
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Different anime world

* Quest complete three main quests in the One Piece world-

First quest Recruit someone to your peerage- Depends on the person

The second quest beat a vice admiral-hard

3rd Quest learn Haki-hard

Rewards will be calculated once the quest is completed*

I looked at the quest shocked, I didn't know I could travel to other worlds. System when I leave for the other world will Maki come with me, also how will the time correlate?

* When hosts go to a different world members of the host's peerage will be taken along with you, and the time correlation depends on the world, in this case, it's 1:1. One day there is one day here*

If that's the case I'll have to prepare for some things and tell a few people that I might be gone for a while to train.

I stood up and went to the training room, I saw Maki there swinging a wooden spear. Her strength is at the 6th level of body refinement.

"Maki, I need to tell you something." I walked up to her and handed her a drink.

"What's up?" She took a towel and wiped away her sweat and grabbed the drink.

"It's hard to explain but I have this artifact that allows me to travel to another world." I decided to tell her it was an artifact that can help our world travel and not the system. She looked at me strangely.

"What? Can I see it? And what do you mean to go to other worlds." It took a while to explain things that made sense but all you need to know is I bs this thing. Maki looked like she didn't believe me.

" anyways Maki we might be there for a few years so if you have anyone you want to notify that you may be gone for a while. I plan to let Rias and Sona know before I go." In the past few weeks, I've been hanging out with both of them and their peerages. I've gotten closer with all of them, Kiba and I are the same age and because we're the only males we became good friends and I noticed him peeking at Maki a lot, I think he has a little crush. Shirone treats me like an older brother, Tsubaki likes to train with Maki, Akeno likes to tease me and I can already see her S side starting to appear. Sona likes to play chess with me and discuss some topics, then there was Kuroka and Rias. Kuroka hugs me a lot and keeps telling me she loves my scent, I also trained with her she thought me how to sense Qi and absorb it. Now my body has both mana and Qi in it. Rias started to train more ever since our little talk she looks at me from time to time with a slight blush on her face, and she along with everyone love my cooking.

Maki thought about it then she grabbed her phone and texted someone. I guess it was her twin sister, although her clan kicked out Maki she and her twin sister Mai have a decent relationship, but Mai and Maki aren't allowed to see each other for some dumb reason.

I grabbed my phone and texted both Rias and Sona, I got a text back immediately questioning the things I was doing. Not even a minute after I saw two teleportation circles appear in my house. Rias and Sona along with their peerage appeared. I spent the next few hours coaxing all of them which looked strange as a 10 almost 11-year-old coaxing others around the same age.

Once they left I thought about telling Aphrodite but she didn't leave a way to contact her. I bought a few things like food, water, clothes Etc just in case we teleport somewhere without clean water and food. I was hoping for a few things in the one-piece world.

Finally, after a few days of preparation, I accepted the quest. Maki and I both were surrounded by blue and yellow light and disappeared.




Opening my eyes I looked around and I felt dizzy for a bit. I looked at maki and she looked the same as me. Once we drank some water and felt back to normal, we looked around. We were on a small Island.

"Ren looks like we're on a small island."

"No shit Sherlock, what lead you to that discovery," I replied sarcastically.

Maki kick my leg and said, "Are we really in a different world? I don't sense any mana but I sense any other energy here." I understood what she meant, I sensed the strange energy, and after a little while I realized it was Qi, but more pure. I told her would rest and gather the energy into our body, since there wasn't any mana we have to fill our body with the Qi in the air.

Once we rested and gathered Qi in our body, we let our wings out and started flying to the northeast. Hopefully, we wanted to find another island with people on it or a ship we could go on. We could fly for 4 hours before tiring out. After 2 and a half hours of flying, we saw a ship. The ship was decent but had a skull with purple hair.

"Maki look it's a pirate ship." My voice was full of excitement, I love one piece and couldn't wait to meet some characters. We landed on the ship and we saw 23 people.

Once we landed the crew looked at us and grabbed their weapons.

" Hey brats how you get on our ship? Do you know who we are, we're the purple hair Pirates fear across the grand line." A purple hair pirate said while looking at us.

"Oh captain those two are good-looking kids maybe we could sell them to get some berries." A fat long nose guy said with a disgusting smile on his face.

I looked at Maki and she looked at me, with out saying a word we took out our weapons and started attacking them. Maki uses a pair of daggers and with swift attacks cut through them. I coated my sword with wind and swung my sword at the heads of those who were In front of me. Maki killed the captain. We threw their bodies off the ship and I used water magic and clean the blood off the ship. We found paint and drew an X over the flag so no one would associate us with them. At the bottom of the ship, we found a few people tied up. There were 4 females and 3 males. They told us they were people captured by those pirates to be sold as slaves and thanked us for saving them. Thankfully one of the guys knew how to drive the boat and one of the ladies had navigation skills. She took found a log pose and told the guy where to drive. I jumped up on the front of the ship and pointed at maki.

" first mate maki are you ready for adventure at sea!" The people On the ship looked at me and laughed a bit.

Maki smiled and said, " Aye Captain Ren." We messed around and looked around the ship. After messing around I asked the navigator lady a question.

" miss where are we heading to?"

"We're going to the Sabaody archipelago."

Sabaody archipelago huh, I frowned a bit because that place was full of pirates, Marines, and more importantly the Celestial dragons. Those guys are trouble, if we were to run into them then the admirals will be sent if he hit them and I don't think we could fight an admiral much less a vice admiral.

After a few days to travel, we reached the Sabaody archipelago. We parted ways with the people on the ship and we started walking on the island. I considered trying to find Silvers Rayleigh, he taught Luffy haki and I wanted to know if he can teach me haki.

Once we reached the town we saw a lot of things, we saw marines chasing some pirates, pirates fighting pirates, and people living life. As we continued our walk we saw a crowed in front of us. We couldn't see shit because of the people so we jumped up onto a building there we saw A tall man around 8 feet tall. He had long arms and legs wearing a suit he was fighting a guy with three arms and was around 6 feet tall. Those two were infamous pirates.

We lost interest after a while and ran past them.

We went to a place with lots of ships. We looked at some of the ships with awe because of their sizes and appearance. All of a sudden a huge red ship appeared, the ship looked as if it was once a grand ship but now it had many different cuts and destroyed parts. The crew ran off the ship and before we knew it we saw the giant ship which was the size of an apartment building being cut into pieces. Behind the ship, a man appeared walking calmly towards the crew that just ran off it. tall, lean, and muscular man with black hair, a short beard, a mustache, and sideburns that point upwards. His strangely colored red eyes looked at the people in front of him with indifference. wearing black and red ornate clothing with a crucifix pendant that hides a little dagger, the clothes gave him the appearance of a Spanish swordsman On his back there was a long wester black sword. The man was Dracule Mihawk.

A.N. There won't be a chapter tomorrow I'll be busy tomorrow.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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