
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

A Lot of Information

"What? This one of course." Tommy tried to lie, fearing he would be hunted if they discovered the truth.

"You do not have to lie to me. You do not possess our skin, the toughness of our bodies, and your eyes are certainly strange. I know you are not of this world, and I do not care. All I want to know from you is a better way to fight. For if I can learn and teach my people maybe we can end this war we are stuck in." Solus was trying to level with Tommy. He needed his help severely. He may have been the strongest person in Apollo City, but he wasn't the strongest person in their region. The Aqua Reapers have at least three generals who are also Perfect Apocalyptic class in strength, and their leader was Paladin Omniscient in class. Without a way to make up for the power gap, his people will eventually fall to the Aqua Reapers.

"Oh well in that case, I am from a world called Earth." Tommy answered with a care-free smile. "So since you need to know how to fight, and I know nothing about this world. What do you say to teaching me about this place, and I will show you what skills I know.

"This is Earth." Solus didn't know how else to respond, now feeling like Tommy may be deceiving him.

"I figured that out myself Solus. I also figured out that I am either in an alternate dimension or on a separate timeline. I'm not sure if you understand either of those but trust me when I say it is the only possibility. I am from this world, but not the world as you know it. I am a true human. Just like the ones from your history." Tommy says arrogantly, for the first time since coming here he actually knew more about something than the inhabitants of this world. It was a nice feeling, after being dumbfounded by everything he had seen since arriving.

"So I have to know. What are the strength tiers you were talking about?" Tommy quizzed Solus for the first time about his strength.

"Oh that is a simple question to answer actually, if you don't mind waiting until we get back, I have a text that should answer any and all questions that you have about it. I am curious as to how you are so strong if you only just arrived though." Solus was most curious how this literal human was able to contend with him. From what he was taught in classes growing up was that humans were comparably weak. Even when nephilim were just children they had the strength of 10 human adults. Average humans could only lift about 150 lbs, and that was a strong human. The average child nephilim was able to lift 1500 lbs without much hassle. By the time they were adults a nephilim could typically lift 3,000 lbs without gene mutations.

"Honestly I am curious about this myself. I think it had something to do with the Demonic Barbarian gene mutation. I'm not entirely sure what a gene mutation is but after it happened, I got so much stronger than I was before." Tommy stated not very enthusiastically.

Solus stopped in his tracks at these words. The Demonic Barbarian was a terrifying foe. It was only a Titan class creature but its strength was as much as a Perfect Apocalyptic being. Its skin was also terrifyingly strong. Most weapons were ineffective against it. The only weak points being its eyes and rectum.

"How did you gain that mutation?" Solus timidly asked, the shock in his voice was apparent.

"I... Uhhh... I stabbed it in the eye." Tommy stated, almost in a question like form. He was genuinely confused as to why Solus was so confused. This was the creature he saw first thing when coming through. If he killed it it couldn't have been that strong. I mean a basic steak knife easily pushed through the entire skull. Well once the Demonic Barbarian hit it anyways, but that was simply Tommy not being strong enough to do it himself and nothing to do with the knife itself.

"What did you use to stab it? Most weapons we have won't even scratch their skin." Solus was very curious about this. Demonic Barbarians were such a rare thing to kill Solus had only ever even heard of 4 of them ever being slain in their region. Worse yet was the chances to gain their mutation. Each creatures mutation was incredibly difficult to obtain. Even though the entire body is mutated only one single gene contains the creatures "soul gene". The soul gene is the origin point that the soul and the body connect to become one. The starting point of the whole bodies mutation from the soul. This soul gene could spoil just like any other part of the body could, so the chances of actually consuming it before the soul had left was slim to none due to the sheer size of the beast. No one has ever actually obtained the gene mutation from it, which made what Tommy was stating completely unbeleivable.

"I just used the steak knife that I brought from home." Tommy could tell he was invested in his answer, so he gave the answer in a nonchalant way to give a false sense of power.

It may have worked for the subordinates, but Solus had already felt his power and knew he wasn't inherently strong. That's not to underestimate the man either though, he wasn't weak by any means and the way he fought would be a problem for those on the same level as him. Solus wouldn't have a problem beating him, and could have quite easily earlier if it wasn't for the sheer amount of shock that he was in.

Solus stopped asking about the Demonic Barbarians seeing that Tommy didn't comprehend how strong the monster was. If he had known he would have been extremely proud about what he had done. Not just single handedly defeating a beast that had usually taken entire hunting campaigns just to injure, but to actually obtain the gene mutation from it was amazing. Just knowing where he had gotten the mutated gene from would be information that could be sold since most beasts mutated in the same way or only in a few different ways. This could make the gene cultivation for this beast easier in the future allowing others to know what needed to be consumed first to reduce chances of spoiling.

With the conversation drastically stopping, Tommy quickly shifted his attention back to the landscape. Shock hit his face as he saw a complete trove of normal looking trees, trees just like back home. They looked tiny compared to the trees behind him. They were clearly Maple Trees, with the classic Canadian flag looking leaf hanging off the branches.

Tommy was so confused. He assumed that everything here was different from what he was used to. He destroyed that rock hours ago but that was it. He hadn't seen anything resemble anything that he knew from home.

"Those aren't mutated trees." Solus stated to Tommy upon noticing his confusion as he looked around.

"So not all plants are mutated then?" Tommy couldn't help but ask.

"Wow. This guys really committing to the 'FROM A DIFFERENT WORLD' act isn't he. What a joke. Acting all powerful one second and then half retarded a second later. As if the Demonic Barbarian is something to just brush off, clearly knowing how powerful it is to show his strength just a second ago. Yet now he doesn't even know about gene mutations at all now. Please tell me you see through this guys charade Commander." An unknown person from the group finally spoke up. The way he saw it was there was no way this guy could know how strong the Demonic Barbarian was without knowing about gene mutations. The Demonic Barbarians aren't exactly a bustling population, seeing them was a rare occurrence most people didn't live to talk about. The only time ways they had been killed in the past was when one stumbled into their territory and they were forced to band large hunting parties to fight with them.

"Andreas! Did I ask your opinion on this matter?!" Solus didn't yell but his voiced still boomed with power. Everything about this man just commanded the respect of everyone around him.

A young man in the crowd could be seen stepping forward. Like all nephilim his skin glowed a bronze hue but he was a little darker complexion than Solus was, but the young man stood a solid foot over Solus' head looking down at him. The look on his face would state the opposite though, as his the look he had was sunken. He looked like a child who had just gotten caught stealing cookies right after being told to wait till after dinner. Just knowing that the person they looked up to the most in this world was disappointed in them.

"No sir." Andreas replied solemnly.

Tommy chuckled inwardly and through the trees he could spot something glowing. It was a round ball shining intense light through the Maple leaf foliage. The light was warm as it would hit the skin between the shadows of the leaves.

Glancing above him, Tommy could clearly see the sun high in the sky. He looked back at the glowing ball raised in the sky, covered by the trees, in front of him.

"Michael, run ahead and let them know we are bring back a guest. I don't want any hostility towards him. Oh, and let his personal detail know that we have someone to introduce to The Heir of Apollo." Solus was giving commands to a few different men that Tommy had not paid any attention to. "Apollo City dead ahead human. Your the first human to ever step foot in this city."

"First human?" Tommy's mind snapped at these words. "If I'm the first human to ever come into the city, doesn't that mean I'm not the first human they've ever met?"