
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

6 years later

Third person Pov

On Mihawk's island, a person with a long black sword shaped like a cross was fighting against two teenagers. One of the teenagers was a beautiful woman with light brown eyes and dark green hair tied into a ponytail, she held a pair of short swords and swung them elegantly and efficiently. The other teenager was a boy with black hair medium-length black hair and scarlet red eyes, the boy held a black and purple sword, his sword attacks were fierce but calculated, and his attacks were skillful and no had no trace of inexperience. These 3 were Mihawk, Maki, and Ren.

Mihawk was currently using his sword Yoru to defend against Ren's and Maki's attacks, he counter-attacked causing the two of them to jump backward but the two of them unlike the past versions of them didn't get flustered. Maki threw her swords at Mihawk and took out a halberd and charged at Mihawk, she coated her halberd with Armament Haki and swung her spear downwards. Mihawk dodge the attack but he immediately had to block the sword attack coming from his left.

"Attacking me the second I dodged from my blind spot and aimed for my neck, too bad my observation haki already saw you planning your attack," Mihawk said with a small smirk on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, I already know, but I won't miss from point-blank range." And with saying that I charged a light blast in my left hand and launched it at him, the attack him Mihawk but Mihawk covered the place where that attack would land. Mihawk kicked Ren in the stomach sending Ren back a little.

His attack didn't hurt Ren just sent him back. Ren and Maki continued their constant attacks. After a while, they finished their training, aside from a few bruises all of them were in good condition.

Ren's Pov



Name Ren Valefor

Race- Royal Demon

Cultivation- Gold core 3rd stage

Skills/Techniques- God-level signing skills, God-level cooking skills, the Supreme Chaos cultivation technique, Valefor clan techniques, Magic Master, Elemental magic, Swordmaster, Haki(all 3 forms), Alchemy, Mystic Dragon body Refinement technique.

Physiques-The primordial chaos body

Bloodlines- Valefor Bloodline, The Cosmic Asura Emperor bloodline.

magic master- a skill someone has when they master many forms of non-elemental magic.

Swordmaster-a skill someone has when they master sword arts.

Haki- a mysterious power that allows the user to utilize their spiritual energy for various purposes, the three kinds are, Armament Haki, Observation Haki, and Conqueror's Haki*

It's been 6 years since We've entered the one-piece world, During this time I broke through the foundation establishment stage after creating the perfect foundation with 9 pillars, and now I'm in the gold core stage. I also reached a level with my magic and swordsmanship where I can be called a master, as well as mastering the basic forms of all 3 Haki types. I haven't mastered advanced forms of Haki. Maki Is at the first level of the gold core stage, she has mastered many types of weapons but her two best are Swords and spears. Mihawks also learned Qi, from what I learned he had to start at the beginning but he broke through all the stages extremely fast and returned to his original strength in 3 days, with Qi he said felt like some of his limits have been lifted and he's found a path to improve his swordsmanship, He's at the peak of the gold core his original strength was at 5th or 6th stage at the gold core stage.

"Maki, Let's do a few things and return to our world." After a bath, I decided to talk to Maki about returning.

"Sure, What are we going to do?"

"Let's test our strength against some Marines, a Vice admiral and there's someone I want to Recruit." We walked downstairs to where Mihawk was drinking Wine.

"Mihawk, Me, and Maki are going back to where we come from." I went and grabbed the plate of food I sat down in front of him.

"Is that so, I also plan to travel, Now that you've reached this level all that's left for you two is to battle strong foes and keep getting stronger."

We sat down and ate dinner together for the last time, I had thoughts of Inviting him to my peerage but I decided to do that the next time I come back, I wanted him to meet Zoro first then invite him to my peerage. Now the person I thought about inviting to my peerage is Yamato, the daughter of Kaido.

We ate and talked for a bit and went to bed. When I woke up and got dressed Mihawk had already left. Maki and I got some of our stuff and I put my stuff in my inventory Maki put hers in a separate space she learned how to create.

" Want to fly north till we reach the Sabaody archipelago?" Maki asked while stretching her body.

"Might as well, he didn't leave us with any ships so yeah." I let out my majestic wings and we started flying there. It took us a few hours to reach there, with our increased strength flying speed, and stamina increased by a lot. We saw the Island and we landed in an Isolated place.

We walked and talked while we were walking on the Sabaody Archipelago, soon In the distance I saw a lot of people looking at a certain ship. There was a bunch of men looking at a ship full of women, the flag was a skull surrounded by 9 snakes. Where have I seen that flag from?

I ignored it because I couldn't remember whose ship that belonged to. As we continued to walk we saw a group of marines, two of them had a strong presence to them.

" Maki, Want to fight those two?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Looking at your smile I can already tell you want to fight them." We walked up to the two of them. One of them was a tall man, around twice the height of an ordinary human. He wears a gray metal mask with ten eye holes and two long, curved bull horns. His face has never been fully exposed. His long orange hair falls to the front of his chest and the rest of his hair can be seen going down his back. He wore the typical Marine vice admiral outfit. The second guy was a tall man with blonde hair and a blonde beard. When he saw us coming his body changed into a muscular, bipedal Dalmatian-human hybrid. The top part of his head from his nose up and his arms and legs are that of a Dalmatian and the bottom part of his face remains human.

Ask questions then the attack doesn't exist here because the dog man ran at me and threw a punch while the mask gut swung his giant sword at Maki.

"Hey, that wasn't Nice we don't even know your names. Just attacking is quite rude." I said with a playful smile on my face, I blocked his attack with my right arm, and after seeing the shock on his face I laughed a bit.

Maki already took out a broad sword and reflected his attack, the masked dude didn't talk much but he kept swinging his sword. Honestly, he has a lot of openings in his body, Maki didn't feel like messing around with this guy, she hit him in the stomach and sent an energy blast at the guy. I feel kind of bad for the guy. He didn't even stand a chance against her. These guys were vice admirals but they weren't a threat to me or Maki, I was a bit disappointed. A hit the guy in the gut was a lot of force making him hold his stomach and fall on his knees.

"What's going on here?" A female voice came from behind me, I turned around and was slightly stunned, there was a woman with long black hair and blue eyes she had snake earrings and a red dress. Her figure was voluptuous and her beauty was stunning. Boa Hancock the pirate empress, the world's most beautiful woman. I was surprised, she looked better than she did in the anime. I looked her in the eye and she met my gaze.

Before I could reply the dog man stood up behind me and coated his fist with armament haki, In a second I cast a fire and wind spell and launched it at him, the spell hit him and he was knocked down.

Hancock was surprised, I'm guessing she was shocked by my strength, she then looked at me and jumped backward, and lifted her leg. The two behind her also took up attack stances, maki came next to me and looked at them with slight wariness.

"You who are you?" She asked me, her guard raised to the max.

"My name is Ren Valefor and this is Maki, my friend. We won't cause harm to you guys. Know would you like to introduce yourself."

She took a pose all of a sudden pointed at me and lifted her head and said," I am one of the 7 warlords of the sea, the leader of the Kuja pirates, the most beautiful woman in the world. The pirate empress."

Maki looked at me and said, " Ren, your introduction was so boring, you should introduce yourself much better."

" Your right Maki, Ahem. I am the most handsome young demon from the underworld, a royal amongst my kind, Whether it is a god or the demon king all shall fear me. I am Ren Valefor." I did a dumb pose while saying all that, I looked at Maki and she looked like she was going to burst out laughing. I was barely holding in my laughter, I looked at Hancock and she had a funny expression on her face.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Ren what the hell is that pose, HAHAHAHAh, and what the hell is that introduction." Maki couldn't hold back her laughter and I joined her in laughing. I said some cringy stuff.

"Hph, the most handsome demon in the underworld, you have quite the ego." Boa Hancock said while putting down her foot.

"Didn't you say you're the world's most beautiful woman, isn't hypocrite to say that?'' I asked.

" Well, it doesn't matter if I'm a hypocrite, because I am beautiful." She said while flicking her hair. I deiced to mess with her, I moved to where she was, I was slightly taller than her, I grabbed her chin and looked her in her eyes, and said.

"That you are." Her face started to blush but after a few seconds she sent a kick at me but I dodge.

"You, t-t-touched me, you deserve to be turned to stone." Saying that she shaped her hand into a heart and said Mero mero mero.

A light beam headed to me but I wasn't worried, the light hit me but didn't turn me into stone. She looked shocked and launched her attack at me again.

"You, why aren't you turning to stone, do you not think I'm beautiful."

"Your devil fruit ability won't work on us. Before you ask the reason is because although I do think you're attractive, I use my energy in my body to negate your power." Her devil fruit works by sending this world's spiritual energy into my body and if I feel attraction towards her then the spiritual energy turns my body to stone but the spiritual energy can't enter our bodies because mana/qi is stronger and purer than her energy so her energy dissipates when it tries to enter my body.

She looked confused because I didn't want to waste too much time, so before we go I wanted to tease her a bit. I once again appeared in front of her grabbed her hand kissed her hand while looking at her face turn red.

" Well Boa Hancock although I want to spend more time with you I have to leave, but the next time I see you I hope we could get to know each other better," I said the last part while holding her hand, her face went bright red, even more, red than a tomato. Before she could do something Me and make took out our wings and started to fly toward where the ships were. I heard Hancock yell at me and say next time she'll make me kiss her feet or something.

I cast an invisibility spell and we snuck onto a pirate ship, we wanted to see what the sea looked like, so the ship went to Fishman Island. We hopped off the ship and explored the island, we couldn't spend a lot of time there but before we went some guy named Vander Decken was constantly harassing Maki, he said he would marry Maki and the Fishman princess. At first, we ignored him then I remembered him from the show, he was the bastard that kept harassing the princess, before I could act Maki had enough and swung her sword at him and landed a critical hit. A giant gash appeared on his chest from her strike and he fell and started to bleed to death. Many people although a little scared didn't try to help him no shocker he wasn't liked by people. We snuck back onto the ship and when we came to the top of the sea me and Maki flew away off to Wano.