
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

First quest Beast massacre

Ren's pov

I entered the forest and started to look for a few beasts so I can understand my strength fully. After a few minutes of running in the forest, I saw a blue dear with three antlers, from the energy I sensed from the beast it was around the 5th stage of body refinement. I made eye contact with the beast and the dear gave out a roar when I did.

I stood in front of the dear and watched its movement, it charged at me quickly and I dodge to the side. I threw a punch at the dears side planning to hit it with the strength around the 6th level of body refinement. The dear avoid the hit and countered by shooting a water bullet at me. I was hit on my left arm, I didn't suffer much damage but I could've avoided it if I reacted quicker.

I was slowly seeing my flaws as I fight with the dear, my reactions are delayed and I hesitate when I strike. The control of my mana is mediocre since I went from normal person to having strength at the peak of body refinement.

I was getting frustrated the dear was able to avoid most of my attacks because all my attacks have been poorly coordinated. While I was pondering on what to do I saw the dear three Antlers glow and a water ball was starting to form. What should I do should I counter, dodge, or tank it?

Wait, why am I thinking so much about what I should do? I felt a weird sensation on my back and when the dear fired the water ball I used my wings to fly in the air and avoid it. I launched myself at the dear and planned to give an axe kick. The dear dodge the last second but this time I didn't hesitate I conjured a fire in my palm and slapped the dear in its face. Demon magic relies upon the demon's imagination, and how much mana/ demonic power it has.

" Got you!" I said watching the dear get up from the floor roaring at me with half its face burned. I charged at the dear from the left side where I just hit it, a shoot a wind blade at its back leg, the dear dodge but that's what I wanted. I ran to the position the dear went and grabbed its antlers, I lifted the dear and slammed it to the floor, and before it could do anything I focused my mana into my feet and stomped on its neck killing it right there.

I felt my blood boil in excitement, this was fun. I wanted to fight more, I looked at the dears antlers and put them into my inventory because they might be useful.

I walked deeper into the forest and 2 minutes later I saw a pack of green wolves, Jumped down and decided to attack them. Most were at the 3 or 4th body refinement level while the big one at the front was at the 5th stage.

I charged at the leader wanting to get rid of him first, the wolf roared sending 3 of the lowest-level wolves at me, I made an ice sword and slashed at the the 3 wolves and cut them in half. I focused on putting mana onto the bottom of my feet when I did I felt my speed increase and in a heartbeat, I was in front of the leader. I grabbed my ice sword and stabbed it into his neck, then I moved it down quickly killing it. Before the other wolves reacted I moved in front of them and started to kill them. The ice blade broke because it was crafted poorly. I heard many roars in the forest and went deeper.

On the third day Rias Pov

Rias Gremory, a red-haired and blued beautiful girl, Rias is the Gremory Clan's heiress after her oldest brother, Sirzechs, took the position of Lucifer. She was in the beast forest with her new queen Akeno Himejima, Akeno is a beautiful young woman, with very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair is usually tied in a long ponytail, her mother died a year ago while her father a fallen angel named Baraqiel was out on a mission. While Akeno was running away from her pursuers she met Rais and agreed to become her queen. Ever since then she and Rais have gotten closer. They were here along with other noble clan children to gain experience fighting and using their power.

"Akeno, how much longer are we going to be here for," Rais asked, she was usually a lazy girl who barely trained. They have been here for the last 2 and half days killing these monsters and looking for what caused this surge in beasts.

" Rias we need to find out what caused this and kill as many monsters to gain experience."

"Hey Rais, nice to see you." A voice of a young girl could be heard behind the two of them.

It was Sona Sitri, Sona is a bespectacled young woman with black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes. Sona Sitri was the heiress of the Sitri Clan, taking the position since her older sister, Serafall Leviathan, became one of the Four Great Satans. Next to her was Tsubaki Shinra Tsubaki was a young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromatic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye.

"Sona, how are you doing," Rias asked hugging Sona.

After they chatted a bit Sona told Rias that their heading north because they sensed a strong magical presence and that might be what caused it.

As they were flying there Sona asked Rias a question,

"Rias Have you heard rumors of a black-haired and red-eyed demon massacring the beasts in the forest?"

"No, tell me about it,"

"Well, a few young demons have been saying that they've spotted a young demon around the age of 10 fighting the beasts. A few demons have tried to find out who he is and want to invite him to their peerage."

As they arrived near a cave they saw many people there by the cave, landing and asking around they learned that in the cave was an Iron clawed Grizzly bear who was at the peak of Low class.

The members of the supernatural world use a different system from Ren to measure strength. They measure strength like this

Low class

Middle class

High class

Ultimate class


Leader Class

God Class

All the young noble demons who came to the frost were at the low-class level and came here with their peerages so they can get experience and bring some prestige to their family.

"Rias, my dear I see you here too." An arrogant young blonde man came next to Rias and Sona. This young man was Riser Phenex, he liked Rias because she was from the Gremory family, as well as her looks Riser thought she was the perfect person to be his wife.

Rias didn't bother to reply to Riser she was tired of this guy who kept trying to marry her. Riser was mad that she ignored him but he kept that inside and smiled and continued to talk to her.

"Rias and Sona, who do you think will be the one to kill The Iron clawed Grizzly bear? Many people here are arguing about who will be to kill the Bear but it'll be me."

"Why will you be the one to kill that bear?" Sona asked Riser

"Because I'm at the peak of low class." Riser answered in a proud tone.

"Your very cocky Riser." A calm young man with dark green hair replied to Riser

"Diodora Astaroth, wait you're also at the peak of the low class," Riser replied

"I think I'll be the one that will be the one to kill the iron claw bear"

Before Riser Was able to reply to Diodora something happened that made all the people there fear.


Out of the cave, an 8ft tall brown bear came out. The bear's claws were sliver and looked extremely sharp. The bear's eyes were reddish brown and unlike the other beasts in the forest, the bear had a certain amount of intelligence. The bear saw all the young demons in front of his home and roared amplified by his mana sending all the young demons who not even a minute ago were arguing about who will kill this bear. Now all of them were filled with an extreme amount of fear, they felt the bear's killing intent.

"ROAR" the iron-clawed bear roared and charged at the group, immediately all of them started to move out of the bear's attack range and started to shoot magic at the demon bear. none of their attacks caused the bear damage because of its thick fur. The bear opened its mouth and a brown and red magic ball formed in its mouth and shoot it at a place where most of the group was at. many of the young demons suffered injuries from that attack.

When the bear was looking away Riser came next to the bear and attacked it with his clan's fire, and Diodora attack the bear with a magic blast to the bear's stomach

"HAHAHAHAHAH, how'd you like that you-" Before Riser finished his sentence the bear turned around barely injured and looked at Riser slashed Riser's chest, and smacked Diodora into a bunch of trees.

Rias, Sona, Akeno, and Tsubaki all launched attacks at the bear but nothing they did caused the bear any trouble. The bear was using his mana to make a mana cloak around him to tank most of the damage.

The bear stood there smoke coming out his mouth from another magic attack it did and with his red and brown eyes glowing it made the bear look very scary.

"What the hell why is it so strong." Rias blurted out with fear in her voice.

" Listen everyone let's all work together to find the bear's weak spot so we can defeat it together," Sona yelled trying to gather everyone together and create a plan to defeat the bear.

Everyone agreed and before they could form a plan to defeat the bear, they all heard a loud boom from a little distance away.

"Move" From the east everyone saw something coming there extremely fast and the voice of a boy came from there.


Once the dust cloud moved away a young boy with black hair tied into a ponytail wearing a black shirt, white sweatpants, and black and white shoes landed there.

It was Ren, Ren looked at the bear and the bear looked at him. The bear looked at the young boy who was in front of him he sensed this boy was different. The boy had the blood of many beasts on his shirt and pants. The bear saw the boy had a slight killing intent, killing intent isn't something that anyone can have its formed when someone strong kills a certain amount of times.

Ren Released his power as well did the bear showing the two of them to be at the peak of low class/Body refinement.

They all saw the boy smile and hear him say, " Time for the boss fight."

After saying that They charged at each other and clashed punches.