
Supreme Demon Lord

JD goes through the motions of every day life, wishing that he could make his nerdy dreams become reality. One night as he goes to sleep, he finds himself in what he believes is just a normal dream, but soon realizes that he can't wake up to his reality. The thing that shocks him the most after this revelation, is that he's taken the form of a small demon named Rokene. After realizing that this new reality has become his own, he also finds that he has a system similar to that of what you find in video games, and it begins to explain to him that his objective in this new world is to become the god of not only the demon race, but of every existence in this world.

mel0n · Fantasy
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28 Chs


After the plan was agreed upon, the group of guild leaders entered the forest together. Every one of them were wearing battle armor that was befitting their positions. If one were to look at the group, they would think that the leaders were about to go into war. Vincent took the lead since he had experience going through that area.

They made the decision to stay together as they searched the forest, because they wanted to keep from running into the magical beast while separated. That would completely mess up their plan and their chances of taking the monster down otherwise.

The group had made it thirty minutes into the woods, before they heard the sound of someone screaming a ways off from their location. Panic and then determination swept all of their faces after hearing the sound. They knew that it came from someone in great pain, which made them all assume that the cause must be due to the beast that they were hunting.

"Lets hurry. We can't let any more people die because of this monster." Vincent said to the group. They all looked at him and nodded.

They moved as quickly as possible through the woods, while being constantly aware of their surroundings. Each one of them were highly trained, and they were not about to let their prey or anything else surprise them.

The group traveled for another hour into the woods, but still could not find the source of the sound they had heard before. "Where the hell is this guy? You think that the magical beast killed him already?" Veronica asked. Worry had become evident on all of their faces at this point, they were afraid of what kind of scene they would find when they did manage to find the source of the scream.

"I know that we agreed to not separate, but Clem, can you make short hops ahead of us and see if you can find this guy? If you do manage to find him, teleport him straight to us, regardless of whether he is alive or not. Whoever he is, he will still deserve to be given to his family for a burial." Vincent said.

The others were about to protest, but they knew that Clementine would be the best chance that the guy had to survive, if he was still alive that is. She nodded her head and began teleporting small distances of fifteen feet so she wouldn't be too far from the group. They continued to follow behind her while still being able to sense her presence. She did this for half an hour before she finally came across what looked like a small camp.

"Everything looks to be okay over here. It doesn't appear as if a beast has come through here destroying things." Clementine thought to herself. All of a sudden, she could feel powerful waves of pressure coming from a spot hidden by a few trees next to the camp. The pressure almost made her fall to her knees as soon as it swept over her.

"What the hell is this power? It's unlike anything I've ever felt before. The maliciousness of it is suffocating!" She whispered to herself. "Maybe I should go back to the others quickly to inform them of this potential danger."

Then before she could turn around to go back, she was able to see something stand up on the other side of the trees. It was something that she had never seen before. The being stood 6ft tall, had a slim yet muscular build, and it's body was the whitest thing she had ever seen. Once she refocused her eyes, she was able to make out that the creature had what looked like red cracks going over it's stomach, all the way up to its neck. She had never seen a demon before, so she could not have guessed that was what she was seeing.

The thing that scared her the most though, was she was able to see small flashes of fire, rocks, water, and what looked like balls of darkness come and go around its body. It was very similar to Liam's fire, but there were more than just one element flashing around its body.

"What am I seeing right now? Does this person have more than one magic aptitude? That's impossible!"

That's when the creature she was keeping an eye on, vanished. Along with the overwhelming pressure. "What the hell? Was I seeing things?" she thought.

Suddenly, the pressure that she felt before was felt directly behind her. She didn't even have time to think, before she reflexively teleported away. She popped up right next to where her group was, with sweat rolling off her body uncontrollably. Everyone was shocked when they saw her, because her face had turn many shades whiter, and she looked as if she had just had an encounter with death.

"You found the beast, didn't you?" Liam said.

She couldn't hardly move after arriving next to them. All she could do was get down on both knees and hold cover her eyes, as if she was hiding them from the devil himself. She had never seen anyone else who could teleport like her, and the bloodlust that she felt coming from it was too overwhelming. Despite all the battles that she had been in before, nothing had ever scared her as much as the monster she had just seen.

The lack of answers coming from Clementine made everyone sure that she had just escaped the magical beast. But the thing that also confused them was that Clem was known for never freaking out or allowing her opponents power to scare her. Even when she faced stronger foes, she always had a calm calculated expression, as if she knew she would still be able to win thanks to her being able to outsmart them.

Seeing her react like this, made the hairs on everyone's neck stand up. They realized that they were looking for something far more dangerous than what they were expecting.

"It's not a magical beast." she whispered. Her words were so quiet that nobody was able to make out what she had said.

"Did you say something?" Vincent asked as he knelt down next her.

She looked up at him with more fear than anyone had ever seen before, and with a tremble in her voice, she said "It's not a magical beast that we have been hunting. It's far worse."

Hey guys, please give a review on the story and power stones if you feel like it deserves it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and will help me to continue writing and to grow as a writer also. Thank you for those who are already supporting the story!

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