
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Ivy Monitors

When the smiley face flashed in front of Tommy a sense of foreboding hit him. He wanted to retreat. He stayed his ground remembering how weak the vine was. All of a sudden he felt himself being wrapped up. Twisting vines slithered their way around each one of his limbs before he could even move his eyes away from the screen. They didn't stop there either, continuing to cover his chest and back swirling around him forming a cocoon of vines over his entire body. Only his face remained outside of the cocoon.

"What the fuck Solus. You said that the first level wasn't dangerous. I was able to fight you and I can't even fucking move." Tommy had never been more angry at anyone in his entire life. He trusted this man's information only to be fed to his slaughter. "You piece of shit. I swear to god if I get out of this I'm going to kill you." Tommy proclaimed this thinking that Solus had tricked him. When in fact as far as Solus had ever known the plants on level one weren't dangerous at all. You could easily break the vines and keep running to the next level. What Solus didn't expect was Tommy to stop and genuinely try to kill the plants. Solus had already told him that it was impossible.

Tommy saw movement out of the corner of his eye. To his left side he could see 2 shadows emerging. Relief. He thought that the guards must've come in to aide him. He was wrong. One of the shadows finally got close enough for him to see it. It was another screen. This screen was all black with nothing displayed on it. The vines underneath it were all black as well.

In Solus' explanation of the Office Graveyard he had told him of the black vine box. It was a legend that had gotten out about the black box being guaranteed death. It was stronger than the red plants and wasn't confined to any specific level. The only time it was ever actually confirmed to be seen was when the previous Head of Solar Security was tested along with his older brother. He told everyone that when it had shown itself his brother threw him to the exit of the first level on their run out. He turned just in time to see a ball of electricity appear directly where his brother was standing. In a flash it was over and his brother was a still standing pile of ash. Since there wasn't any wind in the building it wasn't until the previous head of security's breath hit him, did his brothers remains drift to the ground. He saw the black screen slink away wreathed in black vines.

Fear immediately hit Tommy. He felt the color drain from his face. His hands became moist and clammy. He felt his clothing start to stick to his skin with every drop of sweat he produced. His entire body felt cold, as if he was it was already preparing for the inevitable death that awaited him.

As that fear had fully set in on him he felt something else bubbling from inside of himself that strange power that he felt two times before now.

The other shadow now emerged. The screen was also black as it was off, but the rest of it was gold. It wasn't yellow as the plants on the second level were supposed to be but this was actually a metallic gold color, complete with a brilliant shine. Tommy doubted if anyone would believe this. The golden monitor was walking towards him as the black vines were now taking over from the white ones, the contrast looked beautiful. It looked like an animated zebra stripe pattern.

At this point a dark orange fluid was flowing out of every pore of his body. He was quickly being covered in it. The moment that his whole body was covered, it solidified. The armor was beautiful appearing as if it was made from Kyanite. This was his Supreme Geno Gem Armor. It didn't improve his strength at all but it did make his body basically impervious to any harm as far as he could tell before. He wasn't sure what the Supreme meant but it didn't sound bad, supreme usually meant over everything else as far as he could remember.

The instant the armor solidified he saw a white flash through the weird shield covering his face. Normally something that bright would have blinded him but since the armor was a dark orange color, naturally the face shield was tinted. It was like full face sunglasses. Little did Tommy know that the flash that he saw was the exact attack that the previous head of security had seen. The same one that obliterated his brother. Luckily for Tommy though this attack expended so much energy at once that it actually obliterated the vines that held him as well, setting Tommy free.

The flash faded, but being so bright it actually whited out every screen in the area for a few seconds. Tommy was unaffected by this but every thing else around him was, until he saw the golden monitor slink into the ground and disappear. Tommy immediately ran to the black monitor knowing that it was the biggest threat. He knew that if it wasn't for this armor he would be a pile of ashes right now.

He grabbed one of the main stalks directly under the monitor and tried to yank the vine out. It wouldn't budge at all. It was still stunned but this couldn't last forever. He straightened his fingers out and started chopping. With the strength of the armor and the strength he possesses of the Demonic Barbarian, his hand cleanly chopped through in one swing. He quickly took off the remaining 12 stalks.

The screen turned black again. He didn't know if it was dead or up from being stunned. It fell to the ground with the large stalks no longer holding it up, and the other screen came back to life as well. Tommy turned and started to chop at the white screened smiley face, removing all main stalks in one sweep. That's when he felt a tugging at his throat preventing him from moving any further. There was a black vine around his throat.

The black screen was back up after the first assault and it was attacking. It no longer had the strength of the first attack being extremely drained after trying to fry Tommy. The electric currents were no longer strong enough to be seen, and with Tommy's armor there was no way he could feel it. Tommy went to turn to look at the black screen, but before he could, he saw the white screen fall onto the vine ridden floor.

When the monitor touched the white vines he saw a small sprout directly enter into each of the severed vines. As he couldn't even feel the vine on his neck, Tommy wasn't worried about watching the process. As the sprouts were moving and entering the monitor there was a small spot on the back of the monitor emitting a faint glow. It was the place where those small hair-like vines were attached.

"I wonder if it actually is a computer monitor, with the main wires attaching in the back. If that's the case though then that means that the thick vines are no more than a living stand, and the whole thing is nothing but a puppet anyways." Tommy was in serious thought as the tugging on his neck became more severe. His feet were now starting to dig trenches into the ground as he was able to resist, but without roots, the ground underneath him no longer could.

Instead of fighting it though, Tommy had an idea. He jumped straight up as hard as he could. With the vine holding his neck it started to swing him around over the plants head. The plant was reeling Tommy in at the same time and almost with perfect timing on Tommy's part he ended up swinging perfectly behind the black screened plant. He used his hand to sever the small hair-like vines on the back as he smashed into the ground creating a crater. The moment the vines were severed Tommy watched the entire thing just go limp and fall to the ground, just an instant before being thrust underground.

The white Ivy Monitor got up moments after this all happened, it did not see the black Ivy Monitor get slain. Now that it was up it immediately resumed it's thirst for Tommy's blood. Pulling Tommy out of the crater, it assumed it had finally won. Tommy looked at the screen seeing English words in writing. It said, "Hahaha, time to die. Too bad you aren't worthy."

Tommy used his strength to kick the monitor with his free leg. He didn't hit it hard enough to kill it, just hard enough to knock it to the ground. Tommy used his left hand to grab the closest vine he could and dragged the monitor to him. Now face to face Tommy Started pulling out the major stalks and held it in the air.