
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

God level cooking skills vs god tongue

Mana Nakiri The mother of Erina Nakiri and the book master of the World Gourmet organization, and she and her daughter both have the god tongue. The god tongue is a skill where they can taste the smallest detail of any food, this sounds amazing but is more like a curse. Mana is at the point where she has to get her nutrients via IV injections because every time she eats something she gets disgusted.

"Kid, how'd you get here?" Mana knew that there were many security guards in the area and it was almost impossible to sneak in.

" I walked here," I replied in a sarcastic tone.

" You, Anne call the Guards."

Anne has long, dark green, flowing hair that extends to her back. Her outfit consists of a white, frilly, long-sleeved top, a dark layered skirt with white frill accents, and black slippers.

"Yes, Book Master." Anne went to call the guards but when she walked to the hall she was shocked to see most of the guards holding their stomachs some even knocked out.

"Book Master most of the guards are knocked out while others are holding their stomachs in pain!" Anne ran in yelling this, Everyone in the room was shocked to hear the news she just told.

"what, they're all highly trained guards how can they be knocked out." Said Historie a middle-aged black man with a high-top haircut.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to knock them out I was trying to get them out my way. Anyways this food is a bit disappointing."

" How can a kid like you fight all those guards are you lying to us?" Charme a blonde man with purple eyes and wearing a suit asked.

"Did you say the food is disappointing?" Mana who was angry and a bit shocked from earlier had all of a sudden calmed down and asked the kid about something he just said.

"Yes, I expected more from this place when I found out where I was." I wasn't lying, the food was amazing but with my cooking skills, I couldn't help but find some many faults in these dishes. It didn't ruin the taste but I felt it could've been better if some slight adjustments were to be made.

"Oh, then tell me what's wrong with the food made by the chefs in the WGO."

" First the Tenderloin Steak, If it was cooked for 30 seconds more the meat would've been perfect also the red wine puree could've been better with a little more salt and less balsamic vinegar. Also, the stake for breakfast who's the idiot? Next the eggs." I went on to name a few of the many faults I saw.

The room was quiet for a minute, seeing how Mana shocked Mana was I laughed a little.

" Anne, right show me where the kitchen is I'm going to make some food and show you what my ideal breakfast is going to be.

"Anne take him and I'm coming to see what this kid can make," Mana replied getting help from the two on her left to go to the kitchen.

After we got to the kitchen I told them to back off so I can start cooking. I took out eggs, flour, milk ETC. ready to make eggs and pancakes no bacon because I don't like it, for breakfast, also meat and potatoes to make burgers and fries for lunch.

Then I started by making the pancake batter, then cooking the pancakes themselves, then I went to the eggs, and so on. While I was fully focused on cooking I didn't notice what was going on around me.

" The smell of the food is so fragrant but at the same time doesn't overwhelm the person," Charme said looking at Ren cooking the food.

"His technique is so incredible, how can a young man have this level of experience?" This time it was Historie who spoke.

" I wonder what it will taste like?" Anne couldn't wait to see how good the food was.

While Ren was cooking Mana looked at the boy, the boy had a smile on his face while he was cooking. For the first time in a while, she couldn't wait to try something.

After a while Ren finished cooking and started to pack half the food he made into to-go boxes and the other half he put on plates and looked at Mana in her eyes.

"Well what are you looking at, go ahead and try it."

Instantly Charme, Anne, and Historie went and started to try the food he made. After a bite, they continued to eat the food he made for them quickly and finished their portions in less than 2 minutes. They all had blissful expressions and kept moaning while they ate his food. Ren looked at them weirdly, he expected this because he watched the anime but seeing it in person was a little weird.

"The eggs are so fluffy and the pancake works wonderfully with the eggs causing my taste buds to scream out in pure joy," Charme said while sitting on the chair panting because he ate too fast.

" The burger and fries too, The fries were so crispy and seasoned so well that it felt like a whole new dish while the burger was so tender and the sauce on it was purely divine." Historie looked at his empty plate feeling sad seeing there was no more.

" This food doesn't feel like it's something a human could make, no it was more like was meal given to me by a kind angel who was a demon. Every bite I took I was tempted into eating more and more until I fell into depravity." Anne said while her face had a blush on it while panting.

I looked strangely at her last comment because I was technically a demon.

Then Mana walked forward and took a bite of the food I made. She said nothing but she kept eating. All of a sudden the clothes of the people in the room started to magically disappear. I was confused because I sensed mana coming from her body when this started to happen. All the people became half naked only with their underwear on.

Mana looked at me and started babbling about the food I made and the flavors etc. I saw her package some of the food I made and put it to the side when she was done with her long-ass rant about how amazing the food was. I Grabbed my food and put it into my storage when they weren't paying attention to me and prepared to leave because I found seeing all these grown adults half naked with satisfied faces like they were doing something else besides eating extremely weird.

" Kid Do you want to be my private chef," Mana Asked me politely, hoping I would accept.

" No thank you." Saying that I jumped out the window and landed on the roof of the smaller building next to us.

"Wait Kid that's dangerous." Mana Said while running to the window but seeing me fine and ready to run she yelled to me.

"What's your name?"

"Ren Valefor" I yelled and ran away quickly.

Everyone, there was shocked to see how fast I left and how far I could jump.

Mana told Anne to send The box she packaged to her daughter Erina. Thinking about her daughter she felt sad, when she found out her daughter had the god tongue like her she fell into despair and wanted to find somewhere or someone who could cook food for her, that's when she left her home and took control of the WGO. Now looking at it that boy and her are around the same age they might meet in the future.

Back to Ren's Pov

Leaving the WGO, I sat on a tree branch and thought about what to do next. I need to get some real battle experience.

*Ding first quest generated

First quest Hunt the Demon beasts in the underworld- Quest details in the underworld there has been an outbreak of demon beasts all in the body refinement realm. Quest hunt as many demon beasts as possible in 3 days.

Difficulty- Normal

Reward-Depends on the amount and level of the demon beasts

Accept- Y/N*

I accept the quest system.

* Transporting the host to the underworld In 3, 2, 1*

I felt myself being transported somewhere, when I opened my eyes I saw a purple sky with a pink moon, and in front of me was a forest. I heard many beasts roaring and the forest had an eerie and scary vibe to it. I felt my heart pound, I was excited. I dreamed of a time when I could do something like this now my chance is here.

System can I get better clothes than this to fight in?

*Sure host but the items will be the same quality*

I told the system what I wanted to wear and the system gave it to me. I had a black shirt and white sweatpants like Toji Fushiguro. I had black and white Jordan 1s on. I tied my hair into a ponytail and walked straight to the forest with a smile.

I'm going to massacre these beasts.