
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Meeting with the demon kings, I hate these sis cons

When I entered the living room I saw 4 people sitting near a table, there was a red-haired man, a black-haired woman, a green-haired man, and a bald man. The four Satan or demon kings, what a pain in the ass this situation is.

As I got closer I noticed the different expressions on each of their faces, Sirzechs was looking at me strangely, Ajuka had a serious look on his face, Falbium looked sleepy, and then Serafall was looking at me strangely too. I sat down in front of them and waited for them to talk to me.

"Hello there young man I'm Sirzech Lucifer, next to me is Ajuka Beelzebub, Serafall Leviathan, and Falbium Asmodeus. May we get your name?" Sirzechs was polite and respectful like in anime.

"Hello, Nice to meet you My name is Ren Valefor."

"Valefor, Are you from the Valefor clan?" Falbium asked me, his sleepy look disappeared and his gaze was ferociously focused on me.

I was wondering why he cared then I remembered what the system told me, the Valefor clan was supposed to be extinct.

What should I say when they ask me for my background?

*Hosts background was already created when the host body was created. The host comes from a Rich family near Kyoto Japan, your mother was from the underworld but moved to Greece and your father was born in Japan. Your parents died when the host was 1 from a car accident and the host lived in an orphanage waiting to become 16 to inherit all of The host's family's assets. Your Valefor bloodline comes from your father who was Demon but didn't know it and your mother a full-blooded Demon, making the host 3/4 demon 1/4 human but the system considers the Hosts race as demon*

I quickly told them that my parents died when I was younger but I don't know much about their background except the fact their rich.

" Then how can we prove you from the Valefor clan which is supposed to be extinct?" Ajuka was very concerned about this because from the report he and the rest of the Satans received talking about a young boy causing the death of many low-class demon beasts by himself and the fact he might be a sole survivor of an extinct noble house makes this situation more complicated. It.

"Sorry for the interruption but I can testify to his claim of being a value for. When he activated his bloodline the Valefor crest appeared on his hand, as well as the first stage of the bloodline to enhance the person's strength." Grayfia went on to explain how she was watching the whole thing and even suggested a DNA test with the DNA sample kept in the demon council. Every clan and even the 4 original Satans have a sample of their DNA collected over a long period. Saying that Ajuka left for 10 minutes and Falbium went with him to get something.

Now all that was left in the room was Me, Grayfia, Sirzechs, and Sarafall. Rias was sent away before the meeting started.

" Ren-tan did you meet my little So-tan when you were in the demon forest?"


"Uh lady Leviathan" Before u could finish she cut me off.

"No stop Ren-Tan, I am the Maou Serafall Leviathan, Call me Levia-tan." All of a sudden her suit disappeared and was replaced by a magical girl costume.

"Uh Levia-tan, I'm guessing so-tan is Sona Sitri, and yes I met her."

"Great then why don't you join So-tans peerage? My So-Tan is the smartest and you'll fit right in." Serafall was already trying to make me join her sister's peerage.

"Wait Serafall, I think Ren will fit in more with little Rias's peerage." Sirzechs interrupted her before she can get me to agree.

Serafall got mad and started to argue with Sirzechs on whose peerage i'll fit in more. Before I knew it this became a battle of the sis cons. The next 10 minutes felt like hell, both of them were arguing like children and were releasing some of their pressure which made me feel a bit suffocated. Grayfia stepped in when things escalated beyond reason.

" Master Sirzechs and Lady Serafall, I think you're jumping to conclusions, first you don't know if Lord Ren will agree to be in your sister's peerage, and second when his bloodline is confirmed then he will receive his peerage as he is a noble demon." Grayfias words were like cold water being poured onto them. They apologized for their behavior and sat down and drank some tea.

Soon after Ajuka returned with Falbium, Ajuka held a green and blue liquid as well as a small box with black hair. Falbium had a big box that looked like it held a weapon or something.

"Ren, this blue and green liquid is a special liquid made to test if two people's DNA is the same, if the color turns gold it's a match if it turns black then it's not a match. Can I get a strand of your hair or a drop of blood?" Ajuka asked me, not making him wait I pulled out a strand of hair and gave it to him. He dropped my hair and the hair in the box into the liquid, and after a few seconds, it turned gold. The conversation continued after being confirmed that I was a part of the Valefor clan.

Ajuka told me that because a descendent of the Valefor clan was found, I would have the right to Inherit the title of Marquis and all of the Valefor properties and be able to get my evil pieces. He also told me that many Noble families will try to marry me as well as many other forces will try to kill me because the reemergence of a powerful clan in the underworld is dangerous. Honestly, I didn't care, I wanted to see more of this world and get stronger, I remember watching the anime of high school dxd and feeling disappointed with Issei the dude has the red dragon emperor boosted gear but the dude was too focused on boobs. I cringed, remembering how he would touch Rias's boobs mid-fight just to get stronger. I just thought of something when he awakens his sacred gear and gets a little stronger I'm going to beat the shit out of him.

When I was going to go with Ajuka to get my Evil pieces Falbium walked up to me.

" Ren, I want you to have this." He handed me the box and when I opened it I was surprised to see what it was. A black and purple long sword was in it, the hilt of the sword had a black dragon design.

"It was a sword given to me by my master just in case a descendent of his lived, his name was Donvil Valefor. This sword is the sword of the Valefor clan, this sword has existed since the founder of the Valefor clan and it was named after the dragon the ancestor of the Valefor clan killed Kur."

I grabbed the sword and when I did I saw the dragon's eye glow and felt something poke my hand, when I pulled it out I saw my blood on the hilt and my blood went into it, its eyes glowed purple and I saw it disappear into a black mist rushing towards my arm. It formed a black dragon tattoo on my right arm. I guess it accepted me.

I went with Ajuka and we teleported in front of a pillar where I pressed my hand on and poured out my magical energy, the pillar glowed then a bunch of chess pieces which I felt a connection to flew to me, 1 Queen, 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights, and 8 Pawns. 5 pieces stood out to me because they were glowing red, my queen piece, 1 rook, 1 knight, 1 bishop, and 1 pawn.

"5 mutated pieces! Ren mutated pieces are rare, when mutant that means that you can use those pieces on people who are stronger than you or on someone with strong potential." Ajuka explained to me the benefits and how to use the evil pieces.

Once done with my business in the underworld I asked Ajuka if he can teleport me to a government building in Kyoto. He did that and then left me to do whatever I wanted. I went into the building and wanted to use demons' hypnosis ability to get my inheritance left to me by my parents. I used hypnosis on many people and after a few hours, I had a bank card under my name and keys to the mansion in Kyoto as well as other assets.

in the taxi going home, I checked my account on the phone I bought, it was an older phone model, and the year was 2010. I had 42,316,650,000 yen or 300 million dollars. I was filthy Rich. When I arrived at the house I was pleasantly surprised, It was a 4-story mansion with an indoor training room, hot spring, basement, garage Etc. I went to the master bedroom and threw my clothes in the clothes washer, then I ran into the bathroom to shower. I searched for songs to listen to but found out that none of the songs from my world exist here and the music in this world was dry.

While showering I accepted the systems gifts.

*Rewards have been accepted by the host

1000 points have been given to host

The black dragon sword is in the host inventory

Assimilating Cosmic Asura emperor bloodline into host*

I felt my blood boil for a bit then it disappeared.

*Ding New quest generated, Quest Kill Cypher Naberius- Cypher Naberius is the brother of the head of the Naberius clan but was looked down on all his life because he had no talent. Cypher started to experiment on children to find a way to make him stronger. Cypher's strength is middle class or In the mana Refinement stage. The quest is to kill Cypher within 3 days. Side Quest saves many of the children host can.

Difficulty- Easy-Normal

Rewards- 400 system points and 3 lottery tickets


I accept the quest.