
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Origin of Nephilim

"How did you do that" Solus couldn't help but ask Tommy.

"Do what?" Tommy was a little confused. It was a fight no different than he had ever seen, well apart from the insane amount of strength displayed.

"You are not my equal when it comes to strength, yet you showed no disadvantage. This doesn't make sense." Solus stated almost unsure how to respond to the simple question posed.

"I've been fighting people stronger than me most of my life. It's simple actually. The better fighter will prevail no matter who is stronger physically, the mind is always the most important thing in any battle.

These words were a shock to Solus. He had once read something similar in his clans Mantra. The Mantra itself didn't refer to this more of the explanation texts left by the original creator. It stated that once the mind surpasses the limits of the body, the soul will be the benefactor. That line had never made any sense to him before. Everyone focuses on the body, because the body is strong. It is the body that will withstand attacks, and the body to allow you to unleash attacks so why would one focus on the mind.

Today he saw first hand what a strong mind can be capable of. Even though the power difference between them was an inconceivable amount, Solus had been unable to land a single attack. How can he beat what he can't hit. Even though the damage he was taking was minimal, through perfect timing and precise aim, he struck each body part repeatedly until he caused real damage.

"What is your name?" Solus was in awe over the person he now had in captivity.

"Thomas." Tommy answered, no longer afraid of the man in front of him. "Call me Tommy though. Thomas sounds like an old man."

"Tommy, would you be willing to train me?" Solus asked with a gentle bow.

Immediately, the entire security squad backed away from Tommy upon hearing Solus speak. The all knew how powerful Solus was, for him to be asking to be trained struck fear into their hearts. They were terrified of Tommy. Many of them stumbled back and fell, while others stood in place shaking. All of them very aware that they had just tried to kill this man.

"Sure." Tommy said. "I still want to know if your angels and if this is heaven though."

"Of course. We can talk while we walk. Come with us and you will be treated as a guest in Apollo City." Solus warmly responded to Tommy.

For the first time since entering this place, Tommy finally felt safe. With a group of warriors who are familiar with the area, he felt as if he could relax for the first time. He stood up off of the ground and took in the scenery for the first time. It was a gorgeous world that could only be described as something out of a beautiful dream. The trees were all massive, the average tree standing as tall as a Redwood. Their colors were the most spectacular, it was like a mosaic of purples, reds, pinks, and blues. Their colors were all electric and bright, making the trees back home seem bland and boring. The flowers all bore striking patterns of color, vibrant colors, dull colors, and colors he had no words to describe. Some flowers looked like entire galaxies contained in the petals, others appeared to be made of fire, or transparent like ice. Everything in this world seemed to be like something out of a hallucination.

They were walking as Solus was explaining the origin of the Nephilim. "Almost 3000 years ago a plague descended upon man, it was a fierce sickness that nothing could stop. It seemed to rot people from the inside out. A man by the name of Enoch came forth with a message from the gods. He had been given a gift. Hope for the human race to continue, to survive this illness. He said it was an illness that infected our very soul, and the only way to remedy it was to connect our soul to our bodies. Only by allowing the illness to enter our physical bodies could it be destroyed. Illnesses of the soul cannot affect the body as well as illnesses of the body cannot infect the soul. By becoming one, they could no longer be infected." Solus was explaining.

"He gave us what was called "Enoch's Mantra". It was an instruction for fusing with our souls. After humans realized it worked, it was quickly spread across the planet. When this happened, as more and more people became one with their soul, we started to change physically. Stronger bodies, lustrous skin, and our eyes, drastically changed from what they used to be. We became Sons of Gods, able to uses the forces of the universe at a whim. That's when the human race died. It was the rise of the Nephilim." Solus was very proud of his races history.

Tommy was in deep thought through the entire story. From what he gathered, this is Earth. Just not the same Earth that he knows. On his earth the only plague that he could think of was the bubonic plague. The sickness that was described didn't match that and the time was way off. If it was 3000 years ago it would be around the same time as the Egyptian empire, or the greek/roman empire. There weren't any plagues in those times that he could think of. Yet again that was around the same time as science really was starting. Maybe they found a way to forcefully counteract it in his world, causing the drastic evolution to never occur.

His head hurt from all the theories passing through his head.

"What world do you hail from?" Solus asked Tommy.