
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

accidentally causing a commotion around the world

Third person Pov

While Ren's entire body was being reconstructed in the sky above him what he didn't notice was a heavenly phenomenon was happening. In the sky, all the clouds in the air disappeared and many stars and moons started to shine where he was. After a while all in the sky a river of water could be seen, next to the river there was a river of fire, the river of fire was filled with many different colors of fire like green, white, blue purple, and many more. Above the two rivers pillars of ice and earth started to form, surrounding those pillars were multiple different colors of wind. When Ren's body reconstruction was about to end in the sky a giant being made of stars appeared. In his right hand, there was a spear of light and in his left, there was a sword of darkness. The being wore a crown on his head that looked like it was made of many different celestial bodies behind him were two wings majestic demon wings, and his eyes were made out of lighting. Anyone who looked at this being would feel awe and fear of it. After a while, the phenomena ended signaling the end of Ren's body construction.

*Ding System detects the integration of the primordial chaos body has finished.

Ding system senses many beings heading toward the host. The system activates special conditions and the system will teleport the host somewhere else.*




In the underworld, 4 people can be seen sitting in a room with serious faces. These four were the 4 Satans who were Sirzechs Lucifer (of the Gremory Clan), Serafall Leviathan (of the Sitri Clan), Ajuka Beelzebub (of the Astaroth Clan), and Falbium Asmodeus (of the Glasya-Labolas Clan).

" Ajuka any information about what happened in Japan." Asked a red hair man, This man was Sirzechs.

"No, Many different factions sent over people to investigate but when they got there they found nothing out of the ordinary," Ajuka replied his voice full of frustration.

"Ajuka-Chan, how is that possible we all saw what happened, also many normal people in the world saw that thing in the sky. Many forces are trying to calm down the people and wipe out their memory of what happened." Replied a beautiful woman with black hair.

" Serafall there's nothing we can do about that, what we should be worried about is the power of that being. If that person declared war on us or allied with another faction who knows what will happen." Replied Falbium to Serafall.

While the underworld was in chaos, in heaven 4 people were sitting by a table and discussing what they saw.

"Michael, that being in his hand was a spear of light, I sensed extreme amounts of holy power something only Father would be able to do," Raphael said to an angel sitting at the head of the table.

" Raphael, That being also held a sword of darkness," Uriel said his voice anxious, a being who could use light and darkness was terrifying.

"Brothers, Do we know what caused it?" Asked a beautiful blonde woman, this woman although an angel her body was something that would insight into lustful thoughts.

Michael who sat at the table replied to their youngest sister Gabriel, "We haven't received any information yet, but this situation is strange. How could something like this appear all of a sudden and disappeared just like that? I hope whoever or whatever did this isn't an evil person."




Somewhere in Grigori, a middle-aged man with blonde and black hair sat in a chair reading a report that came from his subordinates. This man was Azazel, the leader of the fallen angels. Azazel sat there reading the reports, unlike most people who were worried about what caused the phenomena, Azazel was curious about the meaning of the phenomena.

" I wonder what this means, That being had 2 different element weapons in his hand. Also, there were all the natural elements surrounding him. Ah, what a headache this is. I wonder if I can get this person to ally with Grigori?"




While the major factions across the world were trying to figure out what made this happen the person was peacefully sleeping.

After a while all the people who came to investigate decided to leave and put monitoring devices here just in case.

2 days later Ren's pov

"Ugh, that shit hurt."

Saying that I looked at my body and saw how dirty my body was, I looked around and saw a pound where I could wash my body. Jumping in I began to immediately wash my body and the clothes I was wearing. It was a simple purple shirt and black shorts.

While I was washing I decided to ask The system some questions.

System Where am I, What kind of world am I in and why can't I remember the previous host's memories?

* Host is currently near Kyoto Japan, Second the world Host lives in is a modern world where supernatural beings exist in secret. As for other details the system recommends the host to find out for himself. Third Host the body you are in is a body created for the host. It was created by the person who gave the host the system and reincarnated you here. As for that being's purpose don't ask the system because the system doesn't know*

'Cool, as long as that being doesn't make me suffer for no reason I'm ok with this arrangement. Let me check my status to understand my new body better.


* Name- Ren Valefor

Race- Royal Demon

Cultivation- Peak realm of the Body refinement

Skills/Techniques- God-level signing skills, God-level cooking skills, the Supreme Chaos cultivation technique, Valefor clan techniques

Physiques-The primordial chaos body

Bloodlines- Valefor Bloodline*

System what's a Royal demon and what's my bloodline and why am I at peak body Refinement

* Royal Demon is a high-rank Demon race, Royal Demons are immune to holy magic and possess extreme magical and physical abilities. The Rankings For Demons are

Low Class

Middle Class

High Class

Nobel Class

Royal Class

Immortal Class

Divine Class

God Class

Also, the Valefor family is one of the 72 pillars of the underworld, Valefor was a feared clan because of their bloodline ability before they went extinct. Members of the Valefor clan were known as the clan who loved fighting the most out of the 72 pillar houses. The Valefor bloodline ability has two parts to it. The first part is to enhance the magical and physical abilities of the user, the stronger the person is the more powerful the enhancements are. The second part is creating a magic zone where all the energy in that zone is controlled by the user. The Valefor Clan went extinct because of the low birth rate among demons and because the ancestors spent most of their time-fighting in wars. The host is at peak body refinement because when the chaos body was integrated the host body was cleaned of all impurities from every part of the host body as well as it being strengthened. *

Hearing this I couldn't help but simile. In my past life, I always dreamed of fighting strong opponents and In every game, I played in the past I would try the story modes of the games on the hardest difficulty because I loved fighting strong bosses.

After drying my clothes and I let my hair fall freely to my shoulder without tying it and put on the clothes. I asked the system the nearest Place where I can get some food, and the system told me The World Gourmet Organization. I felt like I heard that somewhere but I couldn't remember. The place was close so I walked to it.

I Saw this grand Japanese-type building, well more like multiple buildings. As the sun was rising I could see how magnificent it was. I looked at the main building where the system told me the food was. The only issue was the many security guards guarding this place.

Feeling the rumbling in my stomach I couldn't be bothered to sneak around. I Walked to the Entrance and immediately 2 big bodyguards told me to stop. I sensed that they were normal humans so I limited my strength as much as I could and hit the in their stomachs, both of them fell to the floor quickly holding their stomachs.

The closer I got the more bodyguards tried to stop me, I was getting annoyed so I decided to quickly knock them out. I Ran towards them and hit all of them in the stomach. I ran quickly to the main building and after entering I searched for food.

I entered a hall full of people about to eat and discuss something but I couldn't care, I was starving and the food smelled good. I went to the table and started to eat the food I saw on the table, I know it was rude but honestly, I was too hungry to care. The food was amazing but because of my god-level cooking skills, I could tell all the mistakes and how to improve them.

" Hey Kid how did you get here and why are you eating our food." A beautiful young woman with thigh-length salmon-pink hair purple eyes and short eyebrows asked me.

" Shut up, annoying women and let me eat," I replied without even looking at her.

"What, Brat do you know where you are and who you're talking to." She yelled at me.

Annoyed I turned to see who it was and I was surprised because I'd seen her in an anime. Mana Nakiri the mother of Erina Nakiri.