
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Mihawk vs Ren and Maki

Dracule Mihawk is the world's strongest swordsman in the One Piece world. looking at him from this distance, I can only say that guy is a monster. I couldn't get a read on how strong he was, but all my senses told me I would die quickly if I were to fight him. Maki had a similar feeling to me. Mihawk Calmy looked at the people who ran off the ship, a guy with 2 long swords ran at him but Mihawk beat him immediately.

"Maki, want to get a closer look at that guy?"

"Yeah, sure." before I and Maki could jump down and get closer we saw Mihawk look at the both of us, we froze his gaze made me feel like a mouse being looked at by a terrifying hawk.

" What strange kids you are." Suddenly I heard a voice behind me, when I turned around Mihawk was standing there. My body naturally reacted and I coated my fists with Qi and swung at Mihawk, at the same time Maki took out a spear and swung it at him. Mihawk didn't flinch at the attacks he grabbed my arm and threw me off the building. He grabbed a small knife out of his pocket and blocked Maki's attack. He pushed her spear with his knife, the force behind his push sent Maki off the building.

I stood up and summoned my Sword out, Mihawk jumped down the building, and I took a deep breath, and calmed myself down. I ran at him and swung my sword at him he blocked me causally with his knife.

" What an interesting sword, does it have a name?" Mihawk asked looking at my sword.

"Yeah Neither Dragon Sword Kur, that's the sword's name."

"Neither Dragon sword Kur? That's an interesting name."

"Well, The sword is made out of Neither stone nor the body of a true dragon that my ancestor killed." I looked to the side and saw Maki coming towards us from the left side. I often attacked his right to try to create an opening for her, but Mihawk blocked both of our attacks.

"Oh your ancestor killed a dragon, he must've been extremely strong, what's his name." He's starting to piss me off, Maki and I have to focus on attacking and defending his attacks but he's having a casual conversation.

"Yeah, but you won't know his name." I jumped backward and looked at Maki, during the times we trained we also worked on our teamwork. We both backed off, I coated my sword lighting and started to launch lighting strikes at him rapidly, Maki did the same with her spear but Maki didn't have any element affinity it was just pure energy she got after becoming a demon. Mihawk looked intrigued, he blocked some of the attacks and dodge some, we didn't stay in one area, we kept moving in different areas but Mihawks stayed in the same area. These attacks were nothing more than a distraction while we did this I focused my Qi to manipulate the shadows around Mihawk and when he let his guard down I made shadow chains appear out of his shadow and bind him, I learned this trick when I was trying all different types of elements since I had all element affinity. I can control natural elements like fire, wind water Etc. to a great extent and little waste of energy, but other elements like light and darkness took a lot out of me. Shadow magic is a lesser form of dark magic so I can control it better but still took a lot of control.

Mihawk had a mild reaction, he broke out the shadow chains and counted both of us, and knocked us down.

"Little girl your attacks lack power and accuracy, you hesitate while you're attacking from a distance, and you're too impulsive when you're attacking from a close distance, and you little boy your swordsmanship is poor, you swing your sword without any grace or technique. You swing like someone who taught himself how to fight." I didn't say anything because everything he said was accurate. looking at my expression Mihawk continued talking, " Judging by your expression I'm correct. Also what type of devil fruit do you have, to be able to use shadow and lighting."

" I don't have a devil fruit."

"Hmmm, then how are you able to produce lighting and shadow like that?"




Mihawks pov

Today has been an interesting day. I left the meeting with the Marines, me and the other warlords all attended which is very rare. The Marines were worried about the constant increase in pirates and revolutionaries.

After leaving that meeting I was attacked by a group of pirates. Having nothing else to do I chased them and hunted them down slowly. After a few days of chasing them, we reached the Sabaody archipelago, once I left my ship there captain charged but he lost to me extremely quickly.

What caught my attention was when my observation haki caught a glimpse of two kids watching my fight. Those two were strange It felt like they weren't human, along with the strange spiritual energy surrounding them.

I couldn't hold my curiosity and went behind them to ask them a question which in hindsight was a little mistake. Those two had a strong reaction and I could tell out of pure instinct they attacked me.

Their attacks were full of holes and weren't any threat to me. As they attacked I saw with my observation haki the strange spiritual energy flow with their attacks but it was roughed and barely efficient.

The boy although his swordsmanship was poor he has extreme amounts of potential, the girl along with having great potential her affinity with the weapon she uses is amazing.

I look at the boy and asked him if he had a devil fruit and not to my surprise he didn't. His attacks originate from the strange spiritual energy around him.

"Well, I can use more than lighting and shadow." Just then he showed me different elements, fire, wind, water, ice, and earth. All different kinds of elements floated around his hand and sword. The spiritual energy around him started to lessen I could imagine he was running out of energy.

" tell me boy what is the strange spiritual energy around you use?" I decided to ask him straight up, he looked confused, the girl looked at him and asked him a question.

"He's he talking about our Qi?" The girl asked the boy and when she said that his face lit up and nodded his head.

"I guess he's talking about Qi maybe they call it spiritual energy here." They discussed it and ignored me.

"Boy, Girl, what is Qi?" I wanted to know what it was and how I could use it, if I learned it I could increase my swordsmanship.

They looked at each other and at the same time said, " We won't tell you." I felt like hitting these two brats in their heads. I tried to keep a serious face and thought about what I could offer them, but before I could offer them something the boy spoke.

"Why would we tell an old man who loves to bully for 10 years and asks them for their secrets." I couldn't believe how shameless this kid was, before I could get over what he said the girl spoke.

" Right, what makes it worse is he didn't even ask our names. Does he think our names are boy and girl? We should inform the authorities about this grown adult attacking children." At this point, my face couldn't remain serious. These two children are the only ones in the world to render me in a poor state with words.

" well if you are interested in Qi we can make a deal." Sidedly the boy spoke to me but he had a cunning look in his eye, he didn't predict this situation but immediately found a way to benefit from it.

"What is it that you need?" I asked with a slight smile, as long as it wasn't out of my reach then I would accept it.

"You see our skills are quite poor, you even mentioned our flaws, also for the emotional and physical trauma you caused us. I think you should take us as disciples and train us. You must help us improve our skills and teach us Haki and you have to teach us, you can't let anyone else train us and in exchange, I'll tell you about Qi." The boy said with a sly and cunning smile on his face, this boy is truly a demon. He tempted me with the topic of Qi, he's emotionally blackmailing me and listed all the things I'm required to teach them. He even added the fact I had to teach them so the plan I had to let the monkeys train them was out the window.

" Ok, I agree with your terms."




Ren's pov

Holy shit that worked. I'm glad my little plan worked. After Mihawk's jump scared us like he was from 5 nights at Freddy's, I purposely showed off the fact I could use different elements and the fact that Maki and I could launch constant energy attacks at him. Also, the fact we don't have devil fruits, made him curious about our power. I knew all of the attacks were going to shit to him since he has observation haki and is much more skilled than us. Anyways I'm glad I got Mihawk as a master.

I shook his hand and he asked us immediately what Qi was but I told him he needs to teach us something first.

We went to his coffin ship, honestly, this dude is the world's strongest swordsman but his boat is a gothic coffin. Anyways Maki and I made fun of his ship and teased him a bit. The ship ride back to his island was fun and boring at the same time. It was fun seeing some of the islands but riding in a small boat was boring.

In these few days, we told Mihawk we were demons, at first he was surprised because he said he had never seen demons before. We said from where we're from the demon race likes to hide themselves which wasn't a lie. Another thing is he told when he uses he's observation haki he saw that the strange spiritual energy or Qi would enter my body and the way I used it was well in summary wasteful. He also went into detail about me and Maki's flaws.

We reached his island after 5 days.

" Mihawk what are you a Vampire, do you hate the sun why do you live in such a gloomy place," Maki asked him, I had no complaints.

We reached his mansion and settled in, I cooked some food and impressed Mihawk, after going to sleep Mihawk woke us up early in the morning for training.

" Ren, Maki, I'm going to start your training today, but first spar with those giant monkeys so I can fully assess your strengths and weaknesses." My face twitched, these monkeys were huge and one of them carried a sword like Mihawks. A chill tan through my back when I saw the smirk on his face. This training is going to be hell.

A.N., Sorry for the late update, I'll try to post the next chapter today.

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