
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Sun Lord

As Tommy's mind was panicking about what to do, he felt an hand grab his shoulder and yank him up. It was Solus. He had pulled Tommy up and slung him over his shoulder in one swift motion, and stood firm on the same bridge that Tommy had just fallen through with very little resistance.

Solus was a little perplexed. Using this formation should allow the heat from their bodies to solidify the bridge in 5 feet radius for each of them. Making the bridge completely solid for Tommy to step on, yet for the first time ever Solus watched this fail to work for Tommy. It was almost as if the crystal wouldn't allow him to touch it. This was extremely odd due to the fact that they knew the bridge was made from a geno gem at least at the Apocalyptic stage. It was possibly at the Omniscient level but they had never had the opportunity to test it, nor did they want to.

"I think it's best if you let me carry you across the bridge Tommy. I don't mean any disrespect, I just wouldn't want you to fall down there on us." Solus really meant this. He was truly interested in this human. Solus had met 2 other humans in his life, which was very long considering he was only the 3rd generation after the crossover. Nephilim lived for long periods of time. His mother is still alive at almost 2000 years old.

The 2 humans he had met were completely different from Tommy though. They clearly could not absorb mutated genes, or did not even know about them. So when Solus had met them they had clearly been in the wild for a long time, which was impressive in itself. It caused them both to be feral, before Solus could even surround them they ran. One managed to elude Solus as the other had immediately run into a Sun Flower. Sun Flowers that we know may be beautiful but the mutated Sun Flowers here are scary plants. They are carnivorous plants that hide until something hits one of their roots. Once their roots are touched you are too close to dodge so they spring up and immediately radiate temperatures in the thousands of degrees. Its not enough to kill a nephilim unless it wraps us up, but the human was instantly turned into a pile of ash.

They finally crossed the threshold of the cities walls and Tommy finally saw everything. It was gorgeous, combining all kinds of architecture from all over the globe. The houses looked very similar to what he was used to seeing back home. There were some skyscrapers but there were very few and none of them exceeded the height of the outer walls. Solus seemed to be headed straight for the tallest one out of them all.

He had only walked about a block into the city when this large metal thing descended from the sky. Strangely it was a large vehicle, clearly belonging to some sort of military. Solus walked around to the back and opened the one large door and stepped. Tommy followed without any objection putting Solus at ease. He was nervous Tommy would attempt to flee once in the city. He didn't know how smart humans were or if he could tell that Solus wasn't being one hundred percent honest with him.

The back of the vehicle looked pretty similar to the swat trucks in the movies but there were no guns. There were cases on the walls with black Styrofoam cutouts of little circular shapes. Some slots were empty but most of them were full. Everyone filed in behind Tommy and as they did they each reached out their hand and a small crystal condensed in their fingers. They each set this crystal into a corresponding hole on the walls.

"Tommy, I am going to need you to place your geno gems in this box please. It is required before you see the leader and you will get them back." Solus stated as he held out a large black box with those styrofoam cutouts in it holding up to 5 crystals. The front of the box had a key in it.

"I don't know how." Tommy stated flatly. He really didn't know how to do what the others had done. He had only gotten this geno gem because it cut him and he bled on it.

"I can allow this as long as I stay present. I know you area a special case and he will understand." Solus stated this resolutely without any wavering confidence at all.

They arrived at the largest building in the city. It was a large skyscraper that was round as opposed to square. The materials were all grey and brown making it look ancient but the structure was actually quite modern, even including glass windows. Tommy was actually impressed. On the front of the building above the large revolving glass doors was the symbol of a sun. On top of this building was a giant glowing orb, golden orange in color still emitting that warm splendid glow.

Solus was quiet from this point out only handing over what appeared to be a sheet of metal to the guards and them stepping to the side. It was at this point that Tommy realized that the rest of the Solar Squad stayed behind and did not enter. Tommy got nervous at this.

After walking 3 separate stair cases riding 2 elevators and a train, they finally arrived in front of a set of large black metallic double doors with a sun symbol perfectly split down the middle by the crack from the doors opening.

Solus changed the moment they got in front of those doors. The strong confident man that had been seen was gone in an instant. Now this small frail timid child appeared in front of him. Solus was now hunched over fiddling with his hand waiting for an answer from behind the door. Solus was the strongest person in the entire city but this person made him literally shake in his boots.

"Come in." A voice sounded from inside. The voice was not deep but actually a little effeminate, but definitely a mans voice.

Solus weakly pushed the door open. Immediately Solus was throwing Tommy under the bus. Explaining how he was a human who killed a Demonic Barbarian. The fact that he drew blood from Solus by using technique. Solus held no secrets including Tommy's eyes.

When Solus explained the eyes Sun Lord was stunned. He looked over at Tommy with a blank expression not sure how to respond.

Solus was counting on this reaction. As long as he could catch the leaders interest Solus was confident that he could obtain his service. With Tommy as his slave he would have to teach Solus how to fight. Even if Solus had to force him to fight every day. Being ruthless was worth it if he could improve.

"Throw him in The Office Grave." The Sun Lord stated coldly.