
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Ren Vs Iron Clawed bear

Ren's pov

It's been 3 days and today is the last day for the system mission, I wanted to know how many beasts I've killed so I checked the mission progress.

*First quest Hunt the Demon beasts in the underworld- Quest details in the underworld there has been an outbreak of demon beasts all in the body refinement realm. Quest hunt as many demon beasts as possible in 3 days.

Difficulty- Normal

Progress- beasts killed -312, 3 at the 8th level of body refinement, 14 at the 7th level of body refinement, 46 at the 6th level of body refinement, 80 at the 5th level of body refinement, and 169 at the levels of 4-1 of body refinement.

Ding hosts a beast at the 9th level of body refinement has been detected, kill the beast to finish the quest*

All of a sudden I heard a roar to the west, and I could feel that this beast was on a whole new level compared to the other beasts. I started to head there, the closer I got the more sounds of fighting I heard. I once again channeled mana into my feet and launched myself towards the beast, over these 3 days I've fully mastered my strength and gained many different experiences in fighting. I launched myself there and I landed in front of this bear. I smiled and released my aura and the bear did the same. I threw a punch and the bear matched it.

I and the bear exchanged a few punches and I jumped backward after the exchange, I noticed the bear although stronger and more durable wasn't as fast or as agile. Also, the bear has excellent mana control.

I looked at the bear and I saw it stand on its two feet and start to smile as it charged at me swinging its claws.

"What a funny bear are you smiling while fighting me."

I gathered mana in my fist covering them with red mana and I ran towards the bear the bear swung at me with his claws and I dodge and avoid his other hand. I was in front of the bear's stomach and punched its stomach making it go back 2 feet. The bear open his mouth and launched an energy blast at me and sending me flying. I land on a tree and quickly stabilized my footing and jumped from tree to tree gathering mana and getting ready to cast a few spells. First, I sent ice spikes at the bear with he destroyed by smacking them. I then used a few water balls and launched them at the bear, the bear once again destroyed them making him wet from the water, right then I launched a lighting blot at him hitting him and making him stunned for a few seconds.

I capitalized on those few seconds and kicked the bear with a flame-coved axe kick to the top of his head. The bear looked like it took some damage but recovered from it and he charged at me and landed a few hits on me and then used his claws to cut me a bit, and when I tried to create space he opened his mouth and hit me with an energy blast launching me into a few trees.

Did this mf hit me with a combo? I had a few bruises and a shallow cut on my chest. Well now or never.

Activate Valefor bloodline, when I did this I felt all my physical and magical abilities get way stronger. My power increased by 3 levels making my strength equivalent to the 3rd level of Mana/Qi Refining. My red eyes glowed and I felt all my senses get stronger, on my hands a red and black V appeared representing my clan symbol.

I got up and charged at the beast, this time I was much faster than the bear I went in front of him, and with my mana-covered fist I punched him in the stomach making it go on all fours and lower its head, I launched a furry of punches at his head making the bear bleed and injured.

The bear roared and got up and charged back at me swinging its paws and trying to kill me. I put my hands on my right arm after I dodged his attack, Freeze.

I started to cover his hand with ice when half of his hand was frozen he swung at me and I dodge quickly and kicked it in the arm shattering the Ice covered hand. I felt my mana was running out and I couldn't hold my bloodline ability for much longer. I looked at the bear who was missing an arm and looked haggard, The bear charged up a mana blast ready to blast me but I took this chance to get under his head and punched his mouth shut before he launched that attack. The mana blast blew up in the bear's mouth causing it to let out a painfilled roar. I quickly made 6 ices blades and stabbed three into the joints of his arms and legs making him lose balance and fall over. I used the last three to stab him in his stomach.

The bear let out another pain-filled roar and tried to let out a last-ditch effort attack, before he did I kicked it in its throat stopping any chance to let out an energy blast then I created a more durable earth spear from the ruble around and cut the bear head off.

*Ding Congratulations host completed the First quest Hunt the Demon beasts in the underworld- Quest details in the underworld there has been an outbreak of demon beasts all in the body refinement realm. Quest hunt as many demon beasts as possible in 3 days.

Difficulty- Normal

Generating rewards

The host is given 500 system points

The host is given a Heavenly Asura bloodline

The host is given a shadow snake sword

Because of the special occasion of the host completing the first mission, all rewards are amplified.

500 system points are changed to 1000

The Heavenly Asura bloodline is now the Cosmic Asura emperor bloodline

shadow snake sword is changed to black dragon sword*

I sat on the body of the bear tired from all the fighting I've been doing these last three days. I'm almost out of food and I want to take a nice shower. Wait a minute I'm homeless, how did forget to get home? wait I'm 10 I can't even buy a house or get a job if I wanted to.

"woah did he beat that bear by himself," A random demon said

"Who is he, he must join my peerage," Demon B said out loud

" Ha join you he's more suited to join my peerage." All the demons started to argue whose peerage he should join.

Meanwhile Diodora and Riser both went up to Ren and both asked Ren to join them.

"Hello My Name Is Diodora from the Astaroth family I want you to join my peerage, I will offer you anything you want."

" I'm Riser Phenex from the glorious Phenex family and I want you to join my peerage, I will offer you anything you want as well as some Phenex tears to heal your wounds."

I looked at them funny, I recognized both of them, they were both villains in high school.

"No thanks I don't want to be anyone's slave," I replied calmly while looking at two future villains.

"Then you should join my peerage, I'm Rias Gremory, and as well as offering you anything you desire we in the Gremory Family are known for treating our peerages as family," Rias said walking over with a smile on her face.

" You can join my peerage, Sona Sitri won't treat you badly and I can promise you safety as well as anything you desire if you join my peerage.

I thought about it for a minute if I should join them, but quickly rejected the idea. Although I will be able to stay with them and gain many things I will be restricted from doing most things I want. I don't want to be restricted so I answered them.

"I Won't join anyone's peerage for now." I lied I won't be joining anyone's peerage I just said that so they can hope off my case. Before things started to escalate someone teleported in front of us. A beautiful young woman appearing to be in her early twenties with back-length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, wearing maid clothing.

Grayfia Lucifuge is the strongest queen and the wife of Sirzechs. Grayfia looked at me she had a strange look in her eyes when she saw me but immediately that look disappeared and her professional maid appearance appeared.

"Hello young man, I'm Grayfia Lucifuge My King Sirzechs would like to meet you."

My eye started to twitch, I don't want to meet anyone but I don't think pissing off a demon king is a good idea.

"Sure, I'll go." I sighed and got up and walked next to her, Rias and Akeno also came I saw Rias with a look in her eyes that probably said she hadn't given up trying to recruit me.

"May I know your Name?" Grayfia asked me before we left.

"You can Just call me Ren."

"Yes, Master Ren."

"Just Ren, please don't call me master"

We teleported to the Gremory house and I walked in with Grayfia, Rias, and Akeno.

When I entered I saw A few people sitting in the living room, what a hassle this.