and his sword skills have already reached the artistic conception level, this made him happy that he had save a lot of time.

Then next he decided to revise the cheats before revising he thought he should revise each layer separately and it might be possible as this cheat is divided into 9 layers so that he can easily revise one layer at a time and if he revise is layer for 10 year later he can be sure that he will be able to learn the essence of the cheat and he might be able to improve it.

He did but he thought:

" system revise the first layer of 9 layer thunder sword to 10 year later"

[ ding dong rivising the first layer of 9 layer thunder sword to 10 years later]

[ ding dong revised the first layer of 9 layer thunder sword to 10 years later successfully].

Suddenly YeFan was in a trance in which he seems to be practicing the first layer of 9 layer thunders sword day and night for 10 years. After coming back to his senses he check the result and it made him excited after knowing that is 9 layer of thunder sword first layer can produce two times the power instead of 1.4 Times in other words he had improve the cheats and his power generation skill is better than the first layer of 9 layer of thunder sword made by Thunder God.

And at the same time it made him realised again that his system needs him to be able to understand its use by himself just like now if he has revised the first four layers together then he might not be able to improve this cheat but now instead of revising 4 layers together he revised one there and got an unexpected surprise. And then he revise the rest of three layers and the same thing happened but instead of increasing his power amplitude like the first time, this time he just optimise the already written cheat in other words based on the first four layers of thunder he can exert five times the power unlike the original cheat which can only produce 2.8 Times the power after mastering four layers. 

And then is to stead up and started practicing the first four layers of thunder sword according to the cheat he has just optimised. He practiced for while and then stopped check the time it was already 12 o'clock he decided to take a rest as today was a busy day, a lot of things happened like passing the assessment coming to the headquarters and then the party and now the cheats, so he decided to rest early and wake up early next morning to start his training camp career. After shower he went to sleep.

(note: he is able to improve cheats because he understood the book of sages i.e like I Ching and etc. and he is able to better see or understood the essence of the world and i know it is a lengthy chapter but i wanted to cover the entry to the training camp in a single chapter so enjoy bye bye).