
Supreme demon king in a fictional world

Ren was an ordinary college student before he was killed, when he woke up he found himself in a body of a young boy with the same name. After a while realized he was in a world that had people from the anime, manga, novels, etc. he has read along with people he hasn't seen. Using the system he has received he tries to reach the pinnacle of strength. Worlds High school dxd food wars my dress up darling maybe more series in the future

Constellation_sora · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Ren vs Cypher pt 2

Demon viper sword strike, when I used technique a black and red aura appeared and formed a viper covering the sword in its aura. Cypher tried to launch a fireball at me but it wasn't strong enough to stop the attack. I reached him and swung my sword cutting him in his chest causing a large wound to appear and blood to splatter everywhere but that was it, the aura viper collided with his body after the cut and exploded on him.

Demon viper sword strike, one of the 13 sword attacks of the Valefor clans techniques, the Valefor has 13 sword attacks, 10 magical attacks, and 6 fist attacks.

Cypher was seriously injured from that attack but I was also in a bad condition, I was running out of magic and my body was strained from the constant use of my bloodline. Although I'm a royal demon and my body is stronger than most demons, as well as refining my body to have no impurities and be stronger than the Average royal demon, I still couldn't handle the massive strain of my bloodline's first stage. This isn't the time to be wondering about that. Cypher stood up and I noticed something, his mana wasn't stable and some parts of his body looked extremely disgusting like it was falling apart. Wait he used different beasts to fuse into his body to gain their ability, his body is currently a mismatch of different beast powers that may conflict with each as well as his body can't handle all that power.

"Ha, looks like your experiment is destroying your body." I mocked him seeing what was happening to him. He looked at me with undisguised hatred and killing intent.

I turned it my bloodline cause I was about to run out of magic and some parts of my body hurt. I ran at him with my sword and swung at his left arm which looked like it was decaying, he dodge and tried to punch me but I used my sword to block the hit. I dropped my sword, although durable my body was nearing its limit. I focused my mana into my right hand and depended on my body which was stronger than most demons to fight him. I aimed my punch at his stomach and connected the hit. He cough up blood but used this chance to knee me in my stomach, I clenched my teeth and grabbed his head, and slammed it into my knee. After the hit, he stumbled to the floor on his knee and ran up and kicked him in his chin. He fell backward and I took that chance to get on top of him and used the remaining mana I had to coat my fist in them and I started to punch him in his head. He black the first few with his arms but as I continued his arms broke and eventually I was hitting his head. I didn't stop until I knew he was dead for sure.

* Quest Kill Cypher Nebrious completed

Giving renewed to host

700 system points were rewarded

3 lottery tickets reward

The side quest save as many children as possible have been completed extra rewards are given

300 system points reward

1 lottery ticket rewarded*

I fell and stopped punching when I heard the notification of his death, my body hurt like hell I could barely move. System why does my body hurt so much?

* Host current condition is a result of 2 things, first the host when using energy doesn't use the mana effectively causing you to waste more mana than needed while exerting lots of stress on your body. Second, it's because since the host was able to reach the peak of body refinement due to the Primordial chaos body host body has never actually trained or practiced circulating the energy in the host body. Since you never trained your body, you haven't reached the max potential of your body causing it to be burned more than it should. These two factors are the reason why the host's body is in poor condition*




Dam, I can't refute what's being said because it's 100 percent true. I grabbed the teleportation item from my pocket and used it to teleport home. I sensed many people coming this direction so I left before any issues arrived.

I teleported onto the sofa and decided to rest for a bit. while resting I open the 4 lottery tickets.

*received skill Alchemist-Rare

Received item Moon spring water- ultra rare

Received itemHerbs and Beast encyclopedia- super rare

Received item Mystic Dragon body refinement technique-legendary*

I smiled looking at the rewards I'd received, I wanted to learn more about the things I got but off their names, I could guess something about them.

Alchemist- a profession/skill where the person uses herbs, beast materials, etc to make pills and potions. The grade of the pill or potion is ranked from 1-9 9th being the best in the lower realm. Herbs and beast materials are also classified from ranks 1-9.

Moon spring water- spring water that absorbed moonlight, it's a 6th-ranked alchemy ingredient that can be used to make different potions. It also can be added to bath water to make the water purer and more revitalizing to the body.

Mystic Dragon body Refinement is a technique that strengthens the body to one of a Mystic Dragon. When Dragon blood is used in the first stage of the technique then it can be incorporated into the person's blood, and in the final stages of this technique, the body will be a true dragon.

Herbs and Beasts encyclopedia- is a book that has all the information and uses of every beast and herb in the lower realm.

I accepted all the gifts and holy shit did this information give me a massive headache. All the Information about alchemy, beats, herb, and the body refinement technique were directly transferred to my brain.

Now I have a massive headache and an aching body. I got up and stumbled my way to the hot spring I had in my house. I took off all my clothes and took out the moon spring water and dropped a few drops in the hot spring. I saw the clear water turn light blue and have a refreshing smell. I went in and when I did I felt my body and headache all start to disappear.




3rd person pov

While Ren was relaxing and healing in the hot spring, inside his room a woman with long blonde hair and a voluptuous body appeared in his room. She had an angry expression on her face. When she entered she saw her bra near a cabinet and she picked it up. She had put a magic spell on her favorite bra and panties just in case someone stole it. It took her a few days to cool down and remember that she did this. When she looked around the room she saw men's clothing and her anger started to soar thinking about what kind of disgusting thing the man did to her bra. She sensed someone downstairs and she teleported to where she sensed him. She saw a hot spring, she smelled the smell from the spring and was surprised at how wonderful it smelled. Quickly snapping out of it she saw the man she was looking for and was shocked when she a little boy. The boy had long black hair that reached his shoulders and red eyes. The boy had injuries all over his body and she saw them heal quite quickly. The boy made eye contact with her and froze, she saw a slight brush appear on his face which made him look cute in her opinion. Then she saw him look at her hand and his expression changed quickly.

" Little boy why was my bra in your house!" Aphrodite yelled at Ren.

Ren's pov

I was just here enjoying the hot spring washing away my pain but now then a beautiful woman appeared in front of me holding the dam bra I got from the system. I quickly found an excuse that she may believe.

" Miss, I was given these by a random man I helped. He said these would bring me good luck and ran away." I was straight up Waffling, lying straight out my teeth. After a few minutes of quiet, I felt like I was going to die.

"Okay I'll believe you, but what is a hot spring?" She asked me I couldn't believe that worked.

"This is a hot spring inherited from my dead parents and I added some herbs to make the water like this."

"Oh, sorry to hear that kid." I saw her walk closer to the spring and then all of a sudden strip naked in front of me. My brain stopped working, seeing her naked body caught me off guard but I quickly snapped out of it. She walked into the spring, and every time she walked her breast would bounce and everything she did cared a seductive charm making me want to kneel and call her my master.

She looked at me and smiled.

"I didn't expect a little demon can resist my charm, most gods fall for my charm in a few minutes and the stronger gods can only resist my charm for a little while." She somehow summoned a bottle of some type of alcohol and started drinking it while looking at me with a small smile. If it wasn't for me being 10 and not being a total pervert or simp I would've had a nosebleed or passed out from my erotic thoughts.

"Well, I train myself somewhat. Btw miss may I get your name?"

"My name is Aphrodite what is your little demon?"

"Ren Valefor, nice to meet you," I replied and we started to talk for a little while. She kept getting closer to me while we were talking making me wonder what was her intentions.

"So little Rens's parents died when you were young huh." She came and grabbed me putting me into a hug, her breasts were huge and soft. I started to blush hard. She grabbed my chin look me in my eyes and said with a sweet and melodic voice.

" I can be your mommy."