
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


"You believe me?" Tommy asked skeptically. It was hard to believe that the man who had just had a spear to his throat would suddenly believe him.

"Unless there is a reason I shouldn't?" The large man questioned without much interest. He didn't feel as if the newcomer in front of him was lying. There was too much fear in his voice to lie. "Sorry about the unpleasantness earlier, we can't be too careful. We've been at war with the surrounding clans for far too long to let our guard down. We heard the commotion from across the valley and had to come investigate."

"Other clans? Why are you at war?" Tommy asked the man after a moment of thought.

"Why else but resources. Most of the other clans aren't too much of an issue, but those damn Aqua Reapers are malicious Nephilim. They are powerful and intelligent. By far our biggest rivals. I'm sorry to be so informal, but I am Solus. I am the head of the Solar Security Squad.

Nephilim. This was the first hint of what or where Tommy had arrived. He had heard this word before in his past, but only through mythology or the bible. He wasn't one hundred percent sure, but he was pretty confident that it meant angel. If these were angels, then does that mean that I'm in heaven? "Am I dead?" The words escaped his mouth before he could stop himself.

"Not dead, though in a large amount of trouble to be honest with you." Solus chucked nonchalantly.

A sigh of relief came from Tommy for just a moment before the words fully hit him. "In trouble for what? I didn't do anything to you except run away." Tommy stated with complete innocence.

"Well let me ask you then. What would you do if you caught me stealing your resources? Here you are in my territory. With fresh creature blood on your clothes. Yet I do not recall ever being asked for permission to hunt on my land." Solus stated with a sly grin. His face appeared as if he was joking, but there was a thick sinister aura surrounding him. Tommy knew he was in danger.

"Fine. I accept my fate. Can you answer one question for me before you kill me, or lock me up, or whatever it is you do with thieves?" Tommy asked pleadingly. He was desperate for any scrap of information to tell him where he was. If he could find out where he was maybe he could find a way back home. It didn't matter if he had to fight hair tooth and nail to get back home that's exactly what he would do.

"Ask." Solus responded with this one word.

"Are you an angel? Is this heaven?" The two questions flew out of his mouth before he related how stupid they sounded.

A low rumble of ecstatic laughter greeted Tommy in response. Solus couldn't believe he was asked this question. The idea of a heaven was just that, an idea. They had been taught since children that heaven descended upon them many millennia ago. It had to be a joke.

Solus looked upon Tommy expecting to see an impish smile. He was in fact greeted by a face of solemn fear. "Are you serious?" Solus couldn't help but ask. In the moment he looked into this man's eyes, he noticed they were green with a golden hue around the rim of the iris's. There was no way what he was seeing is correct. The eyes are the window to the soul. For someone to change their eye color was simply unheard of. Solus was immediately interested in the man placed in front of him.

"DO I LOOK LIKE I'M KIDDING!" Tommy lost it at this question. All the fear in him seemed to fade hearing Solus's question. He kicked off the ground with all his might, in a bid to catch Solus off guard. As the fear was swept away, a familiar feeling engulfed Tommy. The power was filling his body again, seemingly spilling out through his skin forming a dark orange film. It was the geno gem armor that he had used before. He put everything he had in his attempt to punch Solus hard enough to knock him out.

BOOM! The impact sent out waves of invisible energy all around them, pushing back the rest of the Solar Security Squad. A massive cloud of dust rushed out next, leaving everyone blind. The sounds and vibrations of impacts is all that could be heard. Every impact sent out more of those waves of energy. With each resounding boom heard more of the dust was pushed away. The Solar Security Squad was in a state of shock, completely frozen by what had just happened. The shock only grew when the dust finally cleared.

The Head of the Solar Security Squad was on his back, seemingly defenseless. The man on top of him was relentlessly pounding at his face. The were completely unprepared for this. Solus is an Perfect Apocalyptic Class warrior. This man in front of them couldn't be any stronger than a Paladin Titan Class. That was a different of four strength classes.

Solus was similarly lost by what had transpired. He knew that this mans strength was no stronger than a Paladin Titan, which wasn't strong enough to cause any lasting damage. Going more than one tier above your strength was basically committing suicide. Yet this man four tiers lower than him was completely suppressing his ability to fight back. No matter what he tried he couldn't get the man off of him or even find a place to strike back without leaving himself open to more punishment.

Fighting in this world was vastly different than in ours. Humans are basically on the same strength level over-all, and when not things like speed technique and leverage can level the playing field. Here, due to the connection between soul and body as well as the addition of mutating genes, power levels were so vastly different that the only equalizer is sheer numbers. So as a whole most of this world has forgotten about fighting technique and rely solely on gaining more power.

Tommy knew that Solus was stronger from the second his fist came in contact with his face. Despite the armor and the increase strength, Solus's head barely turned direction. In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that he still doesn't have control over his body fully after gaining all this extra power he would have been killed immediately. After his arm crumbled under Solus's face, Tommy's body continued flying full speed at Solus. Luckily it was enough to knock Solus off of his feet. At that point Tommy took full advantage of his fighting skill to gain a "full mount". This allows full control over the opponent as long as you can keep them isolated to their back.

Tommy was in full control, unleashing a barrage of powerful strike directly to Solus's face. The entire Solar Security Squad took thirty seconds before realizing that Solus was on the losing end. They all rushed to Tommy, ripping him from the flailing body known as Solus. Four Nephilim held Tommy down, while a fifth extended his arm. As his arm was extending quickly, a metalic green liquid shot out of it, forming an elegant sword. It was a thin blade with the width of only a few inches.

Tommy knew it was a geno gem from the way that liquid shot out. It was all to similar to his own armor.

"STOP!" Solus yelled at his squad.

Everyone froze. No one was willing to disregard one of Solus's order. He was the strongest person in the Clan of the Sun. As well, he was known to be ruthless to those who would not adhere to his whim. He commanded respect when he spoke and showed no mercy to those who would not give it.

Solus was now more intrigued by the man in front of him before. He could have never lost the fight due to his bones simply being too strong for someone at that strength to cause anything more than a bruise. Yet here he was, left eye swollen and purple, bottom lip spewing blood, and his nose was leaking a small river of blood. "I am four tiers above him in strength, and I couldn't even defend myself." Solus couldn't help but to think.

The wounds he suffered were all superficial none could cause him and fret or worry. His pride on the other hand had been damaged severely. His entire team had witnessed it. Not only witnessed it but actually pulled this man off of him. He looked weak. "I have to study him. I have to know how he did it." Solus was determined.

"Going against someone four tiers ahead of you should be impossible." Solus said to Tommy.