
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Hell training

A.N thanks for 30k views, I appreciate all the support you guys have given me.

REN's pov

After getting beat by the monkeys Mihawk had a few things to say about us.

First Maki, he said her strengths were her adaptability and reflexes. He was greatly impressed with the amount of weapons she can control, he said her ability to use multiple weapons has many benefits and disadvantages. The benefits were that with more weapons masters the more versatile she would be in battle as well as have some understanding of an opponent's capabilities if said person used a weapon she was proficient at. The drawback was that since she uses many different weapons, she would need more time to master them. He also said that he noticed his observation haki how she used her Qi was slow and many different things.

As for me, he said I have 3 major problems. The first problem was my swordsmanship, to summarize what he said my sword style was worse than the apes on his island. He said I use too much power every time I swing, as well as my poor footwork, and when I showed him clan techniques he said I wasting their potential with my poor skills. The second issue was with my Qi, he noticed whenever I used my energy 2 things would happen, first some of the energy would be wasted causing me to run out of Qi quicker than I should. The second thing was how the Qi traveled through my body, When I used my Qi/Mana the energy in my body would run rampant in my body with no clear control direction causing massive strain on my body making my physical body weaker instead of stronger. The third issue he said was my reckless battle approach, while fighting there were times when I just went with the flow of battle and didn't think about the consequences of my attacks, I would charge and swing recklessly at an opponent without analyzing anything.

Needless to say, he completely shattered our egos. With that, he gave us time to ponder about we learned. I went back to my room and ponder what Mihawk said. I went into a meditation position, when I focused on the energy in my body I noticed what Mihawk was talking about.

The energy in my body had no clear point of origin, the energy was traveling inside my body in different directions, and at some points, they would clash with each other straining that part of my body and dispersing the energy. To simplify it imagine two cars driving in different directions and crashing into each other in a tunnel.

I tried to sense where my energy originated in my body. After a while I sensed that it came from the middle of my chest, I spent a lot of time trying to fix the issue with my energy, it's harder than it seems, it's like grabbing small pieces of string and controlling them. After a few hours, I was able to have some control of it but not completely. I felt the benefits soon, my body felt lighter and I felt like I had more energy in my body. Well, Rome wasn't built in a day.

I slept for 3 hours before I got woken up by Mihawk, this guy's way to wake someone up is insane, he sent 3 baby monkeys to attack me in my sleep. His excuse was to build some awareness while sleeping or something. He gave us each our training schedule, aside from the times we eat and sleep, our training was divided into 3, mornings we trained our bodies, in the afternoon we trained our swordsmanship and weapon skills, and in the evening we were learning haki. Our physical training consists of hand-to-hand combat, weight training, and energy control. The people in the One Piece world could control spiritual energy but it was different from Qi according to Mihawk Qi was much purer and stronger Haki is a form of that spiritual energy. Our weapon training consists of spearing with Mihawk and the monkeys, Mihawk said piratical combat is the best way to gain experience and skill. When it came to haki training he blindfolded us and had us feel the attacks and many other things. I also mentioned this guy didn't hold back with the training by the end of the end me and Maki were feeling pain all over my body. I wish I could make something to help us recover and…..

How tf did I forget about my alchemy skill? I immediately searched the system for some things.

* low-level spiritual water-5 points

Blue grass-2 points

Honey dew-2 points*

According to my alchemist skill, I can make first-grade body restoration pills. I bought a first-grade alchemy furnace for 200 points. After buying a few sets of ingredients I started to refine some pills. I went on to create 100 pills at once…. That is what I would like to say but I failed. Not once or twice but 4 times. Losing all of my ingredients. I went to sleep frustrated.




3 months later


* Name Ren Valefor

Race- Royal Demon

Cultivation- 2nd Realm of Mana/Qi circulation

Skills/Techniques- God-level signing skills, God-level cooking skills, the Supreme Chaos cultivation technique, Valefor clan techniques, Intermediate Magic, Elemental magic, beginner Swordsmanship, and Alchemy, Mystic Dragon body Refinement technique.

Physiques-The primordial chaos body

Bloodlines- Valefor Bloodline, The Cosmic Asura Emperor bloodline.

Intermediate magic- a skill formed by having an intermediate mastership of non-elemental magic.

beginner Swordsmanship- a skill formed by having a basic mastership of swordsmanship*

In these 3 months, Many things have changed, First I broke through the body refinement after I figured out how to solve the issue with my energy. That was the best feeling, once I broke through I felt my body being extremely light and my Mana/Qi reserves grew extensively. With that, I was able to use my natural physical and magical which is stronger than an average demon and most humans to its full extent. The look on Mihawks face, when It happened, it was extremely funny, his face was half shocked and half stupid. I teased him for a bit when it happen but this petty bastard increased my training program. On a better note, I was able to create some body restoration pills, these pills restored our energy and helped us with our training. I was able to create these pills after many, I mean many failed experiences and losing a lot of my points, my original 1000, went to 800 after buying the pill furnace, and now after spending 200 points, I was able to make them.

Maki was able to reach the peak of body refinement, and her weapon proficiency has increased, also she was able to use magic now but she mainly used it to enhance her attacks with her weapons. Our training with Haki has been a slow process and with little progress to show, Learning Haki is hard.

With that 6 years have passed.

Sorry for the short chapter but I've been extremely busy, also I've been rewatching high school dxd, and all I got to complain about. Aside from the little things like Rias saying the house of Marquis Gremory and not Duke, ignoring those little things I was reminded of how down bad and horny this dude Issei is. Also, how did Rias fall for him so fast, and how? Needless to say, we going to fix these characters, Issei will still be a perv but not like how he was in canon.

Finally, the one-piece arc is going to end in the next 2-3 chapters, after that, I will change the pacing of the fan fic, I'll stop writing short arcs but I wanted to get to the part where he's grown and attends school. During that time I will add OC characters to make some arcs more interesting and entirely new arcs that weren't in the anime. Vote on the first major fight, back in the original world.

Ren Vs Gojo

Ren Vs OC(Original character for those that don't know)

Ren Vs Riser

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Constellation_soracreators' thoughts