
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Cypher Naberius vs Ren

Cypher Naberius, His name wasn't mentioned in Cannon but I'm pretty sure this is the mad scientist who is experimenting on Kuroka and her sister. Honestly, I want to kill this guy not because I'm a simp who's trying to save her and her sister and make the love me but because I find the fact this bastard is experimenting on children despicable.



Race- Royal Demon

Cultivation- Peak realm of the Body refinement

Skills/Techniques- God-level signing skills, God-level cooking skills, the Supreme Chaos cultivation technique, Valefor clan techniques, Elemental Magic(new),

Physiques-The primordial chaos body

Bloodlines- Valefor Bloodline, The Cosmic Asura Emperor bloodline.

Cosmic Asura Emperor bloodline- The cosmic Asura emperor was an Asura who had the power of the stars, moon, planets, and space.

Elemental magic was gained from the repeated use of Elemental attacks in the forest*

System Open store

* System Store- Points 1000






Gacha, my past enemy, I spent hundreds of dollars on these games just to get screwed over. Knowing the danger and how addictive it is I will never use it.

System open Gacha

* Gacha- Can get anything from the store, all stuff in the store is ranked



super Rare

Ultra Rare


God Level

Gacha tickets- 100 points *

System Buy 3 Gacha Tickets and use them

* 3 tickets bought points left 700

The host has got a weapon fusion card-Ultra Rare

The host got Goddess Aphrodite's Favorite bra- Legendary

The Host got Sprite cranberry- common *




Goddess Aphrodite's Favorite bra, wtf why is thing ranked legendary? It has no purpose. I went out of the shower and put on some clothes. I removed the bra from the system, and I can only say Huge. The bra was purple, and I don't know what it was made of, but it smelled good. I threw the bra on the table and decided to look at the Weapon Fusion card. A gold and green card came out with two weapons fusing on it. I took out the black dragon sword which was a black sword with a dragon design on the blade and Kur out. I fused them and waited to see what would become.

* Fusing Sword Kur and the black dragon Sword

Creating a New Sword-Neither Dragon Kur Sword

Neither Dragon Kur Sword Legendary rank- A sword fused from a sword created from the body of a true dragon and a sword created from neither stone. The sword is extremely durable, the sword conducts magic well, and the sword possesses a draconic aura, only members of the Valefor clan can use this sword*

The sword turned into a beautiful black and purple sword with a dragon design on the blade and hilt of the sword. It turned into a black and purple mist and became a black and purple dragon tattoo on my arm. Now to prepare for the mission.

Mount Olympus

In Mount Olympus there was a woman whose looks were beyond extraordinary, her every move was elegant and carried a seductive charm to it. She had long blonde hair that flowed smoothly down her back, her body was extremely voluptuous, and her eyes were a memorizing pink. This was the Goddess Aphrodite, Aphrodite came out of a huge tube filled with flowers, put on a towel, and walked to her room. she went to the area where she put her favorite bra and panties.

She was humming a song her voice was enchanting and could memorize anyone who heard it. She opened the cabinet but was shocked. she saw her panties, but not her Bra. She searched everywhere but couldn't find it.

"Who has the aduncity to steal my Bra!" Aphrodite was angry, she put on some clothes and began her search. Mount Olympus experienced hell that day.




Ren's Pov

After two days of preparing I used an item given to me by Ajuka to teleport to the underworld, the system because of the mission showed me Cypher's location. After a few hours of running, I found the lab hidden in a mountain. I took out 4 talismans which cost me 100 points in the shop, 3 were explosion talismans and 1 was a concealment talisman. I saw a group of people heading in and used it and walked inside the building behind them, I saw a few guards on the first floor. I had 10 minutes to do what I need to do. I quickly headed to the bottom floor of the lab where I'm guessing the children were. It took me 2 minutes to head down to where the main laboratory, the hallway spilt into 3, and one looked like it lead to a big room where I'm guessing the experiments were held, second led to an office where I heard a few people talking. Then I looked at the third hallway which had many doors, that's where the children were held. there were 4 Guards whose strengths were at the Mana/Qi Refinement(Middle class), I knew I couldn't fight all of them at the same time, so I went to the other side where the children were, and went to the experiment room.

I placed an explosion talisman and ran away from it when I was far enough I activated the talisman.


The room exploded and a fire started from the room, sirens started to ring and I saw many people run to the room. I ran to the room where the children were and broke the doors. There were 36 kids, some were human some were demons and some were yokai. When I broke the last door I saw 2 Nekoshou, one was a white-haired little girl who hid behind the other Neskoshou. The other one was a black-haired girl with 2 tails, she was smelling the air but couldn't smell or see me because of the Talisman. It was Kuroka and Koneko or Shirone. Kuroka was warry because the door was destroyed all of a sudden. She walked out and saw the other children who look confused and scared.

The guards saw the children out of their rooms and 2 out of the four ran toward the children. Kuroka was about to attack them to protect Shirone but before she could attack the 2 guards' heads were cut off. Then all of them saw black hair and red-eyed standing there holding a black and purple sword.

"Well, looks like time ran out for the concealment talisman." I looked in front of me and saw two demons running at me. One had a spear and the other started to cast a water magical attack. I Activated my bloodline and enhanced my strength to the 3rd level of Mana/Qi Refinement, I coated my sword with fire and cut the water bullet, then I launched an ice spike at the feet of the guy with the spear. He stopped to avoid getting his feet penetrated but I took the time where he was distracted and swung and cut the arm of the which held the spear.

"AHAHAHAHAH" the guy yelled as his arm was cut off, I swung my sword and cut his head off killing him. I looked at the other guy who was staring at his dead teammate. He looked over to the children and I saw his eyes light up, he was planning to threaten them to stop me. My eyes turned cold and I launched a wind blade at the guy, he dodge and looked at me his eyes were full of fear and anger. He cast 3 water blasts at me, he aimed to kill me but I dodge them. I focused my mana at my feet and launched myself at him catching him off guard and in my left hand I charged a lighting attack and launched at him. He was hit and he was stunned for a while I took the time to cut off both his arms. He fell on his knees and looked me in the eyes and saw the unmasked killing intent it had. His eyes were full of despair and fear.

"Please spare me, I" I stabbed him in his heart before he finished and I saw the life drain out of his eyes. No mercy for these bastards.

I looked behind me and saw the kids looking at me, I told them to follow me if they wanted to leave this place. I ran to the first floor the kids behind me. While running I saw Kuroka looking at me strangely. When I went to the first floor I saw 15 people staring at me, they charged at me trying to capture me but since they were all extremely weak, I cut threw them like weeds, and in a few seconds all of them were dead. Once we were all outside we ran for a bit. The kids were crying happy to be free, they hugged each other and cried. I jumped on top of a tree and smiled looking at the laboratory. It's time.

I placed the last two explosion talismans near places where if they blew up then it would cause a huge explosion.

"True Art Is an Explosion!" I yelled and activated the talisman from where we were at.

BOOM, a huge explosion occurred creating a large Mushroom cloud. I laughed a bit when I said the famous quote of a certain anime bomber. At that moment I noticed something, why hasn't the mission been completed? Before I could answer I saw someone Fly out of the rubble, half of his body was burned and his energy was a mess. He landed in front of us and yelled at the topic of his lungs.

"WHICH BASTARD BLEW UP MY LAB!!!!" It was Cypher, Cypher had burned orange hair and a patchy beard. I jumped down and looked him in the eyes.

"IT WAS YOU BRAT, I'LL RIP YOUR BODY APART AND DRINK YOUR FUCKING BLOOD!" His voice was full of malice, he took out a red and black bottle when he opened it a clear liquid appeared, he drank it and all his wounds healed. A phoenix tear, I knew it from the anime. I took out my sword and activated my bloodline. Cypher stood up and he activated his magic.

I Sent a few water blasts at him to test him but he didn't dodge. I saw an orange glow on him then his body started to transform, I saw snake scales appear on his body, a lion's tail appeared, and his hands turned into the paws of a tiger.

"HAHA, how do you like this, it's a result of my experiences. I Was able to integrate the blood of many demon beasts into my body and gained their power, Many kids died for me to get to this point. HAHAHAH, I will kill all those who ridiculed me in the past." Cypher started to laugh, I launched at his and swung my sword, but he dodge and kicked me in the stomach. I coughed up some blood and I was launched into the trees.

I stood up and when I looked up I saw 3 fire blasts aiming at me, I barely dodge but I didn't stabilize my footing, and the next thing I knew I was punched in the face and knocked down.

Dam it. I stood up and looked at Cypher, he had a sinister grin on his face. I Used earth Magic to create a few earth walls in front of me. He made a fire lion and sent it to my earth wall, it took no time to destroy my magic wall. I already left the area of attack and was on a tree looking at Cypher.

" your quite strong for a brat, I think I'll capture you and use you for my more dangerous experiments." Cypher laughed a bit and expected to see me scared but what he saw shocked him.

I smiled and said, "You're the perfect target to use these techniques on, Valefor clan Technique Demon viper sword strike."