
Supreme Demon Lord

JD goes through the motions of every day life, wishing that he could make his nerdy dreams become reality. One night as he goes to sleep, he finds himself in what he believes is just a normal dream, but soon realizes that he can't wake up to his reality. The thing that shocks him the most after this revelation, is that he's taken the form of a small demon named Rokene. After realizing that this new reality has become his own, he also finds that he has a system similar to that of what you find in video games, and it begins to explain to him that his objective in this new world is to become the god of not only the demon race, but of every existence in this world.

mel0n · Fantasy
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28 Chs


After checking his stats, Rokene was satisfied with the results. He had also grown a few inches in height as well from the evolution.

Jupiter was surprised to see that she now had to look up at Rokene, but right after he stood up, a huge grin appeared on his face which was a little scary for her.

After he stood up, he could sense a power a little ways off. He could tell it belonged to another person, but he wasn't afraid. This was his chance to test his new strength which caused a grin to appear on his face.

Without saying anything to Jupiter, he immediately fell into his shadow, and moved at an incredible speed towards the person hiding nearby. He was moving way faster than he had been able to do before which only made him more excited.

He appeared behind the woman in almost an instant, but as soon as he came up to take a swing at her, she teleported away.

At first, he was a little disappointed that his prey had vanished, but then he could feel the presence of the multiple people not too far away from him. "Today must be my birthday." He thought while stretching his new body.

Instead of going straight towards the group, he thought that this might be something Jupiter could also benefit from.

He walked back to the tree where she was standing. She was him disappear, but she was not able to feel the presence of the other person, so she assumed he was trying out his new power. When he returned, she was still a little in shock from the changes that his appearance had gone through. She was not used to having to look up to him yet, and felt a sense of loss that she couldn't really make fun of his limited height. Also, the sight of his different elements flashing around him was something that she was not accustomed to seeing just yet.

As he was walking back to her, he heard "are you able to put those away? They might scare or hurt someone, you know?" He hadn't even noticed the flashes until she pointed them out. As a flash of the fire element appeared, he put his hand out to touch it. The moment his finger made contact, he could feel the flesh of his fingertip begin to bubble from the extreme heat. "So, I guess these aren't just for show. This could be helpful if someone gets too close." he thought to himself.

The reason for the flashes of his different elements, was due to his power growing so much, that it began to influence the outside world. Every time a flash would appear, his power was starting to flow out of his body. The issue with that though, is that it would be a signal to anyone that saw him, just how powerful he was.

To fix this, Rokene sat cross legged on the ground and began to focus on the new power flowing through his body. He was able to isolate the excited power, and calm it down. This was all that was needed to bring the flashes to a halt. Once he felt the power become more under his control, he could no longer see the elements flashing around him. Then he focused on them again and allowed his power to flow out of his body. This began the flashing of all his elements around his body. He could even control how much power came out at a time, which would change the size and ferocity of the elements.

"My magic can be used as a type of defense and offense, outside of just my earth ability. This will be very helpful when facing multiple opponents."

Once he was satisfied with his experiment, he stood back up, revealing his true height once more. "Damn, you're not as tough to look at anymore shithead." Jupiter remarked.

Rokene just smiled at her comment, which made shivers run down her back. His power alongside his menacing face, reminded Jupiter just how much of a monster he truly was. "Damn, he is constantly making me feel glad that he's on my side."

"So, would you like to test out your new power with some more training?" she asked. "I think I found the perfect opportunity to practice, for both of us." he responded.

He then went on to tell her about the woman who was watching him after he had finished evolving, and how she had disappeared before he could do anything. He also shared how he had felt the energy of a group nearby that he had left for. "So, you want us to try and take them out? Is that what you're getting at?"

Another devilish grin appeared on his face in response to her question. "you know me so well. I also think that you will be able to get more out of real combat than what you can get from our little practice sessions." he said, while his grin became larger.

Jupiter became a little nervous at the thought of fighting people for real. She really only had practiced fighting Rokene, but he was right. Practice would only get you so far without real world application.

She began to get excited thinking about what it could do for her progress with her understanding of her element, as well as the experience that she would gain. "Sure, let's see what these people can do." she said with a devilish grin of her own.

This just made Rokene even more proud of how far she had grown. The thought of how dangerous it could be for her though, did end up crossing his mind. "I'm not sure how powerful these people really are, but if you feel as if it's too much for you, then use your lightning movement spell and get out of there as fast as you can." he said with a more serious tone.

Jupiter began to blush after seeing how much he really cared about her well-being. Then she stood up straight while puffing her chest outwards, "I can take care of them." Rokene chuckled a little to himself after seeing her put on her tough act.

When she saw this, she relaxed her body before saying "If it really does seem too dangerous, I'll get out of there. But, promise me that you'll do the same if it's too much for you as well."

Rokene nodded with acceptance. "I promise."

At that, the duo turned and began walking in the direction of where he felt the energy coming from.

Hey guys, please give a review on the story and power stones if you feel like it deserves it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and will help me to continue writing and to grow as a writer also. Thank you for those who are already supporting the story!

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