
Supreme Sovereign.

Aaryn, having reached the pinnacle of power and becoming the strongest, found himself in a paradoxical state. The once insurmountable challenges that fueled his cultivation journey were conquered, leaving him with a sense of accomplishment but also an overwhelming sense of boredom. As he looked upon the world, time passing by without presenting any new challenges, Aaryn pondered the purpose of his newfound strength. What now? A single question turn the entire chaos upside down! Author warning!!!!!! Don't expect the novel to get good immediately; at least read until around chapter 50. Only after that will the story be able to develop. If you don't like overpowered characters, this might not be your cup of tea. There will be mystery, challenges, and things won't just be given to the protagonist. And yes, he will be the strongest from the start, but read the story to understand more. There will be romance and a harem, but don't worry, female characters won't be portrayed as headless fools, nor will every girl join the harem. This is my first novel, so I hope people can be understanding.

Unknown_man11 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Putting things into motion


I looked at the boy and said, "Well, you see, if I don't deliberately hold the low realm together with my power, it would get destroyed by my mere presence alone. And even if I go there, one glance is enough for me to see its history and future," I told the boy.

He looked at me and said, "Then why do you want to go with this body? Why not go with just your consciousness?" I wondered for a moment and said, "Well, you see, my consciousness itself is too powerful. To leave it like that would cause the law to collapse. And if I somehow could do that," as I was explaining to him, an idea clicked in my mind. I thought to myself, "A normal body can't hold me, as it would get destroyed by my spirit power itself. But it would be different if my spirit were to produce a body." Theoretically speaking, if I were to place my soul in an unborn child and let my spirit create a body, then that body might be able to hold my pressure.

I looked at the boy and said, "What's your name?" which made him quite surprised. He said, "Rishi of the Li clan and son of the patriarch, Your Majesty." "Okay, I will remember your name, boy. Uncle Li, you can go now. I have to try something."

I didn't wait for his response and vanished immediately from the palace. 

Amid chaos, amidst a swirling tempest of disorder, the very fabric of the universe seems to quiver with a profound energy. 

Amidst this cosmic chaos, a serene presence emerges, emanating a profound stillness and clarity. It is a presence that transcends the turmoil, existing outside the boundaries of time and space. 

This person was none other than Aryan. After the boy Rishi had told him to create a new body, he had an idea: to cut his soul in half, which would allow him to develop a body. "If I put my half soul into some women worm and let it grow, my soul itself will make a strong body to hold my half presence. The probability is low, but I will still try," Aryan thought to himself. "Well, let's start.

A few moments later. 

Aryan could be seen holding half of his soul in one hand, while the other was going inside him again. "Now, where should I put this soul?" wondering. Using my divine sense, I looked for a realm where he could place half of his soul. I searched through universes and explored different chaos. While considering where to exactly place him, as I was searching with my divine sense, a planet came into my senses filled with humans.

I vanished from my location, crossing thousands of universes and chaos in the blink of an eye, and reached the blue planet. As I looked around, I observed that on this planet, people didn't cultivate. A single glance was enough to understand the past and future of this place. The inhabitants of this planet called it Earth.

While considering this place, I thought, "This place doesn't seem to be bad for my new vessel. This so-called Earth might be a good place to begin. While it can't be said to be the best, it's fine." The reason I didn't choose any low realm was that I wanted my new vessel to have full new experiences of everything that this universe had to offer. After all, how will I have fun if he already understands the universe even if bit?

It hasn't been long since this chaos was created. It was true that this chaos was so low level that it couldn't even be considered a low realm. A bit more curious about it, I looked into this planet's universe. I observed many other low-level planets; some knew how to cultivate, while others, like this one, did not. Let's put things in motion for my rebirth.

I chose a middle-class family; I desired to imbue myself with the experiences of both low and high class. I could have easily arranged to be born into a top-level family, but I sought something different.

Rahul's POV

As I woke up from my sleep, I opened my eyes, still groggy. I rolled on the bed for a little while, sighing and feeling tired with all the things happening in my life. It was weird, to say the least, I was earning more than some people earn in a year, and yet something felt missing. I had been called a genius since birth, smarter than kids my age, and stronger. I possessed an intuition about things and people. I shrugged off those thoughts. It wasn't that I was a negative person; in fact, I was quite positive and confident. Some of my friends and people even called me a narcissist, but their thoughts didn't concern me.

After taking a bath and drinking a liter of water, I met my parents. My father and I talked a bit about how my trading was going, now that I had finished my bachelor's. I assured him that he didn't need to worry. My father looked at me and said, "Well, I will support you," and I explained to him some of the strategies I planned for my business and trading.

Having breakfast with my parents, I headed to my bike as it was time to go to my office and check the markets for all updates and trades I had put in. Upon reaching my office, I noticed my two friends who had arrived earlier than me. My office was located near my home, just a 10-minute bike ride away. As they noticed me, I teased, "What the holy shit, how did you guys arrive before 10 AM?" They looked at me and said, "Come on, Rahul, don't act like this now. Come here and see what we found out about the markets." I looked at the screen, curious to see what they had discovered.