
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Office Graveyard

Tommy was immediately dragged backwards by 2 men, one on each side of him. He wanted to protest with everything in him, but before he could muster the chance to, he realized just what the man had said. "The Office Graveyard", it sounded like a joke. "Ooooo, a bunch of computers." Tommy couldn't help but think to himself. Just as he thought that he realized that this is a pretty primitive world. "So what in the hell do they consider an office?" He quickly started to panic a little inside. Everything else in this world was odd so what could this Office Graveyard place be that was so daunting to send him there as punishment?

"I'll take him. This one is stronger than you'd expect and quite puzzling. It's best to make sure there aren't any mistakes." Solus stated as he strolled alongside Tommy grabbing him by the arm. The other men let go of Tommy without so much as a question to Solus. This made Tommy come to the conclusion that Solus really is a powerful figure in the city. Maybe his promises weren't without weight, perhaps he might even be willing to help him based on those promises.

"So do you send all guests to this Office Graveyard?" Tommy chuckled to Solus. It was a solemn chuckle as he knew there was more to this place than the name suggested.

"You laugh now but the Office Graveyard is no joke, I can promise you that." Solus was stern with his words, yet they were still friendly. Tommy couldn't help but think that he didn't want him to go to this graveyard either. "It is a place filled with mutated plants. I've never seen these plants anywhere else nor has anyone seen the relics inside either. They are hard to describe. I would call them boxes that move. I don't just mean that they move from place to place, they do that as well, but I mean inside the boxes. On the inside of some of them they contain scenes from another persons life, on others they show renditions of different mutated plants and animals. The scariest ones are inscribed with what I can only guess is some sort of writing. These plants are electrically charged and they attack you ruthlessly. The Office Graveyard is sealed and only used as a place of testing. There are 7 levels of the graveyard, it is a tower and each level contains a different color plant, hundreds being on each level. The first floor is white followed by yellow, then orange, green, blue, purple, and the top level being red. Each color represents your level of strength. The highest level ever obtained is level 5, Apocalyptic level. The last 2 levels are unknown. We only know of their colors because, before they sealed it off, we could see in through the windows." Solus tried to explain as much as he could as quickly as he could, further telling Tommy how the leader was trying to test Tommy to see what level he was at and what jobs he could do while playing back the debt he accrued by killing the Demonic Barbarian in their territory.

They arrived at the base of a 7 storied office building. It was similar to anything he would've seen back home, in a small city in America. There were 4 guards standing outside the entrance which was a basic pull/push style double doors. They had 2 large sheets of that crystalline red stone, that surrounded the city, plastered to over the doors, preventing them from being opened.

"This one is to be tested." Solus stated these few words to the guards. One of the guards lifted his hand and performed 3 swift movements, changing his finger positioning and hand positioning.


A loud sound resembling glass cracking was heard as a crack was seen shifting from the center of the large crystal extending to the top and bottom from the middle. The astonishing thing was the crack wasn't jig jagged or spiderwebbing from the center, but a perfectly straight line. Tommy rubbed his eyes thinking he was seeing things. The crack appeared as if it had been professionally cut with a laser.

The guard who had made the hand signs was holding the final hand movement in place, while 2 guards on each side of him made a stomping motion and shifted their bodies in different directions moving them to the sides as if they were sliding doors. The second sheet was still untouched through all of this though. The final guard stepped forth and stood facing the door placing his hands on the floor and raising them as if he was lifting something. As his hands were fully extended above his head he quickly dropped them down reversing his palms from facing up to facing down to his hips then using one hand raised it up again. As he raised his hand for the second time, the second sheet lifted as his hand raised.

"Enter now. We will raise the seal in one hour and hold it open for 5 minutes. If you aren't out by then we assume you have perished and your debt will be considered repaid." The final guard said to Tommy before Solus pushed him in.

Tommy wasn't ready to be pushed so he ended up landing flat on his face. The door could be heard slamming shut behind him. Before he even had a chance to get up he felt a shock to his leg. The shock wasn't bad at all, it felt like one of those prank pens that used to be popular. It was enough to jolt him but didn't even hurt.

Tommy shot up quickly following the shock. He remembered what Solus had told him about this place and did not want to be electrocuted by a weird plant.

Having looked up for the first time he could see what could only be described as an office. It had cubicle walls and everything. Granted everything was covered by these thick, round, white cables flowing everywhere. Cables first popped into his mind because everything was laid out in a pattern of straight lines and crisp right and left turns. Straight lines don't occur in nature so he immediately thought of something man made.

Tommy was deep in thought about this cubicle style office building that was so terrifying, when his leg was wrapped up by one of these cables. In the blink of an eye the cable had wrapped up the length of his leg with the sharp pointed tip resting on his manhood. Pain, large amounts of sharp searing pain shot through his entire body starting at his crotch and spreading out. The shock wasn't especially painful but the area it had attacked made it very effective.

Tommy briskly pivoted on his wrapped up leg to swing himself around. Inches from his nose was a bright screen. Under the screen were large thick vine like tentacles holding up what could only be described as a computer monitor. Upon closer inspection it wasn't just the large thick vines that it had extending from the bottom, but thin hair-like vines growing from the back of it as well.

"Solus said these things can't be killed, they lose life momentarily but the moment the screen touches another vine it comes back to life." Tommy started to think of how to kill this thing attached to his leg. He had already pried the vine off his junk quite easily, noticing that it wasn't strong. That was probably why it attacked his privates, it's a very sensitive area that doesn't take a lot of force to create a lot of pain.

Tommy grabbed the vine from a starting point under his foot, stomping down on the vine and yanking with his hand at the same time. The vine tore like paper. The piece in his hand now writhing like crazy trying to escape his grip caused the screen to panic. The screen previously displayed a picture of an odd snake-like creature. It didn't have any limbs at all, like a snake, but it didn't have scales. Instead it had short spikey fur all over in almost a tiger design. It was a sinister dark green with blue sparkling stripes. The stripes looked like they were painted on with glitter. The screen changed into a classic emoji at this point. A simple smiley face.